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This explanations are based on Do Kesters paper ``The calculation of slopes'', dated 4 Jan 96)

To calculate the slope in the ISO detector data, we take the AC-corrected detector outputs for every reset interval, y, versus time, t. These should fit the equation one. Be aware that due to uncertainties in the AC-constants of every detector the slope might be slightly curved. This method to compute the error could give a sigma value even if the input before AC-correction is perfect. So the computed error is not suited to compare between detectors, moreover it represents the relative error of one detector.


where a is the offset (in microvolts) and b is the slope (in microvolts per second) of one reset interval. As usual we write the tex2html_wrap_inline231 -equation as


In the first instance the summation is over one second of data. Later, the equation can be resummed over the complete reset interval. We want to find a minimum in tex2html_wrap_inline231 . To this end we differentiate the equation to a and b and put both equations to 0: the normal equations.


N : number of samples in 1 reset period

The solutions to this set of equations is




The variance of the solution is tex2html_wrap_inline239 and hence the standard deviation is:


N : number of samples

We can now calculate the formal errors in the offset and the slope.


The `standard deviation of the slope', tex2html_wrap_inline241 was passed into the SPD product in field SWSPSTDV for OLP version 5.x.

Pipeline version 6.0 computes a slightly different `standard deviation of the slope', tex2html_wrap_inline241 :


Ekkehard Wieprecht