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Purpose and Schedule of this Call for Observing Proposals

ISO, an infrared astronomical observatory in space, was launched by Ariane on 17 November 1995. With its instrument complement of an imaging photopolarimeter (called ISOPHOT), a camera (ISOCAM), a long wavelength spectrometer (LWS) and a short wavelength spectrometer (SWS), ISO offers astronomers a unique opportunity to make a wide variety of high-sensitivity imaging, spectroscopic, photometric and polarimetric observations in the wavelength range from 2.5 to 240 tex2html_wrap_inline603 m using a cryogenically-cooled telescope with a primary mirror diameter of 60cm. Current estimates of ISO's lifetime--limited by its supply of liquid helium--indicate that it will be operational until around December 1997.

The majority of ISO's observing time is being made available to the astronomical community by the traditional route of Calls for Observing Proposals, followed by peer review. These Calls are, in principle, open only to proposers in ESA member states, the USA and Japan. This time is referred to as ``Open Time''. A pre-launch Call for Observing Proposals was issued in 1994 and the successful proposals are currently being executed by ISO. This Supplemental Call solicits proposals to be carried out in the period from December 1996 to the end of the mission. Although completely new proposals are not excluded, priority will be given to proposals aimed at continuing, completing and extending existing ISO observing programmes, see section 4.3.1 for further details.

Responses to this Call must consist of a so-called Phase 1 proposal. After peer review by the ISO Observing Time Allocation Committee (OTAC), successful proposers will have to enter full details of their observations (Phase 2) into an ISO data base.

The following schedule has been established for the Supplemental Call:
Issue of Call 5 August 1996 5 August 1996
Phase 1 Proposals (electronic version) due by 07.00 GMT, 7 October 1996
Phase 1 Proposals (paper version) due by 12.00 GMT, 9 October 1996
OTAC review complete by late November 1996
Start of Phase 2 data entry end November 1996
End of Phase 2 data entry ~end January 1996

Note that as soon as Phase 2 data entry of a successful proposal is complete, the observations will be made available for scheduling. Thus, execution of observations resulting from Supplemental Call proposals could start as early as December 1996.

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ISO Science Operations Team
Mon Aug 5 15:18:59 MET DST 1996