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Up: Overview of Supplemental Call
Previous: Overview of Supplemental Call
The documentation associated with the Call for Observing Proposals consists of
1 paper document and 11 electronic ``documents''; the detailed list --
complete with version numbers -- is in Appendix C. Everyone on
the ISO mailing list will be sent a letter from the Director of ESA's
Scientific Programme announcing the Supplemental Call. The documents listed
below can be read through the World Wide Web on the ISO Public Server located
at ESTEC with URL:
and can also be retrieved generally either as LaTeX files or as postscript
files from the ESA/ESTEC ftp server. Proposers should use ftp to access, then, log in as anonymous and give their e-mail
address as password. Type cd pub/iso/supp_call to get to the
directory and sub-directories containing the relevant files. The desired
files can then be copied by typing get filename.
If you have problems downloading any of these files, please send an e-mail
to the ISO HELPDESK (section 5.2).
The documents are as follows:
- ISO Supplemental Call for Observing Proposals: This letter from
the Director of ESA's Scientific Programme is the formal announcement of
opportunity to apply for ISO observing time via the Supplemental Call. It is
sent, on paper, to all on the ISO mailing list.
- Supplemental Call for ISO Observing Proposals - Policies and
Procedures: This is the document currently being read and is
the ``administrative'' document of the Call, giving all necessary
information about the policies adopted and the procedures to be followed.
- ISO Observer's Manual: This gives a brief description of
the satellite and the ground segment, followed by some specific
information on background radiation and source confusion. The last
sections address the various spacecraft observing modes and give
instructions on how to calculate the spacecraft overheads associated
with an observation.
- Four Instrument Observer's Manuals and Addenda: There are four
instrument Observers Manuals, one for each of the scientific instruments
on-board ISO (ISOCAM, ISOPHOT, LWS, SWS). Each manual contains a
description of an instrument and its operating modes (the Astronomical
Observation Templates, AOTs) as well as detailed instructions with examples
on how to calculate the necessary observing times, including instrument
overheads, for each AOT. For ISOCAM, ISOPHOT and LWS, addenda to the
respective Observer's manuals have been produced to document the experience
gained in-orbit. These addenda update and replace sections of the
pre-launch manuals. However, it is stressed that they are addenda;
familiarity with the original Observer's Manual is assumed. For SWS, the
pre-launch manual has been updated. All these manuals contain information
relevant to both Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the proposal process.
- List of Reserved Observations: This list of reserved
includes the guaranteed time priority 1, 2 and 3 (equivalent to grades 9, 7
and 4 in PGA) plus the open time priority 1 and 2 (equivalent to grades 8 and 6
in PGA) observations. These observations--released or unreleased, executed
or awaiting scheduling--have been extracted from the Mission Data Base as of
26 July 1996. The list also contains the priority 3 open time observations
(equivalent to grades 3 and 2 in PGA) that have been executed as of 5 August
1996. Per observation, the top level record contains: target name; RA and Dec
(J2000); Instrument and AOT; observer ID (OBSID); proposal ID; observation
sequence number; in addition, there are a number of AOT-dependent columns
giving the lower level parameters which specify the observation sufficiently
to permit the Proposer to avoid duplication.
- ISO Remote Proposal Submission Software (IRPSS) Users Manual:
This document explains the goal and scope of IRPSS as well as how to get it
running and to use it. It contains examples of
the input file and a sample output file. Proposers will also have to
download the IRPSS source code and associated files.
Next: Overall Proposal Process
Up: Overview of Supplemental Call
Previous: Overview of Supplemental Call
ISO Science Operations Team
Mon Aug 5 15:18:59 MET DST 1996