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Fabry-Pérot Section

The SWS Fabry-Pérot section may be used at wavelengths between 11.4 and 44.5 tex2html_wrap_inline2404 m. Instrument levels tests have shown that performance in the extended wavelength range outside the nominal design wavelength range of 15-35 tex2html_wrap_inline2404 m is good enough to make the extended range generally available.  A few remaining peculiarities of the extended range are discussed together with the following performance description. Results throughout this section refer to use of the Fabry-Pérot AOT bands  of Tab. 2.1 that have been selected to give the best tradeoff between the various design goals (high sensitivity, low leakage etc.).

SWS Consortium
Wed Aug 7 17:20:29 MET DST 1996