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Last modified: Fri Mar 24 12:48:58 2000.
NAME: BIWEIGHT_MEAN PURPOSE: Calculate the center and dispersion (like mean and sigma) of a distribution using bisquare weighting. CALLING SEQUENCE: Mean = BIWEIGHT_MEAN( Vector, [ Sigma, Weights ] ) INPUTS: Vector = Distribution in vector form OUTPUT: Mean - The location of the center. OPTIONAL OUTPUT ARGUMENTS: Sigma = An outlier-resistant measure of the dispersion about the center, analogous to the standard deviation. The half-width of the 95% confidence interval = |STUDENT_T( .95, .7*(N-1) )*SIGMA/SQRT(N)|, where N = number of points. Weights = The weights applied to the data in the last iteration. SUBROUTINE CALLS: MED, which calculates a median REVISION HISTORY Written, H. Freudenreich, STX, 12/89 Modified 2/94, H.T.F.: use a biweighted standard deviation rather than median absolute deviation. Modified 2/94, H.T.F.: use the fractional change in SIGMA as the convergence criterion rather than the change in center/SIGMA.
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NAME: BPRECESS PURPOSE: Calculate the mean place of a star at B1950.0 on the FK4 system from the mean place at J2000.0 on the FK5 system. CALLING SEQUENCE: bprecess, ra, dec, ra_1950, dec_1950, [ MU_RADEC = , PARALLAX = RAD_VEL =, EPOCH = ] INPUTS: RA,DEC - Input J2000 right ascension and declination in *degrees*. Scalar or N element vector OUTPUTS: RA_1950, DEC_1950 - The corresponding B1950 right ascension and declination in *degrees*. Same number of elements as RA,DEC but always double precision. OPTIONAL INPUT-OUTPUT KEYWORDS MU_RADEC - 2xN element double precision vector containing the proper motion in seconds of arc per tropical *century* in right ascension and declination. PARALLAX - N_element vector giving stellar parallax (seconds of arc) RAD_VEL - N_element vector giving radial velocity in km/s The values of MU_RADEC, PARALLAX, and RADVEL will all be modified upon output to contain the values of these quantities in the B1950 system. The parallax and radial velocity will have a very minor influence on the B1950 position. EPOCH - scalar giving epoch of original observations, default 2000.0d This keyword value is only used if the MU_RADEC keyword is not set. NOTES: The algorithm is taken from the Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac 1992, page 186. Also see Aoki et al (1983), A&A, 128,263 BPRECESS distinguishes between the following two cases: (1) The proper motion is known and non-zero (2) the proper motion is unknown or known to be exactly zero (i.e. extragalactic radio sources). In this case, the reverse of the algorithm in Appendix 2 of Aoki et al. (1983) is used to ensure that the output proper motion is exactly zero. Better precision can be achieved in this case by inputting the EPOCH of the original observations. The error in using the IDL procedure PRECESS for converting between B1950 and J1950 can be up to 1.5", mainly in right ascension. If better accuracy than this is needed then BPRECESS should be used. An unsystematic comparison of BPRECESS with the IPAC precession routine available at always gives differences less than 0.1". EXAMPLE: The SAO2000 catalogue gives the J2000 position and proper motion for the star HD 119288. Find the B1950 position. RA(2000) = 13h 42m 12.740s Dec(2000) = 8d 23' 17.69'' Mu(RA) = -.0257 s/yr Mu(Dec) = -.090 ''/yr IDL> mu_radec = 100D* [ -15D*.0257, -0.090 ] IDL> ra = ten(13, 42, 12.740)*15.D IDL> dec = ten(8, 23, 17.69) IDL> bprecess, ra, dec, ra1950, dec1950, mu_radec = mu_radec IDL> print, adstring(ra1950, dec1950,2) ===> 13h 39m 44.526s +08d 38' 28.63" REVISION HISTORY: Written, W. Landsman October, 1992 Vectorized, W. Landsman February, 1994 Treat case where proper motion not known or exactly zero November 1994 Handling of arrays larger than 32767 Lars L. Christensen, march, 1995
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NAME: DER_SMCHDR PURPOSE: Derive a SMC Header file, adding to the SRD header (SRDHDR) keywords indicating signal selection criteriae for SMC derivation. CALLING SEQUENCE: DER_SMCHDR, srdhdr, smchdr INPUT: SRDHDR : SRD-header OUTPUT: SMCHDR : SMC-header COMMON BLOCKS: phtacc RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by P. Merluzzi June 1995 SMDHDR -> SMCHDR (SB, 19/07/96) New SMC structure, new header keywords (SB, 28/01/97)
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NAME: FILL_SMC PURPOSE: FILLS a temporary structure into the dynamical structure PHTSMC CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: FILL_SMC, tmp [,newheader] [,REPLACE=replace] INPUT: tmp : SMC like temporary structure OPTIONAL INPUT: newheader: New header to be change into the structure KEYWORD: REPLACE : IF set (different to 0) put structure into this PHTSMC position RESTRICTIONS: tmp must be a valid phtsmc like temporary structure PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtsmc MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: S. Bogun (MPIA) June 97
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NAME: FIT_RAMPS_SM PURPOSE: Fit a polynomial to the voltage ramps of a measurement returning the slopes, their uncertainties and the fitted lines. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: FIT_RAMPS_SM, IPIX, Xall, Yall, Ndeg, Dr, St, Tint, Ylin, Yslop, Yslopr, $ Yflag, Ytime, Yresi, Ynros INPUTS: ipix : The pixel number Yall : Array containing values of read-outs from a measurement [V] Xall : Array containing the independent variable [t] (same size) Ndeg : Polynomial degree Dr : Read-out status (0 = NDR, 1 = DR) St : Flag status (0 = OK, 1 = bad flag) Tint : On chip integration time applied in the measurement OUTPUTS: Ylin : Array containing the fitted lines Yslop : Array of found slopes Yslopr : Array of uncertainties in slopes Yflag : Array of flags (0:ok; 1:2 read-outs used; 2:bad) Ytime : Slopes times Yresi : Array with effective reset intervals used Ynros : Array with effective number of read-outs used RESTRICTIONS: Yall, Xall, Dr and Tint must have the same number of elements PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel Modified (last) by CG: October 1996 V5.x Flagging with 1 pseudo_ramps with less than !subd_ramp/2. to avoid problems with too small uncertainties Bug fixed: start time of pseudo-ramp was shifted one read-out (CG) V6.3 modified for use with Serendipity subdivided ramps (SB) June 1997 absolute path for the cal file 'c200_debcorr.sav' (SB) December 1997
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NAME: GENCHO_SM PURPOSE: Definition of the common block GENCHO_SM for inclusion into other routines. By defining The common block GENCHO_SM contains different flags for driving automatic processing. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @gencho_sm COMMON BLOCK PARAMETERS: gen_(several parameters driving the processing) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Wrtten by: Stefan Bogun (MPIA) August 1996 modified: some new parameters (SB) June 1997 Completely new design according to SESAME-V4.0 (SB) December 1997 Reset Interval Correction flag added (CG) April 1998 V7.1
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NAME: gencho_sm_init PURPOSE: Initializes the structure COMMON block GENCHO_SM used for Serendipity batch processing. CATEGORY: PIA - initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: @gencho_sm_init MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: S. Bogun (MPIA) August 1996 modified: some new parameters (SB) June 1997 Completely new design according to SESAME-V4.0 (SB) December 1997
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NAME: IA_START_NOX PURPOSE: To initialize the Interactive Analysis with the relevant parameters from Calibration G files or elsewhere, which do not change at all or just do it infrequently CATEGORY: PIA - initialisation CALLING SEQUENCE: IA_START_NOX INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: None COMMON BLOCKS: adm adm_init colour_indices phtaap phtcla phtcs phtdarkcur phtdietrans phterd phtfilter_prop phtiiph phtscp phtsm phtsmc gencho_sm phtspd phtsrd PROCEDURE: Calibration G files are used eventually together with parameters which are direcly written into this routine and do not change frequently. PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: darkcur_init darkcur_str_init die_trans_init fcspow_str_init phtcap_init phtfilter_prop_init respons_str_init scp_init set_colours smc_init spd_init srd_init write_acc phtaap_init (batch file) phtcla_init (batch file) phtcs_init (batch file) phterd_init (batch file) phtiiph_init (batch file) phtscp_init (batch file) phtsm_init (batch file) phtsmc_init (batch file) phtspd_init (batch file) phtsrd_init (batch file) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel, ESA/VILSPA October 1995 Modified (last) by CG January 1997 V5.5.1 Initialisation of PIA_BUFINFO added to avoid problems (CG) May 1997 V6.3
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NAME: iiph_init PURPOSE: Initializes the structure PHTIIPH defining the contents as a template structure PHTIIPH_TYPE. It can be used for clearing the whole IIPH structure, in case this should show as necessary. CALLING SEQUENCE: IIPH_INIT INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None PROCEDURES USED: It uses the batch file phtiiph_init MODIFICATION HISTORY: Copied by P. Merluzzi from SRD_init written by C. Gabriel June 1995
