Appendix E: Naming Conventions

For the file names used within the ISO pipe-line software naming conventions were agreed. The files name structures relevant for PHT Interactive Analysis will be given below. For additional details or information about the files used by other instruments, please refer to the ISO Data Product Document. In addition to the files described in the IDPD, PIA generates certain products for PHT internal use. The naming conventions for these files are also given here. The general structure for all ISO products is a Prefix indicating the file type, followed by a unique number (composed of the revolution number and a counter) identifying the products within the archive and the timeline of the ISO mission, followed by the extension .fits indicating that the file complies with the Flexible Image Transport standard.

Table 1 lists the prefixes of all data files used by PIA as well as their origin, i.e. whether they are generated by the general ISO pipeline software (OLP) or whether they are generated by PHT Interactive Analysis Software (PIA). If both PIA and OLP are indicated, this means that PHT Interactive Analysis is capable of generating a product with the a data structure identical to the pipeline. In this case, the header of the file will inform the user about the origin.

Table 2 gives a survey of all calibration files (CAL-G) used by the PHT Interactive Analysis Software. In principle, these files are identical to the Calibration G files as used by the PHT Pipeline Software, but unlike the pipeline, PIA is also capable of generating and writing these files. The file pht_fm.idb_def is a special conversion file to convert PHT Housekeeping information. It is used by PIA and QLA/RTA for this purpose and does not follow the fits standard, but has a dedicated format.

Table 3 lists all Up-link Tables (CAL-U) that can be generated by PHT Interactive Analysis Software. Please note that the ISO Uplink Tables and not FITS files, but ASCII files that follow the o specification given in "Instrument Team to Science Operations Team Interface Control Document (ICD-01)". These files have the extension .txt and not .fits. The Uplink Tables not given in this list are not maintained using PIA, but are either static or are updated using a standard text editor and configuration control procedures.

Table 4 contains a list of all RTA/QLA calibration files (CAL-Q) generated by PHT Interactive Analysis. The CAL-Q files do not follow the FITS standard. Only RTA/QLA files generated and maintained via PIA are listed here. The other configuration files of this software system are handled via special dedicated editors or configuration control procedures which are not part of this manual.

Table 5 contains a list of files tiused PIA to administer the various internal calibration data bases and auxiliary files used by PHT Interactive Analysis.

TABLE 1. Filename Prefix Conventions for PHT Pipeline Data

Prefix   File                                                  Origin
------   ----------------------------------------------------  ------
P1ER     C100 Edited Raw Data File                             OLP
P2ER     C200 Edited Raw Data File                             OLP
PPER     PHT-P Edited Raw Data File                            OLP
PSER     PHT-S Edited Raw Data File                            OLP
P2ES     C200 Serendipity Edited Raw Data File                 OLP
PSTA     PHT Compact Status History File                       OLP
IRPH     Instrument Reference Pointing History File            OLP
IIPH     Instrument Instantaneous Pointing History File        OLP
APPH     Aperture Pointing History File                        OLP
PC1S     C100 Standard Processed Data File                     OLP/PIA
PC2S     C200 Standard Processed Data File                     OLP/PIA
PP1S     PHT- P1 Standard Processed Data File                  OLP/PIA
PP2S     PHT-P2 Standard Processed Data File                   OLP/PIA
PP3S     PHT-P3 Standard Processed Data File                   OLP/PIA
PSLS     PHT-S Long Wavelength Detector Standard Processed     OLP/PIA
PSSS     PHT-S Short Wavelength Detector Standard Processed    OLP/PIA
PC1A     C100 Calibration A (FCS calibration) File             OLP/PIA
PC2A     C200 Calibration A (FCS calibration) File             OLP/PIA
PP1A     PHT-P1 Calibration A (FCS calibration) File           OLP/PIA
PP2A     PHT-P2 Calibration A (FCS calibration) File           OLP/PIA
PP3A     PHT-P3 Calibration A (FCS calibration) File           OLP/PIA
PPAP     PHT-P Point Source Photometry Autoanalysis File       OLP/PIA
PPAE     PHT-P Extended Source Photometry Autoanalysis File    OLP/PIA
PPAS     PHT-P Scan and Slew Photometry Autoanalysis File      OLP/PIA
PGAI     Photometric Image Autoanalysis File                   OLP/PIA
PGAU     Uncertainty Image Autoanalysis File                   OLP/PIA
PGAT     Exposure Image Autoanalysis File                      OLP/PIA
PCAS     PHT-C Scan and Slew Photometry Autoanalysis File      OLP/PIA
PCAP     PHT-C Point Source Photometry Autoanalysis File       OLP/PIA
PCAE     PHT-C Extended Source Photometry Autoanalysis File    OLP/PIA

