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1 Introduction

This paper summarizes the error propagation of the SWS pipeline. It is not possible to list all cases. Only the standard pipeline data processing will be discussed. Also it is not intended to discuss error handling in associated CAP procedures, although they influence how the pipeline is treating errors. This might be subject of further versions.

This study is based on pipeline version 6.0. During this study it turned out that it is possible to improve the error handling of this pipeline version. Thus a few modifications were done within the IA3 environment (SPR_S0166). Especially the DERIVE AAR s/w changed drastically in some cases of the error computation. This paper will note the differences between the current pipeline version 6.0 s/w and the current IA3 implementation.

A list which pipeline modules were affected is appended to this paper.

The computed errors in the Auto Analysis product do not reflect all known uncertainties to the 'flux' value in the AAR. An attempt has been made to correctly propagate the detector noise through all steps of flux calibration, and to include other effects like the statistical error of dark current measurements. There are, however, effects like slow detector drifts which may significantly affect the measured flux but cannot be precisely quantified. The 'stdev' is hence more a number which might be suitable for comparison purposes, e.g. assessing which part of the spectrum are 'more noisy', than for quantifying the absolute uncertainty in (continuum) flux.

Due to technical reasons it is not meaningful to compare errors of different detectors. It is more intended to give an impression about the relative errors for one detector.

Although the current error propagation is on a 'best knowledge base' this paper should be the base for further discussions. It should be updated with every pipeline update in IA3 which affects error computation

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Ekkehard Wieprecht