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NAME: LOWESS PURPOSE: Robust smoothing of 1D data. A non-parametric way of drawing a smooth curve to represent data. (For 2D (map) data, use LOESS.) CALLING SEQUENCE: YSmooth = LOWESS( X, Y, Window, NDeg, Noise ) INPUT ARGUMENTS: X = X values Y = Y values, to be smoothed WINDOW = width of smoothing window NDEG = degree of polynomial to be used within the window (1 or 2 recommended) OUTPUT: Ysmooth - LOWESS returns the vector of smoothed Y values OPTIONAL OUTPUT ARGUMENT: Noise = the robust std. deviation w.r.t. the fit, at each point NOTE: This routine uses a least-squares fit within a moving window. The fit is weighted by statistical weights and weights that are a function of distance from the center of the window. This is a "local weighted polynomial regression smoother" (Cleveland 1979, Journal of the Amer. Statistical Association, 74, 829-836). A polynomial of degree NDEG+1 is fitted directly to the first and last WINDOW/2 points. This routine is fairly slow. SUBROUTINES CALLED: ROBUST_LINEFIT ROBUST_POLY_FIT ROB_CHECKFIT ROBUST_SIGMA POLYFITW MED REVISION HISTORY: Written, H.T. Freudenreich, HSTX, 1/8/93 H.T. Freudenreich, 2/94 Return sigma rather than slope
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NAME: Non_Lin_Lsq PURPOSE: Non-linear least squares fit of a function of an arbitrary number of parameters, to 2-D data set. Function may be any non-linear function where the partial derivatives are known or can be approximated. CATEGORY: Mathematical Functions CALLING: Non_Lin_Lsq, Xi, Yi, Zd, Parms, sigmas, FUNC_NAME="name of function" INPUTS: Xi = vector of independent variables. Zd = vector of dependent variable to be fit with func_name (Xi, Yi), same length as Xi. Parms = vector of nterms length containing the initial estimate for each parameter. If Parms is double precision, calculations are performed in double precision, otherwise in single prec. The initial guess of the parameter values should be as close to the actual values as possible or the solution may not converge. KEYWORDS: FUNC_NAME = function name (string) Calling mechanism should be: F = func_name (Xi, Yi, Parms, Pderiv) where: F = vector of NPOINT values of function. Xi = vector of NPOINT independent variables, input. Yi = vector of NPOINT independent variables, input. Parms = vector of NPARM function parameters, input. Pderiv = array, (NPOINT, NPARM), of partial derivatives. Pderiv(I,J) = derivative of function at ith point with respect to jth parameter. Optional output parameter. Pderiv should not be calculated if parameter is not supplied in call (Unless you want to waste some time). WEIGHTS = vector of weights, same length as x and y. For equal (Gaussian) weighting w(i) = 1. (this is default), instrumental (Poisson) weighting w(i) = 1./y(i), etc. /INFO causes Chi-Sq. to be printed each iteration, INFO > 1 causes current parameter estimates to also print. MAX_ITERATIONS = maximum # of gradient search iterations, default=20. TOLERANCE = ratio of Chi-Sq. change to previous Chi-Sq. at which to terminate iterations ( default = 1.e-4 = 0.1% ). OUTPUTS: Parms = vector of parameters giving best fit to the data. OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: sigmas = Vector of standard deviations for parameters Parms. chisq = final Chi-Sqr deviation of fit. Yfit = resulting best fit to data. PROCEDURE: Copied from "CURFIT", least squares fit to a non-linear function, pages 237-239, Bevington, Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences. "This method is the Gradient-expansion algorithm which compines the best features of the gradient search with the method of linearizing the fitting function." MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written, DMS, RSI, September, 1982. Modified, Frank Varosi, NASA/GSFC, 1992, to use call_function.
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NAME: Non_Lin_Lsq PURPOSE: Non-linear least squares fit of a function of an arbitrary number of parameters, to 1-D data set. Function may be any non-linear function where the partial derivatives are known or can be approximated. CATEGORY: Mathematical Functions CALLING: Non_Lin_Lsq, Xi, Yd, Parms, sigmas, FUNC_NAME="name of function" INPUTS: Xi = vector of independent variables. Yd = vector of dependent variable to be fit with func_name( Xi ), same length as Xi. Parms = vector of nterms length containing the initial estimate for each parameter. If Parms is double precision, calculations are performed in double precision, otherwise in single prec. The initial guess of the parameter values should be as close to the actual values as possible or the solution may not converge. KEYWORDS: FUNC_NAME = function name (string) Calling mechanism should be: F = func_name( Xi, Parms, Pderiv ) where: F = vector of NPOINT values of function. Xi = vector of NPOINT independent variables, input. Parms = vector of NPARM function parameters, input. Pderiv = array, (NPOINT, NPARM), of partial derivatives. Pderiv(I,J) = derivative of function at ith point with respect to jth parameter. Optional output parameter. Pderiv should not be calculated if parameter is not supplied in call (Unless you want to waste some time). WEIGHTS = vector of weights, same length as x and y. For equal (Gaussian) weighting w(i) = 1. (this is default), instrumental (Poisson) weighting w(i) = 1./y(i), etc. /INFO causes Chi-Sq. to be printed each iteration, INFO > 1 causes current parameter estimates to also print. MAX_ITERATIONS = maximum # of gradient search iterations, default=20. TOLERANCE = ratio of Chi-Sq. change to previous Chi-Sq. at which to terminate iterations ( default = 1.e-4 = 0.1% ). OUTPUTS: Parms = vector of parameters giving best fit to the data. OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: sigmas = Vector of standard deviations for parameters Parms. chisq = final Chi-Sqr deviation of fit. Yfit = resulting best fit to data. PROCEDURE: Copied from "CURFIT", least squares fit to a non-linear function, pages 237-239, Bevington, Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences. "This method is the Gradient-expansion algorithm which compines the best features of the gradient search with the method of linearizing the fitting function." MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written, DMS, RSI, September, 1982. Modified, Frank Varosi, NASA/GSFC, 1992, to use call_function.
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NAME: PHTIIPH PURPOSE: This is not an IDL routine as such, but contains the definition of the common block PHTIIPH for inclusion into other routines. By defining the common block in one place, the problem of conflicting definitions is avoided. This file is included into routines that need this common block with the single line (left justified) @phtiiph MODIFICATION HISTORY:
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NAME: PhtIIPH_init PURPOSE: Initializes the structure PHTIIPH defining the contents as a template structure PHTIIPH_TYPE. It can be used for clearing the whole IIPH structure, in case this should show as necessary. CALLING SEQUENCE: PHTIIPH_INIT INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by P. Merluzzi June 1995 Sky coordinates and roll angle August 1995 uncertainties added modified due to changes of IIPH format SB, December 1995 ADMN, SPR removed SB, July 1996 modified due to changes of IIPH format SB, November 1996
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NAME: PHTSM PURPOSE: COMMON blocks for PIA_SM_.. routines CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtsm INPUT PARAMETERS: OPTIONAL INPUT: OPTIONAL OUTPUT: RESTRICTIONS: METHOD: PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 25JUL1996 RoBaS - created document, first code pia_sm_cmn -> phtsm, according to gen. PIA rules (SB) August 1996 COMMON pia_sm_cmn deleted, obsolete (SB) August 1996 flg_srccand introduced (SB) December 1996 smp_bckit introduced, smp_snrps deleted (SB) January 1997 several modifications (RA) February 1997 smp_logfp, smp_objfp deleted (SB) February 1997 all smp_* values deleted (SB) December 1997
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NAME: PHTSMC PURPOSE: Definition of the common block PHTSMC (Edited Raw Data) for inclusion into other routines. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtsmc MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) smc_first_handle, smc_last_handle added (WMT/SB) July 1996 PHTSMC_DESC added (WMT/SB) July 1996 Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: PhtSmc_init PURPOSE: Initializes the structure PHTSMC defining the contents as a template structure PHTSMC_TYPE. It can be used for clearing the whole SMC structure, in case this should show as necessary. CALLING SEQUENCE: PHTSMC_INIT INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by P. Merluzzi August 1995 Sky coordinates and roll angle August 1995 uncertainties added smc_first_handle, smc_last_handle and phtsmc_desc added (WMT) May 1996 MNPW/MNPU -> FLX/FLXU, ITUT removed (SB) July 1996 New SMC structure (SB) January 1997
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NAME: phtsm_init PURPOSE: Initializes the structure COMMON block PHTSM used for Serendipity processing. CATEGORY: PIA - initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtsm_init MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: R. Assendorp (AIP Potsdam) August 1996 Modified: smp_bckit introduced, smp_snrps deleted (SB, January 1997) point_source_type initialized (SB, February 1997) all smp_* values except smp_vel deleted (SB, December 1997)
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NAME: PIA_GENCHO_SM PURPOSE: Menu for general choices within an automatic PIA procedure. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_gencho_sm INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP The group leader of the widget hirarchy OUTPUTS: none SIDE EFFECTS: several variables are defined in two common blocks, which drive the automatic measurements processing PROCEDURES USED: INTERNAL: pia_gencho_sm_event COMMON BLOCKS: pia_gencho_sm_cmn for internal use gencho_sm_cmn for returning several variables pia_gencho_sm_wid for internal use MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Stefan Bogun (MPIA) July 1996 adapted from PIA_GENCHO written by Carlos Gabriel modified: new design for PSE (SB) January 1997 usage of subdivided ramps (SB) June 1997 flatfielding (SB) August 1997 Completely new design according to SESAME-V4.0 (SB) December 1997 Reset Interval Correction setting added (CG) April 1998 V7.1 Modal defined as prescribed by IDL >= 5.0 (CG) February 1999 V7.3.1
