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Up: Observer's Manual
Previous: List of Figures
- Definition of the wavelength ranges of the SWS AOT bands
- Summary of SWS-FM detector properties for a reset time
- Grating noise parameters
- Fabry-Pérot noise parameters
- Merging of observations in AOT SWS06. The integration time in the last
column shows which observation (SW or LW) determines the charged integration
- Merging of observations in AOT SWS07. The integration time in
the last column shows which observation determines the charged
integration time
- Possible combinations of reset time
, step size
scanner steps, and number of scans
for each of the SWS AOT's
- Continuation of possible combinations of reset time
, step size
in scanner steps, and number of scans
for each of the SWS
- AOT SWS02 observing times for sources of 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, 10, 30, and
100 Jy. Wavelength intervals correspond to
10 resolution
elements. In all cases SNR = 20 was requested, but may be exceeded.
- Continuation of AOT SWS02 observing times table.
- AOT SWS06 grating scan observing times for wavelength intervals
corresponding to
80 resolution elements of sources of 0.3, 1, 3, 10,
30, and 100 Jy. In all cases a SNR = 20 per resolution element
was requested, but may be exceeded.
- Continuation of AOT SWS06 grating scan observing times
SWS Consortium
Wed Aug 7 17:20:29 MET DST 1996