TABLE 2. Calibration Filename Conventions (Calibration G Files)

Name         Contents
-----------  ---------------------------------------------------------
PC1CRELIN    C100 CRE Linerization table
PC2CRELIN    C200 CRE Linerization table
PPCRELIN     PHY-P CRE linerization table
PDARKCURR    PHT Detector Dark Currents  
PDIE1TRANS   Transfer Function for Digital Interface Electronics No. 1
PDIE2TRANS   Transfer Function for Digital Interface Electronics No. 2
PRESPONSE    PHT detector Default Responsivities                      
PC1FCSPOW    C100 Fine Calibration Source Power Table                 
PC2FCSPOW    C200 Fine Calibration Source Power Table                 
PP1FCSPOW    PHT-P1 Fine Calibration Source Power Table               
PP2FCSPOW    PHT-P2 Fine Calibration Source Power Table               
PP3FCSPOW    PHT-P3 Fine Calibration Source Power Table               
PC1VIGN      C100 Vignetting Correction (depending on chopper deflection)
PC2VIGN      C200 Vignetting Correction (depending on chopper deflection)
PP1VIGN      PHT-P1 Vignetting Correction (depending on chopper deflection)
PP2VIGN      PHT-P2 Vignetting Correction (depending on chopper deflection)
PP3VIGN      PHT-P3 Vignetting Correction (depending on chopper deflection)
PPSF         PHT Point Spread Function Corrections
Note that time-dependant calibration files have a two-digit suffix added 
indicating the version number.

TABLE 3. PHT Uplink Tables generated by PIA (Calibration U Files)

Name         Contents                           
-----------  ---------------------------------------------------------
p_detect     PHT-P and PHT-C detector properties 
             Dark Currents                       
             Detector NEP and Read-out Noise     
             Detector Responsivities             
             Detector Quantum Efficiency         
p_fc1_c1     Fine Calibration Source No. 1 Illumination Table for C100
p_fc1_c2     Fine Calibration Source No. 1 Illumination Table for C200
p_fc1_p1     Fine Calibration Source No. 1 Illumination Table for PHT-P1
p_fc1_p2     Fine Calibration Source No. 1 Illumination Table for PHT-P2
p_fc1_p3     Fine Calibration Source No. 1 Illumination Table for PHT-P3 
p_fc2_c1     Fine Calibration Source No. 2 Illumination Table for C100  
p_fc2_c2     Fine Calibration Source No. 2 Illumination Table for C200  
p_fc2_p1     Fine Calibration Source No. 2 Illumination Table for PHT-P1
p_fc2_p2     Fine Calibration Source No. 2 Illumination Table for PHT-P2
p_fc2_p3     Fine Calibration Source No. 2 Illumination Table for PHT-P3
p_pfiltr     PHT-P Filter and Detector Properties Table                 
             Maximum Possible Fluxes from FCS No. 1 and No. 2           
p_ppsf       Point Spread Function for each PHT-P Filter/Aperture combination  
p_settings   Instrument Default Settings         
             PHT-SS and SL, FWHM                 
p_ss_sl      Detector Properties PHT-S (SS and SL) 
             Point Spread Function Factor per pixel
             Central Wavelength per pixel          
             Relative System Response per pixel

TABLE 4. RTA/QLA Calibration Files (CAL-Q) generated by PIA

Name         Contents                                 
-----------  ---------------------------------------------------------
pht_default  Activation and Curing Verification Table

TABLE 5. PIA Calibration Database Files/Calibration Tables(???)