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NAME: PIA_PROC_BATCH_MANAGER_SM PURPOSE: Menu and procedure within the PIA to get automatically a sequence of steps to be performed, without major interaction for Serendipity measurements. Data reduction from ERD up to SMC level and point source extraction, including calibration. This menu is on top of PIA_PROC_BATCH_SM and loop over several files CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_PROC_BATCH_MANAGER_SM INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: phterd: ERD dynamical structure phtsrd: SRD dynamical structure phtsmc: SMC dynamical structure gencho_sm_cmn for returning several variables phtacc for selection criteria batch_sm_wid: widget information PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): Internal: pia_proc_batch_manager_sm_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Stefan Bogun (MPIA) July 1996 adapted from PIA_PROC_BATCH_MANAGER written by Carlos Gabriel cleaning all buffers (SB, October 1996) also cleaning IIPH buffer (SB, November 1996) correct handling of CANCEL button (SB, November 1996) processing window remains the same (SB, November 1996) changing path in file selectors works now (SB, December 1996) reading files from !XDRDIR rather than !INTDIR (SB, February 1997) slight corrections due to changed parameters (SB, December 1997)
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NAME: PIA_PROC_BATCH_MANAGER_SM_NOX PURPOSE: Menu and procedure within the PIA to get automatically a sequence of steps to be performed, without major interaction for Serendipity measurements. Data reduction from ERD up to SMC level and point source extraction, including calibration. This menu is on top of PIA_PROC_BATCH_SM_NOX and loop over several files CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_PROC_BATCH_MANAGER_SM_NOX INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: phterd: ERD dynamical structure phtsrd: SRD dynamical structure phtsmc: SMC dynamical structure gencho_sm_cmn for returning several variables phtacc for selection criteria PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Stefan Bogun (MPIA) July 1996 adapted from PIA_PROC_BATCH_MANAGER written by Carlos Gabriel cleaning all buffers (SB, October 1996) also cleaning IIPH buffer (SB, November 1996) correct handling of CANCEL button (SB, November 1996) processing window remains the same (SB, November 1996) changing path in file selectors works now (SB, December 1996) reading files from !XDRDIR rather than !INTDIR (SB, February 1997) slight corrections due to changed parameters (SB, December 1997)
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NAME: PIA_PROC_BATCH_SM PURPOSE: Menu and procedure within the PIA to get automatically a sequence of steps to be performed for Serendipity. Data reduction from ERD up to SMC level, including point source extr. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_PROC_BATCH_SM INPUTS: MEAS: List of measurements in ERD buffer to be processed KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP: The group leader of this widget hierarchy OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: phtcs: CS dynamical structure phterd: ERD dynamical structure phtsrd: SRD dynamical structure phtscp: SCP dynamical structure phtsm: Serendipity dynamical structure phtsmc: SMC dynamical structure phtresact: actual responsivities deglitch_param: parameters for deglitching procedure gencho_sm_cmn: for returning several variables batch_sm_wid: widget information PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): deglitch_param_init lin_voltages pia_gencho pia_load_ics pia_load_ierd pia_load_iscp pia_load_isrd pia_sm_load_ismc pia_pickfile pia_respons pia_rodisc pia_sigdisc pia_write_ics pia_sm_write_smc pia_sm_psework_init pia_sm_psework_create pia_sm_psework_init pia_sm_psework_to_phtismc pickmeas process_erd process_srd read_erd respons_interpol write_smc Internal: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Stefan Bogun (MPIA) July 1996 adapted from PIA_PROC_BATCH written by Carlos Gabriel Modified: WAIT, 10 -> WAIT, 5 (SB) October 1996 More detailed output in batch window (SB) October 1996 modified check for saturated pixels (SB) October 1996 check if enough samples are above slew speed threshold (SB) October 1996 processing window remains the same (SB, November 1996) two iterations of PSE process (SB) December 1996 OPENW for log/obj files deleted (SB) December 1996 PSE processing before saving (SB) December 1996 new ISMC structure, work structure, point source structure, new processing sequence for ISMC (SB) December 1996 exclude revolutions with zero FCS power from FCS calibration (SB) February 1997 reading internal files from !XDRDIR (rather than from !INTDIR) (SB) February 1997 slight cosmectic changes, point_sources already initialized (SB) February 1997 generation of PSE working structure exernal now (SB) February 1997 Signal deglitching updated according to PIA V6.2 (SB) April 1997 pia_respons_sm call replaced by pia_respons (SB) April 1997 small bug fix (drift recognition failed, SB) April 1997 usage of subdivided ramps possible (SB) June 1997 modified for use with PIA V6.4 (SB) July 1997 flatfielding introduced (SB) July 1997 slight corrections due to changed parameters (SB) December 1997 modifications due to SESAME-V4.0 (SB) December 1997 Dark current subtraction now orbital dependent (CG) Also inclusion of Reset Interval Correction (CG) Process_tmperd replacing obsolete process_erd (CG) April 1998 V7.1
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NAME: PIA_PROC_BATCH_SM_NOX PURPOSE: Menu and procedure within the PIA to get automatically a sequence of steps to be performed for Serendipity. Data reduction from ERD up to SMC level, including point source extr. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_PROC_BATCH_SM_NOX INPUTS: MEAS: List of measurements in ERD buffer to be processed KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: phtcs: CS dynamical structure phterd: ERD dynamical structure phtsrd: SRD dynamical structure phtscp: SCP dynamical structure phtsm: Serendipity dynamical structure phtsmc: SMC dynamical structure phtresact: actual responsivities deglitch_param: parameters for deglitching procedure gencho_sm_cmn: for returning several variables batch_sm_wid: widget information PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): deglitch_param_init lin_voltages pia_gencho pia_load_ics pia_load_ierd pia_load_iscp pia_load_isrd pia_sm_load_ismc pia_pickfile pia_respons pia_rodisc pia_sigdisc pia_write_ics pia_sm_write_smc pia_sm_psework_init pia_sm_psework_create pia_sm_psework_init pia_sm_psework_to_phtismc pickmeas process_erd process_srd read_erd respons_interpol write_smc Internal: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Stefan Bogun (MPIA) July 1996 adapted from PIA_PROC_BATCH written by Carlos Gabriel Modified: WAIT, 10 -> WAIT, 5 (SB) October 1996 More detailed output in batch window (SB) October 1996 modified check for saturated pixels (SB) October 1996 check if enough samples are above slew speed threshold (SB) October 1996 processing window remains the same (SB, November 1996) two iterations of PSE process (SB) December 1996 OPENW for log/obj files deleted (SB) December 1996 PSE processing before saving (SB) December 1996 new ISMC structure, work structure, point source structure, new processing sequence for ISMC (SB) December 1996 exclude revolutions with zero FCS power from FCS calibration (SB) February 1997 reading internal files from !XDRDIR (rather than from !INTDIR) (SB) February 1997 slight cosmectic changes, point_sources already initialized (SB) February 1997 generation of PSE working structure exernal now (SB) February 1997 Signal deglitching updated according to PIA V6.2 (SB) April 1997 pia_respons_sm call replaced by pia_respons (SB) April 1997 small bug fix (drift recognition failed, SB) April 1997 usage of subdivided ramps possible (SB) June 1997 modified for use with PIA V6.4 (SB) July 1997 flatfielding introduced (SB) July 1997 slight corrections due to changed parameters (SB) December 1997 modifications due to SESAME-V4.0 (SB) December 1997 Dark current subtraction now orbital dependent (CG) April 1998 Also inclusion of Reset Interval Correction (CG) April 1998 V7.1
