3.3) The Data Processing Windows

3.3.1) The PIA ERD Data Display Window

The PIA ERD Data Display Window serves to control the processing from the ERD to the SRD level. This window opens via the button "Plot & Reduce Data" in the menu of the PIA Measurement Buffer Control Panel. The maximal number of opened ERD Windows is restricted to two.

This chapter describes the PIA ERD Data Display window and directly associated sub-windows.

Basically the ERD window (Figure 1) is divided into three rows:

FIGURE 1: The PIA ERD Window 

The upper row


Closes the window. Note that the actual measurement data remain in the buffer and can be recalled at any time causing this window to pop-up again.


Calls the chosen html browser in a background process opening the PIA User Manual, starting with this chapter.

Information line

Information about the measurement loaded in the window is given, composed of: level of reduction, detector and TDT number, observation date, object name and coordinates.


Opens the PIA Symbol Choice Menu window in order to select a new default plot symbol type. After a choice has been made ("OK"), the plots in the middle row will be immediately refreshed using the new plotting symbol. Note that the new plotting symbol chosen is then taken as default for all the next main windows and associated zoom windows.

Pixel Selection for the detector arrays C100 and C200

For C100 and C200 data the array pixels selected for the plots are indicated in the upper righthand corner of the window in y-z spacecraft coordinates (please note that the coordinates are oriented looking on the array - x-axis pointing towards the observer. The view on the sky is mirrored along the z-axis). The numbers 1-n (n between 1 and 4, depending on the number of views chosen, see N Views) show which of the plots in the large window correspond to which pixels  . You may cyclically change the selection for every plot window by directly clicking with the mouse onto the buttons.

The middle row

Plots and Menu Bar on top

The plots display those parameters which are indicated in the menubar on the top of the windows versus the time relative to the start of the measurement. This menu bar pops up a submenu in order to change the content of the plot. The submenu offers the following choice: C100, C200 and PHT-S are equipped with CRE outputs, which are not connected to detector pixels, either open ("Open pixel") or connected to a resistor ("Resistor pixel"), for performing studies on readout electronic effects. For data corresponding to these detectors also following choices are present: After a selection the new plot will be immediately drawn. By default, for the detectors P1, P2 and P3, where only one single pixel is involved, the n plots show Raw Data, Unconverted Data, Chopper Position and Temperature, in this order and according to N. For the detectors C100, C200 and PHT-S the plots show the Raw Data for four pixels.

"Zoom & Print" Menu Bar below Plots

This menu bar just below each of the plots pop-up a submenu in order to draw the plot in a different window using PIA_Xplot. The submenu offers the following possibilities:

"Test processing" Menu Bar below Plots

This menu bar just below each of the plots calls a submenu with the following options: (Note that the options are applied either on the data actually drawn in the plot, if applicable, or on the "Raw data" corresponding to the selected pixel for this window)

The lower row


This menu bar calls a submenu with the following options:


This menu bar calls a submenu with the single option:


This menu bar calls a submenu for corrections to be applied to the measurement with the following options:


This menu bar calls a submenu for obtaining the following information:

Process Measurements

This menu bar calls a submenu in order to process the whole measurement to the next level. The submenu offers the following possibilities for processing ERD data to SRD: After a selection the processing immediately starts and the result will be displayed in a new SRD Window.

Pixels Choice

This menu bar is active only for C100, C200 and PHT-S data, where several pixels are to be analyzed. It calls a submenu with the following options:

N Plots

This button allows the number N of plot windows shown in the middle row of the ERD window to be selected. After a selection the window will immediately be refreshed, containing N plots. Please note that this number will also be used for further main level windows.


This button calls a submenu for accessing the Housekeeping Menu. The user has the choice of displaying the Housekeeping data associated only to this measurement or to the full TDT data (in the rule composed of several measurements), as contained in the corresponding GEHK FITS product.

The associated windows

The PIA Read-Out Selection menu window

It is shown in FIGURE 2.

FIGURE 2: The PIA Read-Out Selection Window 

This window offers several choices and input fields:

Standard Choices: The selection buttons are:
Use General Criteria: They are taken from the calibration CALG file PSELNDR. The criteria are not directly shown, but a trick to get knowledge about them is to switch this button off and on again: Then the values can be read under "Special Choice".
Note: de-activation of this button does not automatically mean a different selection, since the choice on which Read-outs have to be discarded has then to be made using the other elements of the menu.

Discard All Destructive Read-Outs: (obvious) There is a general recommendation for discarding the destructive read_out, because it very often shows disturbance.

Discard first Readout of every Ramp: (obvious) The same recommendation as for the destructive read-out is given for the first Read-out of every ramp.

Special Choices: Only active if General Criteria is disabled. Enter your choices with a <CR> and confirm them with the OK button on the righthand side. The new values are "displayed" in the box.

Discard Ramps per Measurement: This is for discarding whole ramps. Enter your selection with a <CR>. The new values are "displayed" in the box.

Discard Individual Read-Outs per Measurement: Enter the index of Read_Outs to be discarded (or reselected). Several indices can be entered step by step.

For each entry the validity of the values chosen is checked.

The PIA Ramps Deglitching Parameters Window

It is shown in FIGURE 3.

FIGURE 3: The PIA Ramps Delitching Parameters Window 

This window exhibits the following fields and selection buttons:
Sigma threshold: See deglitching algorithm description. in chapter 5.

Number of Iterations: See deglitching algorithm description.

Minimum of points: This prevents trying to perform a statistical analysis with too low a number of points, implying a loss of validity for the algorithm. In case this limit is larger than the number of valid read-outs per ramp, the algorithm does not apply.

Show reconstructed ramps: If set, the reconstructed ramps are plotted.

OK, test them: This performs the read-out deglitching on that single pixel's signal which is plotted and shows the results in a PIA_Xplot Window. On this window the read-out values flagged as glitches are marked with a different color and symbol. At the same time a text window containing information on all corrected values is displayed.

Default Parameter: Reset the parameters to the default values.

Accept and Quit: Accepts the displayed parameters for the application onto the whole measurement (without performing the ramp deglitching). Then it quits the window.

Default and Quit: Reset to the default PIA parameters and quit the window.

The PIA Readout 2 threshold Deglitching Parameters Window

It is shown in FIGURE 4.

FIGURE 4: The PIA Ramps Delitching Parameters Window 

This window exhibits the following fields and selection buttons:
Median filtering width, Sigma threshold for flagging, Sigma threshold for reaccepance and Number of iterations: See the two threshold glitch recognition algorithm description in chapter 5.

Show reconstructed ramps: If set, the reconstructed ramps are plotted.

OK, test them: This performs the read-out deglitching on that single pixel's signal which is plotted and shows the results in a PIA_Xplot Window. On this window the corrected read-out values are superimposed to the original ones. At the same time a text window containing information on all corrected values is displayed.

Default Parameter: Reset the parameters to the default values.

Accept and Quit: Accepts the displayed parameters for the application onto the whole measurement (without performing the ramp deglitching). Then it quits the window.

Default and Quit: Reset to the default PIA parameters and quit the window.

Chapter history:
Date  Author  Description 
13/05/1996 Martin Haas (MPIA) / Carlos Gabriel (ESA)  First Version 
06/06/1997 Carlos Gabriel (ESA-SAI) Update (V6.3)
10/10/1997 Carlos Gabriel (ESA-SAI) Update (V6.5)
13/02/1998 Carlos Gabriel (ESA-SAI) Update (V7.0)
19/08/1999 Carlos Gabriel (ESA-SAI) Update (V8.0)