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This Call for Observing Proposals is, in principle, open only to proposers in Member States of the European Space Agency, scientists applying through NASA and to scientists in Japan.

Within the ISO Science Operations Centre's data bases, each Observer or Proposer - defined as the PI of an open or guaranteed time proposal - is identified by a specific Observer Identification or ``OBSID''. The purpose of this identifier is to ensure that all communications, and eventually data products, go to the correct person. As each OBSID has to be unique, they are allocated by ESA. If you do not already have an OBSID from the pre-launch Call, you need to contact the ISO helpdesk (see section 5.2) to obtain one. The OBSID on a Phase 1 proposal must correspond with the PI of that proposal.

ISO Science Operations Team
Mon Aug 5 15:18:59 MET DST 1996