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NAME: PIA_SM PURPOSE: This is the first procedure for the analysis of the Serendipity Mode (SeM) observations. Here the SeM standard structure for is created: PHTSMC. It is the root procedure that opens the SM Data Display for the data processing. It allows to display the surface brightness versus time and sky position. CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_SM, TMPDATA, SRDHDR, RESP, SMCPOS INPUT PARAMETERS: tmpdata : structure to be use as input for the SM data analysis SRDHDR : a header to be taken instead of tmpdata.hdr RESP : Responsivity choice flag - 0=default, 1=from FCS, (2=responsivity history over orbit, not available so far). OPTIONAL INPUT: OPTIONAL OUTPUT: SMCPOS : Array containing the positions of the produced SMC data within the PHTSMC structure RESTRICTIONS: METHOD: PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by P. Meroluzzi May 1995 Add IIPH reading procedure June 1995 Add the time conversions and interpolations July 1995 in order to produce the structure SMDPS with sky coordinates and signals Sky coordinates and roll angle August 1995 uncertainties added Correction for the file name IIPH September 1995 (FITDIR added) Correction of the flag: the discarded data January 1996 are registered, but not the deglitched ones Correction of the selection criteria (PM) Correction of the CS selection (PM) RoBaS 18JUN1996 correct CS file PSTI/PSTA general review, many things modified, loops replaced by WHERE syntax, conversion to surface brightness included, SMD structure removed, (SB, 18/07/96) RA and ROLL flip problem fixed (SB, 17/09/96) PHTSMC.FLAG = PHTSRD.FLAG, sig_disc used (SB, 29/10/96) correction for UTC time offset (SB, 06/11/96) new PHTIIPH usage; pointing shift correction (SB, 14/11/96) little bug in pointing shift correction corr. (SB, 19/11/96) new PHTSMC structure (SB, 28/01/97) responsivity uncertainty not used (SB, 30/01/97) initialize SMFL flag here (SB, 03/04/97) Previously flatfielded data can be processed (SB, 01/08/97) Gyro drift correction only for OLP < 6.1 (SB, 12/09/97) Default responsivity orbital dependent (CG) April 1998 V7.1
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NAME MED PURPOSE Compute the median of an array, which may be of even length. CALLING SEQUENCE: MID_VALUE = PIA_SM_MED(A) OUTPUTS The median of array A REVISION HISTORY: H.T. Freudenreich, ?/89
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NAME: Pia_SM_Background PURPOSE: Routine for Modeling of Background, taking care of various switches and loops over all detector pixels CATEGORY: ISOPHOT, PIA, Serendipity Survey CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_SM_Background Data, InMask, Background, OutlierMask, $ OnlySecond=OnlySecond, PolySmooth=PolySmooth, $ Debug=Debug, Plot=Plot, _EXTRA=EXTRA INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS: PROCEDURES USED: NOTES: REVISION HISTORY:
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NAME: Pia_SM_Background PURPOSE: Routine for Modeling of Background, taking care of various switches and loops over all detector pixels CATEGORY: ISOPHOT, PIA, Serendipity Survey CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_SM_Background Data, InMask, Background, OutlierMask, $ OnlySecond=OnlySecond, PolySmooth=PolySmooth, $ Debug=Debug, Plot=Plot, _EXTRA=EXTRA INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS: PROCEDURES USED: NOTES: REVISION HISTORY: Ver 1.0 M. Stickel, MPIA/IDC December 1996 ... written Ver 1.1 M. Stickel, MPIA/IDC January 1997 2 - step -algorithm with keywords Ver 1.2 M. Stickel, MPIA/IDC January 1997 quick mode : interpolate and poly_smooth
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NAME: PIA_SM_CompNoise PURPOSE: Computes Global Statistics (Mean, Sigma) CATEGORY: ISOPHOT, PIA, Serendipity Survey CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_SM_CompNoise, Data, Mask, GlobalStatistics, [/NoMask, /Debug] INPUTS: Data (i,*) : data streams Mask (i,*) : associated mask streams, >0 means good i = 0 , ... , NoDetectors-1 KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /NoMask : No Mask available, use all samples in all streams /Debug : switch on printouts for debugging OUTPUTS: GlobalStatistics (i, 0) : mean of each data stream GlobalStatistics (i, 1) : standard deviation of the distribution for each data stream i = 0 , ... , NoDetectors-1 COMMON BLOCKS: PROCEDURES USED: NOTES: REVISION HISTORY: Written Ver 1.0 M. Stickel, MPIA/IDC December 18, 1996
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NAME: PIA_SM_CompSens PURPOSE: Computes Sensitivities (ScaleFactors) CATEGORY: ISOPHOT, PIA, Serendipity Survey CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_SM_CompSens, Data, Mask, ScaleFactors, [/NoMask, /Debug] INPUTS: Data (i,*) : data streams, scalefactors are averages thereof Mask (i,*) : associated mask streams, >0 means good i = 0 , ... , NoDetectors-1 KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /NoMask : No Mask available, use all samples in all streams /Debug : switch on printouts for debugging OUTPUTS: ScaleFactors (i) : computed and renormalized sensitivities i = 0 , ... , NoDetectors-1 COMMON BLOCKS: PROCEDURES USED: NOTES: REVISION HISTORY: Written Ver 1.0 M. Stickel, MPIA/IDC December 18, 1996
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NAME: PIA_SM_DIS2SMC PURPOSE: Menu for PIA SMC Data display. This is a fourth level menu in the PIA hierarchy. This routine should only be called by the PIA Display Data routine and should not be called directly from the command line. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_SM_DIS2SMC, GROUP=group, DATA=data, NV=nv, REDRAW=redraw KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP: The group leader of the widget hirarchy DATA: An element of the PHTSMC dynamical structure NV: Number of Views (1 <= NV <= 4) REDRAW: To redraw same data COMMON BLOCKS: adm colour_indices phtacc phtcs phtsm phtsmc dsp2smc_cmn (internal) pia_dsp2ch5_cmn (internal) dsp2smc_widg (internal) pia_dspchz_cmn (internal) dispcust_cmn (internal) smc2text (internal) pia_sm_widget_info (internal) RESTRICTIONS: DATA must be a valid element of PHTSMC dynamical structure PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: decode_admn get_convwh get_pht_hk pia_dis2smc pia_disp_cs pia_disp_hdr pia_dispcust pia_sm_load_ismc pia_multmeas pia_oplot pia_pixchoice pia_plot pia_pubplot pia_showstr pia_sigdisc pia_sm_write_ismc pia_sm_psework_create pia_sm_psework_init pia_sm_psework_to_phtismc pia_xplot pickmeas write_smc xdisp_hk ASTRO LIB: avg fxpar sigma precess euler INTERNAL: pixbut2event5 view2event5 average2nonch5 average2event5 median2nonch5 median2event5 zoom2event5 zoom2fourier5 zoom2sync5 zoomn2sync5 zoom2it5 pia_reset2view5 pia_dsmc2_event OTHER: sphdist deriv MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: S. Bogun, MPIA, August 1996 based on PIA_DIS2SRD written by C. Gabriel Modified: usage of tmpdata.flag modified (discarded == 2) (SB, October 1996) warning messages when too many samples are discarded (SB, October 1996) SM flags now variables (SB, November 1996) updated according to new PHTSMC structure, new working structure (SB, December 1996) IF flag THEN ... changed to IF flag NE 0 THEN ..(SB, January 1997) new ISMC structure, work structure, point source structure, new processing sequence for ISMC (SB, January 1997) generation of PSE working structure exernal now (SB, February 1997)
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NAME: PIA_SM_DISPSMC PURPOSE: Menu for PIA SMC Data display. This is a fourth level menu in the PIA hierarchy. This routine should only be called by the PIA Display Data routine and should not be called directly from the command line. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_SM_DISPSMC, GROUP=group, DATA=data, NV=nv, REDRAW=redraw KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP: The group leader of the widget hirarchy DATA: An element of the PHTSMC dynamical structure NV: Number of Views (1 <= NV <= 4) REDRAW: To redraw same data COMMON BLOCKS: adm colour_indices phtacc phtcs phtsm phtsmc pia_dspsmc_cmn (internal) pia_dspch5_cmn (internal) dspsmc_widg (internal) pia_dspchz_cmn (internal) dispcust_cmn (internal) smctext (internal) pia_sm_widget_info (internal) RESTRICTIONS: DATA must be a valid element of PHTSMC dynamical structure PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: decode_admn get_convwh get_pht_hk pia_dis2smc pia_disp_cs pia_disp_hdr pia_dispcust pia_sm_load_ismc pia_multmeas pia_oplot pia_pixchoice pia_plot pia_pubplot pia_showstr pia_sigdisc pia_sm_write_ismc pia_sm_psework_create pia_sm_psework_init pia_sm_psework_to_phtismc pia_xplot pickmeas write_smc xdisp_hk ASTRO LIB: avg fxpr sigma precess euler INTERNAL: pixbutevent5 viewevent5 averagenonch5 averageevent5 mediannonch5 medianevent5 zoomevent5 zoomfourier5 zoomsync5 zoomnsync5 zoomit5 pia_resetview5 pia_dsmc_event OTHER: sphdist deriv MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: S. Bogun, MPIA, August 1996 based on PIA_DISPSRD written by C. Gabriel Modified: usage of tmpdata.flag modified (discarded == 2) (SB, October 1996) warning messages when too many samples are discarded (SB, October 1996) SM flags now variables (SB, November 1996) updated according to new PHTSMC structure, new working structure (SB, December 1996) IF flag THEN ... changed to IF flag NE 0 THEN ..(SB, January 1997) new ISMC structure, work structure, point source structure, new processing sequence for ISMC (SB, January 1997) generation of PSE working structure exernal now (SB, February 1997)
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NAME: PIA_SM_Disp_FSC_List PURPOSE: Display the list of IRAS point sources that are closer than DIST_MAX to the slew specified by the working structure TMPDATA. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_sm_disp_fsc_list, tmpdata, dist_max INPUTS: TMPDATA: A Serendipity working structure as created by PIA_SM_PSEWORK_CREATE. DIST_MAX: The maximum distance from (in degrees) at which IRAS point sources should be searched. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: No explicit outputs. A file viewing widget is created. COMMON BLOCKS: pia_sm_disp_fsc_list_cmn SIDE EFFECTS: Triggers the XMANAGER if it is not already in use. PROCEDURE: Open a file and create a widget to display its contents. PROCEDURES USED: INTERNAL: PIA_Disp_Print_File_evt MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by S. Bogun (MPIA) August 1997
