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This present document informs potential proposers about the policies adopted, the procedures to be followed and the interactions foreseen between proposers and the Science Operations Centre (SOC).

The organisation of this document is as follows:

An overview of the types of observing time is presented in section 3. The complete proposal process, including the two phases and aspects specific to the Supplemental Call, is summarised in section 4.

Details of the Phase 1 proposal submission procedure and evaluation/selection processes are described in sections 5 and 6, respectively.

The entry of details of the observations and the processing of this data, i.e. the Phase 2 process, are explained in section 7.

An outline of the procedures for making any further changes to proposals and/or observations after the end of the Phase 2 data entry process is described in section 8.

Sections 9 and 10 contain information on data products, rights and publication acknowledgment.

Appendices A and B contain a dictionary of all acronyms used in this volume and a glossary of some frequently-used terminology. A complete list of all documentation issued in support of the Supplemental Call is contained in Appendix C.

Proposers are advised to read all sections of this document carefully; special attention should be given to sections 4 and 5.

ISO Science Operations Team
Mon Aug 5 15:18:59 MET DST 1996