Enhancements by mapping with the ISOPHOT Interactive Analysis (PIA)
ISO Data Centre, ESA Astrophysics Division, Villafranca del Castillo,
P.O. Box 50727, 28080 Madrid, Spain
The Infrared Space Observatory ISO, launched by ESA in November 1995, ended
its operations succesfully in April 1998. The subsequent post-operational
phase, which will last for 3,5 years, is devoted mainly to re-analysis
andre-calibration of the data. The ISOPHOT Interactive Analysis (PIA) is
not only the main calibration tool but also the software tool of choice
for the scientific analysis of data obtained with the imaging spectro-photo-polarimeter
ISOPHOT. Some of the main PIA enhancements related to mapping are presented
in this paper: the development of new algorithms for the obtention of ISOPHOT
maps as well as a sub-package for beam profile deconvolution.