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NAME: PIA_SM_Disp_IRASGAL_List PURPOSE: Display the list of IRAS galaxies that are closer than DIST_MAX to the slew specified by the working structure TMPDATA. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_sm_disp_irasgal_list, tmpdata, dist_max INPUTS: TMPDATA: A Serendipity working structure as created by PIA_SM_PSEWORK_CREATE. DIST_MAX: The maximum distance from (in degrees) at which IRAS galaxies should be searched. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: No explicit outputs. A file viewing widget is created. COMMON BLOCKS: pia_sm_disp_irasgal_list_cmn SIDE EFFECTS: Triggers the XMANAGER if it is not already in use. PROCEDURE: Open a file and create a widget to display its contents. PROCEDURES USED: INTERNAL: PIA_Disp_Print_File_evt MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by S. Bogun (MPIA) June 1997
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NAME: PIA_SM_Disp_PSC_List PURPOSE: Display the list of IRAS point sources that are closer than DIST_MAX to the slew specified by the working structure TMPDATA. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_sm_disp_psc_list, tmpdata, dist_max INPUTS: TMPDATA: A Serendipity working structure as created by PIA_SM_PSEWORK_CREATE. DIST_MAX: The maximum distance from (in degrees) at which IRAS point sources should be searched. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: No explicit outputs. A file viewing widget is created. COMMON BLOCKS: pia_sm_disp_psc_list_cmn SIDE EFFECTS: Triggers the XMANAGER if it is not already in use. PROCEDURE: Open a file and create a widget to display its contents. PROCEDURES USED: INTERNAL: PIA_Disp_Print_File_evt MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by S. Bogun (MPIA) June 1997
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*NAME: FLAGNAN *CLASS: *CATEGORY: *PURPOSE: To flag and/or replace IEEE NaN values in an IDL array. *CALLING SEQUENCE: FLAGNAN,ARRAY,IND,COUNT,nvalue *PARAMETERS: ARRAY (REQ) (IO) (012) (RD) IDL array. IND (REQ) (O) (1) (I) indices of found NaN values COUNT (REQ) (O) (0) (IL) number of found NaN values. (0 if none found.) nvalue (OPT) (I) (0) (BILF) optional parameter specifying replacement value. If not specified, user is prompted for value. *EXAMPLES: *SYSTEM VARIABLES USED: *INTERACTIVE INPUT: *SUBROUTINES CALLED: PARCHECK *FILES USED: *SIDE EFFECTS: If no NaN values are found, or if ARRAY is not of type float, double precision, or complex, then -1 is returned, and COUNT is set to 0. *RESTRICTIONS: ARRAY must be of type float, double-precision, or complex. *PROCEDURE: The bit patterns of the numbers being tested are compared against the IEEE NaN standard. *INF_1: *NOTES: tested with IDL Version 2.2.0 (sunos sparc) 14 Nov 91 tested with IDL Version 2.2.0 (ultrix mipsel) 14 Nov 91 tested with IDL Version 2.2.0 (ultrix vax) 14 Nov 91 tested with IDL Version 2.3.2 (vax vms) 19 Oct 92 *MODIFICATION HISTORY: written by Bill Thompson 2/92 8-14-92 rwt add nvalue option, change from a function to a procedure & print out results 10-19-92 rwt make ind and count required output parameters
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NAME: PIA_SM_FLATFIELD PURPOSE: This routine applies a default flatfield to Serendipity SRD data CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_SM_FLATFIELD, Input_signal, Detector_name, Output_signal INPUTS: Input_signal: A 2-dim array. The first dim is the number of pixels OUTPUTS: Output_signal: Same dim as the input signal with the flatfield correction COMMON BLOCKS: c200_srd_flat RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Stefan Bogun August 1997 Modified (last) by SB: December 1997 absolute path for the cal file 'c200_flat_corr_pixel1.sav' (SB) December 1997
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NAME: PIA_SM_FSC_ASSOC PURPOSE: This routine searches the IRAS point source catalog for all objects closer than RADIUS to the position specified by RA and DEC. RA and DEC are specified in J2000. PIA_SM_FSC_ASSOC returns a structure array containing all associations to the specified position. CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = PIA_SM_FSC_ASSOC(RA, DEC, RADIUS, NASSOC) INPUT PARAMETERS: RA : float scalar, containing the right ascension of the search position (degrees, J2000). DEC : float scalar, containing the declination of the search position (degrees, J2000). RADIUS : float scalar, containing the search radius (degrees). OPTIONAL INPUT: OUTPUTS: PIA_SM_FSC_ASSOC returns a structure array containing the matching associations plus the spatial distance. NASSOC: integer scalar, containing the number of associations. OPTIONAL OUTPUT: RESTRICTIONS: PIA_SM_FSC_ASSOC needs the IRAS point source catalog stored in a special format in different save files (splitted into bins of 15 x 15 degrees). METHOD: PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by S. Bogun (MPIA) June 1997 Needed common blocks : fsc_assoc: handles for the FSC buffer
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NAME: PIA_SM_IRASGAL_ASSOC PURPOSE: This routine searches the IRAS catalogued galaxies and quasars for all objects closer than RADIUS to the position specified by RA and DEC. RA and DEC are specified in J2000. PIA_SM_IRASGAL_ASSOC returns a structure array containing all associations to the specified position. CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = PIA_SM_IRASGAL_ASSOC(RA, DEC, RADIUS, NASSOC) INPUT PARAMETERS: RA : float scalar, containing the right ascension of the search position (degrees, J2000). DEC : float scalar, containing the declination of the search position (degrees, J2000). RADIUS : float scalar, containing the search radius (degrees). OPTIONAL INPUT: OUTPUTS: PIA_SM_IRASGAL_ASSOC returns a structure array containing the matching associations plus the spatial distance. NASSOC: integer scalar, containing the number of associations. OPTIONAL OUTPUT: RESTRICTIONS: PIA_SM_IRASGAL_ASSOC needs the IRAS extragalactic catalog stored in a special format in different save files (splitted into bins of 30 x 30 degrees). METHOD: PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by S. Bogun (MPIA) June 1997 Needed common blocks : irasgal_assoc: handles for the PSC buffer
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NAME: PIA_SM_IRASGAL_ASSOC PURPOSE: This routine searches the IRAS catalogued galaxies and quasars for all objects closer than RADIUS to the position specified by RA and DEC. RA and DEC are specified in J2000. PIA_SM_IRASGAL_ASSOC returns a structure array containing all associations to the specified position. CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = PIA_SM_IRASGAL_ASSOC(RA, DEC, RADIUS, NASSOC) INPUT PARAMETERS: RA : float scalar, containing the right ascension of the search position (degrees, J2000). DEC : float scalar, containing the declination of the search position (degrees, J2000). RADIUS : float scalar, containing the search radius (degrees). OPTIONAL INPUT: OUTPUTS: PIA_SM_IRASGAL_ASSOC returns a structure array containing the matching associations plus the spatial distance. NASSOC: integer scalar, containing the number of associations. OPTIONAL OUTPUT: RESTRICTIONS: PIA_SM_IRASGAL_ASSOC needs the IRAS extragalactic catalog stored in a special format in different save files (splitted into bins of 30 x 30 degrees). METHOD: PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by S. Bogun (MPIA) June 1997 Needed common blocks : irasgal_assoc: handles for the PSC buffer
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NAME: PIA_SM_load_ISMC PURPOSE: Write a PHT-SMC (Serendipity Mode Calibrated Data) measurement from the dynamical structure SMCDAT (PHTSMC type) onto a temporary structure CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_SM_load_ISMC, SMCDAT, tmpsmc INPUT: SMCDAT : PHTSMC like dynamical structure RESTRICTIONS: SMCDAT must exist PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by P. Merluzzi August 1995 Sky coordinates and roll angle August 1995 uncertainties added updated according to new SMC structure (SB, 26/07/96) updated according to new SMC structure (SB, 28/01/97)
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NAME: PIA_SM_Noise PURPOSE: PIA_SM - Interface to PIA_SM_CompNoise Interpretes switches and prepares data and masks accordingly CATEGORY: ISOPHOT, PIA, Serendipity Survey CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_SM_Noise, WorkStructure INPUTS: PHT_SM_WorkStructure KEYWORD PARAMETERS: any other keyword parameters are passed to all other routines OUTPUTS: Results are in-place written to WorkStructure.gnoi COMMON BLOCKS: PROCEDURES USED: PIA_SM_CompNoise NOTES: REVISION HISTORY: Written Ver 1.0 M. Stickel, MPIA/IDC January 29, 1997
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NAME: PIA_SM_PSC_ASSOC PURPOSE: This routine searches the IRAS point source catalog for all objects closer than RADIUS to the position specified by RA and DEC. RA and DEC are specified in J2000. PIA_SM_PSC_ASSOC returns a structure array containing all associations to the specified position. CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = PIA_SM_PSC_ASSOC(RA, DEC, RADIUS, NASSOC) INPUT PARAMETERS: RA : float scalar, containing the right ascension of the search position (degrees, J2000). DEC : float scalar, containing the declination of the search position (degrees, J2000). RADIUS : float scalar, containing the search radius (degrees). OPTIONAL INPUT: OUTPUTS: PIA_SM_PSC_ASSOC returns a structure array containing the matching associations plus the spatial distance. NASSOC: integer scalar, containing the number of associations. OPTIONAL OUTPUT: RESTRICTIONS: PIA_SM_PSC_ASSOC needs the IRAS point source catalog stored in a special format in different save files (splitted into bins of 10 x 10 degrees). METHOD: PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by S. Bogun (MPIA) June 1997 Needed common blocks : psc_assoc: handles for the PSC buffer
