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Sensitivity and calculation of observing times

For photometry of point-sources the power on the detector is decribed by:


tex2html_wrap_inline909 is the flux of the point source in tex2html_wrap_inline911 at the selected wavelength; tex2html_wrap_inline913 is the fraction of the point spread function which passes through the aperture and can be found in Table 2 and 4 of the IOM3.1. C1 is a wavelength dependent parameter and is tabulated in Tab. 2. The following parameters are represented by the factor C1:

For extended sources the total power depends on the surface brightness of the source and the solid angle tex2html_wrap_inline915 of the aperture, thus:


where tex2html_wrap_inline917 is the flux density of the extended source in tex2html_wrap_inline919 , e is the obscuration factor by the secondary mirror of the ISO telescope, where tex2html_wrap_inline921 , and tex2html_wrap_inline915 is the solid angle of the aperture or array projected on the sky. The values for tex2html_wrap_inline915 can be found in Table 1.

The total noise is described by the following equation:


This includes an additional measurement for background subtraction so that the background and read-out terms are counted twice.

tex2html_wrap_inline927 is the photon noise for a point source:


Table 1: Solid angles tex2html_wrap_inline915 for PHT-P and PHT-S apertures and for individual pixels of the PHT-C arrays. For PHT-C detectors the individual pixel sizes are given in parentheses.  

PHT-P apertures tex2html_wrap_inline915 PHT-S aperture tex2html_wrap_inline915
[ tex2html_wrap_inline935 ] tex2html_wrap_inline937
5'' 0.00461 24 tex2html_wrap_inline941 24'' 0.1354
7.6'' 0.01066
10'' 0.01846
13.8'' 0.03515
18'' 0.05980
23'' 0.09764
20 tex2html_wrap_inline941 32'' 0.14840
52'' 0.49907
79'' 1.15189
99'' 1.80896PHT-C arrays
120'' 2.65779(per pixel)
127 tex2html_wrap_inline941 127'' 3.73997C100 (43.5''x43.5'') 0.44468
180'' 5.98002C200 (89.4''x89.4'') 1.87820

For extended sources the photon noise is:


The noise induced by the background tex2html_wrap_inline981 is described by the same formula, except that tex2html_wrap_inline917 becomes the flux density of the background:


tex2html_wrap_inline985 is the detector noise and can be represented by a constant for each detector:


Table 2: PHT-P and PHT-C In-flight sensitivity characteristics. The sensitivity parameters C1, C2 and C3 are defined in the equations given in this section.  

filter C1 C2 C3
[ tex2html_wrap_inline987 ] [ tex2html_wrap_inline989 ] [ tex2html_wrap_inline991 ]
3.29 1.5 1.7 tex2html_wrap_inline993
3.6 7.1 3.8
4.85 7.3 3.8
7.3 9.8 4.5
7.7 2.0 2.0
10 2.3 2.2
11.3 0.79 1.3
11.5 4.7 3.1
12.8 1.6 1.8
16 0.80 1.3
20 5.1 3.4 tex2html_wrap_inline995
25 4.6 3.2
60 0.60 0.70 tex2html_wrap_inline997
100 0.88 0.85
50 0.51 0.12 tex2html_wrap_inline999
60 0.66 0.13
70 0.73 0.14
90 1.53 0.20
100 0.96 0.16
105 0.61 0.13
120 0.31 0.29 tex2html_wrap_inline1001
135 0.72 0.44
160 1.05 0.53
180 0.55 0.38
200 0.23 0.25

Now the integration time can be calculated from Eqn. 2. The constants C1, C2, and C3 are tabulated in Table 2. The constants C1 and C2 have been determined from a signal and noise analysis of relatively long staring measurements of calibration stars ( tex2html_wrap_inline1003 sec). C3 is normally determined from a noise analysis of dark measurements. For consistency with IOM3.1 we include in this term uncertainties the observer will face with faint source measurements, like flat-field accuracy, signal drifts, and also partly sky structure, when subtracting the considerably brighter background. These have been obtained from dedicated faint source measurements. Scaling sensitivity limits from longer measurement times to shorter ones (of less than 128 sec) does not always follow Eqn. 2, see Section 5 for more detail.

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R.J. Laureijs, U. Klaas, D. Lemke, U. Herbstmeier, P. Abraham
Wed Aug 7 12:14:12 MET DST 1996