Name             Contents                        
-----------  ---------------------------------------------------------
C1CALDARKC_STR   C100 Dark Current Calibration Table   
C2CALDARKC_STR   C200 Dark Current Calibration Table   
P1CALDARKC_STR   P1 Dark Current Calibration Table     
P2CALDARKC_STR   P2 Dark Current Calibration Table     
P3CALDARKC_STR   P3 Dark Current Calibration Table     
SLCALDARKC_STR   PHT-S Dark Current Calibration Table  
C1CALFCSP_STR    C100 FCS Calibration Table            
C2CALFCSP_STR    C200 FCS Calibration Table            
P1CALFCSP_STR    P1 FCS Calibration Table              
P2CALFCSP_STR    P2 FCS Calibration Table              
P3CALFCSP_STR    P3 FCS Calibration Table              
C1CALRESP_STR    C100 Responsivity Calibration Table   
C2CALRESP_STR    C200 Responsivity Calibration Table   
P1CALRESP_STR    P1 Responsivity Calibration Table     
P2CALRESP_STR    P2 Responsivity Calibration Table     
P3CALRESP_STR    P3 Responsivity Calibration Table     
SLCALRESP_STR    PHT-S Responsivity Calibration Table

Acronyms and Abbreviations

The Table 6 contains a list of acronyms and abbreviations used within this document.

TABLE 6. List of Acronyms

Acronym   Translation                                    
--------  ---------------------------------------------------------
AA        Auto Analysis (software)                                   
AAR       Auto Analysis Results (file)                               
AAPH      Aperture Pointing History (file)                           
AOCS      Attitude and Orbit Control System (file)                   
AOT       Astronomical Observation Template                          
CAL-A     FCS Calibration (file)                                     
CAL-G     General Calibration File for ISO pipe-line software        
CAL-Q     Calibration File of RTA/QLA software                       
CAL-U     Uplink Tables (Calibration files of ISO Up-link software)  
CFDP      Calibration File Derivation Procedure                      
CHW       Change Wheel                                               
COFOV     Centre of Field of View                                    
COPF      Chopper on Position Flag                                   
CPS       Calibration Processing Sequence                            
CRE       Cold Read-out Electronics                                  
CRE-co    CRE Check-out Voltage                                      
CSH       Compact Status History (file)                              
DCL       DEC Command Language                                       
DIE       Digital Interface Electronics                              
DR        Number of Destructive Read-outs                            
EEU       External Electronics Unit                                  
ERD       Edited Raw Data (file)                                     
FCS       Fine Calibration Source                                    
FITS      Flexible Image Transport System                            
FPC       Focal Plane Chopper                                        
FPG       Focal Plane Geometry                                       
FPGC      Focal Plane Geometry Calibration (file)                    
FPU       Focal Plane Unit                                           
FREQ      Clock Frequency                                            
FWHM      Full Width Half Maximum                                    
GEHK      General House Keeping (file)                               
HK        House Keeping (Data)                                       
h/w       hardware                                                   
IAAP      Internal Auto Analysis Product                             
IDL       Interactive Data Language                                  
IIPH      Instrument Instantaneous Pointing History (file)           
IRPH      Instrument Reference Pointing History (file)               
ISCP      Internal Signals per Chopper Plateau                       
ISO       Infrared Space Observatory                                 
ISPD      Internal Standard Processed Data                           
ISRD      Internal Signal Raw Data                                   
ITK       Instrument Time Key                                        
NDR       Number of Non-Destructive Read-outs                        
NEP       Noise Equivalent Power                                     
OLP       Off-line Processing                                        
OTF       On Target Flag                                             
PIA       PHT Interactive Analysis                                   
PHT       ISO Imaging Photopolarimeter Instrument                    
PSTA      PHT Compact Status                                         
QLA       Quick Look Analysis software                               
RI        Reset Interval                                             
RTA       Real Time Assessment software                              
SCP       Signals per Chopper Plateau (file, PIA product)            
SOC       (ISO) Science Operations Centre                            
SPD       Standard Processed Data Product                            
SRD       Signal Raw Data (file, PIA product)                        
s/w       software                                                   
TDATA     Transparent Data                                           
TDF       Telemetry Distribution Format                              
TDT       Target Dedicated Time                                      
TRS       Thermal Radiation Source                                   
UTC       Universal Time (Coordinated)                               
UTK       Uniform Time Key

Chapter history:
Date  Author  Description 
20/05/1995  Ingolf Heinrichsen (MPIK)  First Version in FrameMaker
18/09/1995  Wai-Ming Tai (DIAS)  Converted Version in HTML
24/05/1996  Wai-Ming Tai (DIAS)  Updated Version
09/06/1997 Carlos Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) Updated Version (V6.3)
25/08/1999 Carlos Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) Updated Version (V8.0)