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NAME: PIA_SM_PSEWORK_CREATE PURPOSE: Creates a PIA Serendipity working structure using a PIA phtismc structure CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_SM_PSEWORK_CREATE, PHTISMC, HDR, PSEWORK INPUTS: PHTISMC: PIA phtismc structure HDR: PHTISMC header KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: PSEWORK: PIA Serendipity working structure COMMON BLOCKS: phtsm: Serendipity dynamical structure PROCEDURES USED: sphdist MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Stefan Bogun (MPIA) February 1997
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NAME: PIA_SM_PSEWORK_INIT PURPOSE: Initializes a PIA Serendipity working structure CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_SM_PSEWORK_INIT, PSEWORK, HDR INPUTS: PSEWORK: PIA Serendipity working structure HDR: PHTISMC header KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: PSEWORK: PIA Serendipity working structure HDR: PHTISMC header COMMON BLOCKS: phtsm: Serendipity dynamical structure PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Stefan Bogun (MPIA) February 1997 correct initialization of SMFL flag (SB, 03/04/97)
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NAME: PIA_SM_PSEWORK_TO_PHTISMC PURPOSE: Stores the data from a PIA Serendipity working structure back to a phtismc structure CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_SM_PSEWORK_INIT, PSEWORK, HDR, PHTISMC INPUTS: PSEWORK: PIA Serendipity working structure HDR: PHTISMC header KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: PHTISMC: PIA phtismc structure COMMON BLOCKS: PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Stefan Bogun (MPIA) February 1997
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NAME: PIA_SM_READ_IIPH PURPOSE: Read a IIPH file accomodating the data in structure PHTIIPH CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_SM_READ_IIPH, NAME, [ILUN], [PATH = PATH] INPUT: NAME : Name of IIPH FITS file to be read OPT. INPUT: PATH : optional path for the file OPT. OUTPUTS: ILUN : Array containing the indices of the measurements in the PHTIIPH structure RESTRICTIONS: File must be a valid IIPH FITS file PROCEDURES USED: MERGEHDR MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by P. Merluzzi June 1995 Sky coordinates and roll angle August 1995 uncertainties added modified according to increased primary header size SB, December 1995 correct the sky coordinates arrays SB & PM January 1996 modifications according to new IIPH file structure and many other modifications SB, July 1996 correct calculation of OLP version SB, November 1996 modified due to changes of IIPH format SB, November 1996 modified due to changes of IIPH format for OLP V6.1 SB, September 1997
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NAME: PIA_SM_Sensitivity PURPOSE: PIA_SM_Interface to PIA_SM_CompSens Interpretes switches and prepares data and masks accordingly CATEGORY: ISOPHOT, PIA, Serendipity Survey CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_SM_Sensitivity, WorkStructure, [/Use_Flux, /Use_Back] INPUTS: PHT_SM_WorkStructure KEYWORD PARAMETERS: any other keyword parameters are passed to all other routines OUTPUTS: Results are in-place written to WorkStructure.sens (Sensitivity Factors) COMMON BLOCKS: PROCEDURES USED: PIA_SM_CompSens NOTES: REVISION HISTORY: Written Ver 1.1 M. Stickel, MPIA/IDC April 10, 1997 Written Ver 1.0 M. Stickel, MPIA/IDC January 29, 1997
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NAME: PIA_SM_SEPREP PURPOSE: Main Routine for Modeling of Background, equalizing sensitivities and calculating global statistics of Serendipity Slews CATEGORY: ISOPHOT, PIA, Serendipity Survey CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_SM_SEPREP, PHT_SM_WorkStructure INPUTS: PHT_SM_WorkStructure KEYWORD PARAMETERS: any keyword parameters are passed to all other routines OUTPUTS: Results are written to WorkStructure.back (Background) WorkStructure.sens (Sensitivity Factors) WorkStructure.gnoi (Global Noise data) COMMON BLOCKS: PROCEDURES USED: PIA_SM_Background PIA_SM_Sensitivity PIA_SM_Noise NOTES: REVISION HISTORY: Written Ver 1.0 M. Stickel, MPIA/IDC December 18, 1996 Written Ver 1.1 M. Stickel, MPIA/IDC April, 1997
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NAME: PIA_SM_SLEWSHOW PURPOSE: PIA_SM_SLEWSHOW shows the slew specified by the phtismc structure on one ISSA map. If the slew hits more than one plate, then you can navigate through all plates. A PS file can be generated as well as instantanious output on a printer. CATEGORY: Infrared Space Observatory CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_SM_SLEWSHOW, PHTISMC INPUTS: PHTISMC: PHTISMC data structure OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None. OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: None. OUTPUTS: Always a XWindow plot. A PS file can be generated. OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT KEYWORDS: None. COMMON BLOCKS: xslews_vars SIDE EFFECTS: None. RESTRICTIONS: System variables that have to be defined: !PIA_SERDIR: output directory (is set by PIA) $PRINTER: the UNIX variable PRINTER determines the printer device MODIFICATION HISTORY: created by: Christian Straka MPIA Heidelberg July, 1997
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NAME: PIA_SM_WND PURPOSE: Set flag for all data where the slew velocity is less than smp_vel CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_SM_WND, TMPDATA INPUT PARAMETERS: tmpdata : structure to be use as input for the SM data analysis OPTIONAL INPUT: OPTIONAL OUTPUT: RESTRICTIONS: METHOD: PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 25JUL1996 RoBaS - created document, first code 12JUG1996 - output to logfile 21AUG1996 - fixed for SeM-1.0 02SEP1996 - better algorithme to find first/last sample to use (x0,x1) 29OCT1996 - proper handling of PIA flag 30JAN1997 - new data structure and logfile handling 12FEB1997 - initialise smp_file, smp_slew 24FEB1997 - don't initialize smp_file, smp_slew (SB) Needed common blocks : phtsm
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NAME: PIA_SM_WRITE_ISMC PURPOSE: Write a PHT-SMC (Serendipity Surface brightness data) measurement from a temporary structure SMCDAT (PHTSMC type) onto an IDL savefile CATEGORY: PIA - graphics PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_SM_WRITE_ISMC, SMCDAT, TMPHDR INPUT: PHTISMC : PHTSMC like temporary structure OPTIONAL INPUT: TMPHDR : Temporary header OUTPUT: IDL save file RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: S. Bogun August 96 Version 3.5 updated according to new SMC structure (SB, 28/01/97)
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NAME: point_source_init PURPOSE: Initializes the structure point_sources used for Serendipity processing. CATEGORY: PIA - initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: @point_source_init MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: S. Bogun (MPIA) February 1997
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NAME: POLY_SMOOTH PURPOSE: Reduce noise in 1-D data (e.g. time-series, spectrum) but retain dynamic range of variations in the data by applying a least squares smoothing polynomial filter, also called the Savitzky-Golay smoothing filter, cf. Numerical Recipes (Press et al. 1992, Sec.14.8) The low-pass filter coefficients are computed by effectively least-squares fitting a polynomial in moving window, centered on each data point, so the new value will be the zero-th coefficient of the polynomial. Approximate first derivates of the data can be computed by using first degree coefficient of each polynomial, and so on. The filter coefficients for a specified polynomial degree and window width are computed independent of any data, and stored in a common block. The filter is then convolved with the data array to result in smoothed data with reduced noise, but retaining higher order variations (better than SMOOTH). CATEGORY: Array CALLING SEQUENCE: spectrum = poly_smooth( data, [ width, DEGREE = , NLEFT = , NRIGHT = DERIV_ORDER = ,COEFF = ] INPUTS: data = 1-D array, such as a spectrum or time-series. width = total number of data points to use in filter convolution, (default = 5, using 2 past and 2 future data points), must be larger than DEGREE of polynomials, and a guideline is make WIDTH between 1 and 2 times the FWHM of desired features. KEYWORDS: DEGREE = degree of polynomials to use in designing the filter via least squares fits, (default DEGREE = 2), and the higher degrees will preserve sharper features. NLEFT = # of past data points to use in filter convolution, excluding current point, overrides width parameter, so that width = NLEFT + NRIGHT + 1. (default = NRIGHT) NRIGHT = # of future data points to use (default = NLEFT). DERIV_ORDER = order of derivative desired (default = 0, no derivative). COEFFICIENTS = optional output of the filter coefficients applied, but they are all stored in common block for reuse, anyway. RESULTS: Function returns the data convolved with polynomial filter coefs. EXAMPLE: Given a wavelength - flux spectrum (w,f), apply a 31 point quadratic smoothing filter and plot IDL> plot, w, poly_smooth(f,31) COMMON BLOCKS: common poly_smooth, degc, nlc, nrc, coefs, ordermax PROCEDURE: As described in Numerical Recipies, 2nd edition sec.14.8, Savitsky-Golay filter. Matrix of normal eqs. is formed by starting with small terms and then adding progressively larger terms (powers). The filter coefficients of up to derivative ordermax are stored in common, until the specifications change, then recompute coefficients. Coefficients are stored in convolution order, zero lag in the middle. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written, Frank Varosi NASA/GSFC 1993.
