Fig. 5.3 (p. ) to
Fig. 5.8 (p.
show the SWS grating spectral response functions
for each AOT band, obtained by measuring full scans on
the internal blackbody source or an astronomical calibration target. The scans
were taken with a step size
= 1 (maximum resolution in wavelength) and the raw data have
been converted to a wavelength scale with optimal precision, i.e.,
better than 1 scan step. Along the Y-axis is plotted the ratio of the
output signal in
(i.e. in instrument units) and the input
signal on the entrance slit expressed in Jy (i.e. in astronomical
units). In this way, the plots show the overall effective spectral
response function of the SWS, linking astronomical flux density to
instrument signal level.
Apart from the noise in the data of some bands, almost all features,
fringes and dips are real. Fringing in astronomical objects may depend on
source extent and on effective instrument resolution. The data shown apply for
extended sources observed at full resolution, i.e. are not applicable to AOT
SWS01, and are believed to have an accuracy of better than 30%.