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Proposal Handling at the Science Operations Centre


The receipt of each incoming electronic proposal will be automatically acknowledged. An immediate check will be made to verify that it is a valid IPRSS input file. Should there be sufficient time left before the deadline, proposers will be notified of errors and asked to re-submit a corrected proposal before the deadline.

Upon receipt of the paper proposals, spot checks will be made to verify that the electronic and paper versions are identical. The paper copies will then be sent out to the appropriate panel members of the Observing Time Allocation Committee for scientific assessment and review.

In parallel, the electronic versions will be imported into a proposal data base for statistical analysis, including determination of any areas of the sky where the requested time exceeds that available. Also, some checks will be made for, inter alia, duplication with the reserved observations and technical feasibility.

ISO Science Operations Team
Mon Aug 5 15:18:59 MET DST 1996