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NAME: PROCESS_ERD_SM PURPOSE: Fit voltage ramps of chosen measurements, taken into account diverse selections or flags and put the resulting ramps slopes, uncertainties, etc. into the structure phtsrd CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PROCESS_ERD_SM, FILES, NDEG, HDR, SRDPS, ERDPS INPUT PARAMETERS: FILES : Array containing the names (phterd.admn) of the buffers to be processed or the positions within the phterd buffer NDEG : Degree of the polynomial to be fitted Example: FILES=['C10000100104','C10100100104','C20011111101'] processes two C100 measurements (first and second of original P1ER00100104 FITS file and first of P2ER11111101 INPUT KEYWORDS: div_ramp: A factor for subdividing ramps when processing OPTIONAL INPUT: HDR : String Array containing the file (updated) header OPTIONAL OUTPUT: SRDPS : Array containing the positions of the produced SRD data within the PHTSRD structure ERDPS : Array containing the positions of the input data within the PHTERD structure RESTRICTIONS: METHOD: PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): adm phterd phtsrd PIA Procedure(s): acc_flg acc_volt decode_pixf der_shdr fit_ramps red_ramps MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Extension for effective integration times and number of used readouts (CG) January 1996 Forcing flag array as integer array (CG) July 1996 Keyword div_ramp added for separating ramps (CG) July 1996 Filling FITV on ERD level only for not separated ramps February 1997 V6.1 Bug (inexistent variable for uncertainties) fixed (CG) April 1997 V6.2.1 Ramp splitting using CB splitramp_par (CG) May 1997 V6.3 Chopper step check included (CG) June 1997 V6.4 Chopper position check included and step corrected (CG) September 1997 V6.5 modified for use with Serendipity subdivided ramps (SB) December 1997
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NAME: RADEC PURPOSE: To convert right ascension and declination from decimal degrees to sexigesimal hours (for R.A.) and degrees( for Dec.). CALLING SEQUENCE: pia_sm_radec, ra, dec, ihr, imin, xsec, ideg, imn, xsc, idegsign INPUTS: ra - right ascension in decimal DEGREES, scalar or vector dec - declination in decimal DEGREES, scalar or vector, same number of elements as RA OUTPUTS: ihr - right ascension hours (INTEGER*2) imin - right ascension minutes (INTEGER*2) xsec - right ascension seconds (REAL*4 or REAL*8) ideg - declination degrees (INTEGER*2) imn - declination minutes (INTEGER*2) xsc - declination seconds (REAL*4 or REAL*8) idecsign - sign of declination (INTEGER*2) RESTRICTIONS: RADEC does minimal parameter checking. REVISON HISTORY: Written by B. Pfarr, STX, 4/24/87 Sign of declination : M. Stickel , MPIA/IDC 3/97
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NAME: radec2slewcoord PURPOSE: Converts celestial coordinates (RA,DEC) into slew coordinates (X,Y), which are cartesian coordinates with X being parallel to the slewing direction and Y perpendicular. The conversion is only valid locally. CATEGORY: PIA - Serendipity CALLING SEQUENCE: radec2slewcoord, ra, dec, ra_slew, dec_slew, index, X, Y INPUTS: RA, DEC: Celestial positions to be converted into (X,Y). Can be scalars or arrays. RA_SLEW, DEC_SLEW: The slew coordinates (or an excerpt of the slew around the reference point (RA_SLEW(INDEX),DEC_SLEW(INDEX)). Must be arrays. INDEX: An scalar integer or float pointing to one slew position specified by (RA_SLEW,DEC_SLEW). KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None. OUTPUTS: X, Y: The slew coordinates corresponding to the input positions (RA,DEC). Same dimensions as RA and DEC. (RA_SLEW(INDEX),DEC_SLEW(INDEX)) is converted to (0,0). COMMON BLOCKS: None. RESTRICTIONS: The conversion is only correct locally. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by S. Bogun (MPIA) June 1997
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NAME: radec2slewcoord PURPOSE: Converts slew coordinates (X,Y) into celestial coordinates (RA,DEC). (X,Y) are cartesian coordinates with X being parallel to the slewing direction and Y perpendicular. The conversion is only valid locally. CATEGORY: PIA - Serendipity CALLING SEQUENCE: slewcoord2radec, X, Y, ra_slew, dec_slew, index, ra, dec INPUTS: X, Y: The slew coordinates to be converted into (RA,DEC). (0,0) is converted to (RA_SLEW(INDEX), DEC_SLEW(INDEX)). RA_SLEW, DEC_SLEW: The slew coordinates (or an excerpt of the slew around the reference point (RA_SLEW(INDEX),DEC_SLEW(INDEX)). Must be arrays. INDEX: An scalar integer or float pointing to one slew position specified by (RA_SLEW,DEC_SLEW). KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None. OUTPUTS: RA, DEC: The celestial coordinates corresponding to (X,Y). Same dimensions as X, Y. COMMON BLOCKS: None. RESTRICTIONS: The conversion is only correct locally. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by S. Bogun (MPIA) June 1997
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NAME: READ_SMC PURPOSE: READ a PHTSMC (Serendipity Surface Brightness Data) fits file into the dynamical structure PHTSMC CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_SMC, NAME INPUT: NAME : SMC-fitsfile name OPT. INPUT: PATH : path for the file RESTRICTIONS: NAME must be a valid PHTSMC fits file PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): adm phtsmc PIA Procedure(s): mergehdr Astronomical Library: fxpar MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: S. Bogun, MPIA, August 96 based on READ_SRD written by W. M. Tai and C. Gabriel updated according to new SMC structure (SB, 28/01/97) reading SMC files from !XDRDIR (rather than from !FITDIR) (SB, 06/02/97)
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NAME: RESISTANT_MEAN PURPOSE: An outlier-resistant determination of the mean and its standard deviation. It trims away outliers using the median and the median absolute deviation. CALLING SEQUENCE: RESISTANT_MEAN,VECTOR,SIGMA_CUT, MEAN,SIGMA,NUM_REJECTED INPUT ARGUMENT: VECTOR = Vector to average SIGMA_CUT = Data more than this number of standard deviations from the median is ignored. Suggested values: 2.0 and up. OUTPUT ARGUMENT: MEAN = the mean SIGMA = the standard deviation of the mean NUM_REJECTED = the number of points trimmed SUBROUTINE CALLS: MED, which calculates a median REVISION HISTORY: Written, H. Freudenreich, STX, 1989; Second iteration added 5/91.
