3.3.3) The PIA SCP Window

The PIA SCP Window serves to control the processing from the SCP to the SPD level. It is reached via the button "Plot and Reduce Data" in the menu of the PIA Measurement Buffer Control Panel or it is automatically displayed when processing data from the PIA SRD Data Display Window. The maximum number of opened SCP Windows is restricted to two.

This chapter describes the PIA SCP Data Display window and directly associated sub-windows.

Basically, the SCP window (Figure 1) is divided into three rows:

FIGURE 1: The PIA SCP Window 

Remark on Upper and Middle Row:

Since the upper row and the middle row are very similar to those of the ERD Window, the user is referred to the ERD description with the following differences:

  1. Menu Bar on top: The submenu offers the following possibilities:

The lower row


This menu bar calls a submenu with the following options:


This menu bar calls a submenu with the single option:


This menu bar calls a submenu for corrections to be applied to the measurement with the following options:


This menu bar calls a submenu for obtaining the following information:


This menu bar calls a submenu with additional features for array data. It offers the following options:


This menu bar calls a submenu in order to process the whole measurement to the next level. The submenu offers the following possibilities: Note: Although every subtraction of another measurement yields the same results, independently of how it is declared, a subtraction should be performed according to its purpose, in order that the S/W can check for validity, avoiding certain operations which are futile (eg. subtracting a measurement of dark current after having applied dark current subtraction with default values) or giving warnings in case this is not considered the right method (eg. warning that dark current has been subtracted from a measurement while a straylight measurement subtraction is intended). PIA writes on every measurement header all the operations performed and uses these keywords for checks.


This menu bar is active only for C100, C200 and PHT-S data, where several pixels are to be analyzed. It calls a submenu with the following options:
  • Individual Choice: This calls the PIA Display Choice window. For each display window the user can specify the pixel number whose signal will be plotted. After the selection the window will be refreshed with the plots for the new pixels chosen.
  • Serial Increment: This selects the next subsequent pixel to each of those shown. When pressing this button, in each window containing pixel N the signal corresponding to pixel N+1 will be plotted.
  • N Plots

    This button allows the number N of plot windows shown in the middle row of the SCP window to be selected. After a selection the window will immediately be refreshed, containing N plots. Please note that this number will be used also for further main level windows.


    This button calls a submenu for accessing the Housekeeping Menu to display the Housekeeping data associated to this measurement, as contained in the corresponding GEHK FITS product.

    The associated windows

    The PIA Chopper Plateau Selection Window

    Note: This Window is very similar to the PIA Read-Out Selection Window (and the PIA Signal Selection Window) and is described there (s. 3.3.1).

    FIGURE 2: The PIA Selection Window 

    The graphical modelling of baseline drifts:

    Long term responsivity drifts are very difficult to model. A practical approach is to determine the correction factor by the eye-ball method.

    FIGURE 3: The PIA graphical baseline drift correction menu

    The main menu for baseline drift modelling is given by figure 3. It allows for choosing the detector pixel to be used. When starting only the buttons Extract and Cancel are active. Pushing the button Extract brings a special plot up. This plot, shown in Figure 4, allows the user to mark several points on it using the mouse, which are judged to correspond to the background baseline. In this example the plot corresponds to a P32 observation, which shows continuous background and source features. Once the points are marked they must be interpolated pushing the corresponding button. If the user is happy with the choice, he/she can accept & quit. A re-start is possible by using the Refresh button. If accepted, the results are passed to the main menu. The factors are normalized to the last point taken. The factors distribution can be extended to the other pixels of the sub-detector used (C100 in the example), or the other pixels can be individually treated (this is recommended).

    Chapter history:
    Date  Author  Description 
    16/05/1996  Martin Haas (MPIA)  First Version 
    06/06/1997 Carlos Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA - SAI) Update (V6.3)
    11/07/1997 Carlos Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA - SAI) Update (V6.4)
    13/10/1997 Carlos Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA - SAI) Update (V6.5)
    3/02/1998 Carlos Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA - SAI) Update (V7.0)
    23/08/1999 Carlos Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA - SAI) Update (V8.0)