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NAME: ROBUST_LINEFIT PURPOSE: An outlier-resistant two-variable linear regression. Either Y on X or, for the case in which there is no true independent variable, the bisecting line of Y vs X and X vs Y is calculated. No knowledge of the errors of the input points is assumed. CALLING SEQUENCE: COEFF = ROBUST_LINEFIT( X, Y, YFIT, SIG, COEF_SIG, [ BISECT = , BiSquare_Limit = , Close_factor = , NumIT = ] ) INPUTS: X = Independent variable vector, floating-point or double-precision Y = Dependent variable vector OUTPUTS: Function result = coefficient vector. If = 0.0 (scalar), no fit was possible. If vector has more than 2 elements (the last=0) then the fit is dubious. OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: YFIT = Vector of calculated y's SIG = The "standard deviation" of the fit's residuals. If BISECTOR is set, this will be smaller by ~ sqrt(2). COEF_SIG = The estimated standard deviations of the coefficients. If BISECTOR is set, however, this becomes the vector of fit residuals measured orthogonal to the line. OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: NUMIT = the number of iterations allowed. Default = 25 BISECT if set, the bisector of the "Y vs X" and "X vs Y" fits is determined. The distance PERPENDICULAR to this line is used in calculating weights. This is better when the uncertainties in X and Y are comparable, so there is no true independent variable. Bisquare_Limit Limit used for calculation of bisquare weights. In units of outlier-resistant standard deviations. Default: 6. Smaller limit ==>more resistant, less efficient Close_Factor - Factor used to determine when the calculation has converged. Convergence if the computed standard deviation changes by less than Close_Factor * ( uncertainty of the std dev of a normal distribution ). Default: 0.03. SUBROUTINE CALLS: MED, to calculate the median ROB_CHECKFIT ROBUST_SIGMA, to calculate a robust analog to the std. deviation PROCEDURE: For the initial estimate, the data is sorted by X and broken into 2 groups. A line is fitted to the x and y medians of each group. Bisquare ("Tukey's Biweight") weights are then calculated, using the a limit of 6 outlier-resistant standard deviations. This is done iteratively until the standard deviation changes by less than CLOSE_ENOUGH = CLOSE_FACTOR * {uncertainty of the standard deviation of a normal distribution} REVISION HISTORY: Written, H. Freudenreich, STX, 4/91. 4/13/93 to return more realistic SS's HF 2/94 --more error-checking, changed convergence criterion HF 5/94 --added BISECT option. HF. 8/94 --added Close_Factor and Bisquare_Limit options Jack Saba.
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NAME: ROBUST_POLY_FIT PURPOSE: An outlier-resistant polynomial fit. CALLING SEQUENCE: COEFF = ROBUST_POLY_FIT(X,Y,NDEGREE ,[ YFIT,SIG, NUMIT =] ) INPUTS: X = Independent variable vector, floating-point or double-precision Y = Dependent variable vector OUTPUTS: Function result = coefficient vector, length NDEGREE+1. IF COEFF=0.0, NO FIT! If N_ELEMENTS(COEFF) > degree+1, the fit is poor (in this case the last element of COEFF=0.) Either floating point or double precision. OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: YFIT = Vector of calculated y's SIG = the "standard deviation" of the residuals RESTRICTIONS: Large values of NDEGREE should be avoided. This routine works best when the number of points >> NDEGREE. PROCEDURE: For the initial estimate, the data is sorted by X and broken into NDEGREE+2 sets. The X,Y medians of each set are fitted to a polynomial via POLY_FIT. Bisquare ("Tukey's Biweight") weights are then calculated, using a limit of 6 outlier-resistant standard deviations. The fit is repeated iteratively until the robust standard deviation of the residuals changes by less than .03xSQRT(.5/(N-1)). REVISION HISTORY Written, H. Freudenreich, STX, 8/90. Revised 4/91. 2/94 -- changed convergence criterion
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NAME: ROBUST_SIGMA PURPOSE: Calculate a resistant estimate of the dispersion of a distribution. For an uncontaminated distribution, this is identical to the standard deviation. CALLING SEQUENCE: result = ROBUST_SIGMA( Y, [ /ZERO ] ) INPUT: Y = Vector of quantity for which the dispersion is to be calculated OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORD: ZERO - if set, the dispersion is calculated w.r.t. 0.0 rather than the central value of the vector. If Y is a vector of residuals, this should be set. OUTPUT: ROBUST_SIGMA returns the dispersion. In case of failure, returns value of -1.0 SUBROUTINE CALLS: MED, which calculates the median PROCEDURE: Use the median absolute deviation as the initial estimate, then weight points using Tukey's Biweight. See, for example, "Understanding Robust and Exploratory Data Analysis," by Hoaglin, Mosteller and Tukey, John Wiley & Sons, 1983. REVSION HISTORY: H. Freudenreich, STX, 8/90
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NAME: ROB_CHECKFIT PURPOSE: Used by ROBUST_... routines to determine the quality of a fit and to return biweights. CALLING SEQUENCE: status = ROB_CHECKFIT( Y, YFIT, EPS, DEL, SIG, FRACDEV, NGOOD, W, B BISQUARE_LIMIT = ) INPUT: Y = the data YFIT = the fit to the data EPS = the "too small" limit DEL = the "close enough" for the fractional median abs. deviations RETURNS: Integer status. if =1, the fit is considered to have converged OUTPUTS: SIG = robust standard deviation analog FRACDEV = the fractional median absolute deviation of the residuals NGOOD = the number of input point given non-zero weight in the calculation W = the bisquare weights of Y B = residuals scaled by sigma OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORD: BISQUARE_LIMIT = allows changing the bisquare weight limit from default 6.0 REVISION HISTORY: Written, H.T. Freudenreich, HSTX, 1/94
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NAME: smc_init PURPOSE: Initializes the structure PHTSMC defining the contents as a template structure PHTSMC_TYPE. It can be used for clearing the whole SMC structure, in case this should show as necessary. CALLING SEQUENCE: SMC_INIT INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None PROCEDURES USED: It uses the batch file phtsmc_init MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Wai-Ming Tai May 1996
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NAME: SPHDIST PURPOSE: SPHDIST calculates the distance between two points on a sphere. SPHDIST is also able to calculate the distance between a single point and a series of points or between two series of points. CATEGORY: Astronomy. CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = SPHDIST( RA1, DEC1, RA2, DEC2 ) INPUTS: RA1: Flt scalar or array; specifying the right ascension of point 1 [degrees]. DEC1: Flt scalar or array; specifying the declination of point 1 [degrees]. RA2: Flt scalar or array; specifying the right ascension of point 2 [degrees]. DEC2: Flt scalar or array; specifying the declination of point 2 [degrees]. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None. OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: None. OUTPUTS: SPHDIST returns the distance on the sphere between [RA1,DEC1] and [RA2,DEC2] [degrees]. If the input variables are arrays, SPHDIST returns an array of the same size. OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None. OPTIONAL OUTPUT KEYWORDS: None. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: None. RESTRICTIONS: RA1 and DEC1 must have the same dimensions, as well as RA2 and DEC2. If RA1, DEC1 are arrays, then RA2, DEC2 must either have the same size or must be scalars. In this case, the distance of [RA2,DEC2] to each of the points specified in [RA1,DEC1] is returned. The same applies to the opposite case. MODIFICATION HISTORY: created by: Stefan Bogun MPIA Heidelberg March, 1995
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NAME: WHERENAN PURPOSE: Find the positions of all values within an array that correspond to the IEEE NaN (not-a-number) special values. CATEGORY: Array CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = WHERENAN( ARRAY [, COUNT ] ) INPUT PARAMETERS: ARRAY = Array to test against the IEEE NaN special values. Must be of either floating point, double-precision, or complex type. OUTPUTS: The result of the function is the indices of all values of ARRAY corresponding to the IEEE NaN specification, similar to the IDL WHERE function. OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: COUNT = Number of values found corresponding to IEEE NaN. OPTIONAL KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: If no NaN values are found, or if ARRAY is not of type float, double precision, or complex, then -1 is returned, and COUNT is set to 0. RESTRICTIONS: ARRAY must be of type float, double-precision, or complex. PROCEDURE: The bit patterns of the numbers being tested are compared against the IEEE NaN standard. MODIFICATION HISTORY: William Thompson, Feb. 1992. William Thompson, Oct. 1992, fixed bug regarding order of bytes on VAX machines. Added to idlmeteo from the Astronomy User's Library Nov-1992
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NAME: WRITE_ISMC PURPOSE: Write a PHT-SMC (Signal Data) measurement from the dynamical structure PHTSMC onto an IDL savefile CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_ISMC, PHTSMC_INDEX, FNAME = FNAME, PATH =PATH INPUT: PHTSMC_INDEX : Index of the measurement within PHTSMC OPTIONAL KEYWORD: FNAME : name of the save file, by default PHTSMC.ADMN is used PATH : directory where the internal file is saved OUTPUT: IDL save file RESTRICTIONS: PHTSMC(PHTSMC_INDEX) must exist PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtsmc MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Modification to include options path and fname (JAcosta) Apr. 97
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NAME: WRITE_SMC PURPOSE: Write a PHT-SMC (Serendipity Surface Brightness Data) measurement from a temporary structure PHTSMC onto a fits file CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_SMC, TMPDATA INPUT: tmpdata : PHTSMC structure OPTIONAL INPUT: tmphdr : A temporary header filename: filename to store the fitsfile RESTRICTIONS: tmpdata must be a valid PHTSMC structure PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtsmc MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: S. Bogun, MPIA, August 96 based on WRITE_SRD written by W. M. Tai and C. Gabriel updated according to new SMC structure (SB, 28/01/97)
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