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Merging: simultaneous use of the SW and LW sections


As explained in section 3.3 and in Fig. 3.1 (p. gif) it is possible to use both instrument sections simultaneously. In practice this will always happen, even if the observer does not request it .
The principle of merging allows that the observer, by a proper choice of the wavelength ranges to be observed, obtains either free additional observations or a better SNR of the desired wavelength range. Knowledge of a few simple rules is sufficient to get optimum results from an observing proposal. Rules and gains are different for AOT SWS07 with respect to AOTs SWS02 and 06.

For AOTs SWS02 and SWS06 it is important to propose per aperture the same number of observations for both the LW and the SW sections. The AOT logic selects LW-SW pairs on the basis of closely similar integration times, and per pair the longest integration time is charged to the observer. Thus the largest gain is made when the two individual observations within a pair require nearly the same integration time. It is up to the proposer to obtain this goal by a proper selection of SNR and wavelength ranges. When the proposer does not (fully) use the possibilities of merging, the AOT logic will optimize the proposal by itself. This will be done in the following way:
- the requested SNR of the shortest measurement within each LW-SW pair will be increased until the integration times become closely similar.
- a measurement in either section, but within the same aperture, may be repeated in order to form a LW-SW pair with a measurement in the other section, which otherwise would not have been paired up.

For AOT SWS07 the observer should follow a different strategy. This strategy, as implemented in the AOT logic, does not lead to a pure rise in efficiency, because simultaneous use of SW-grating and LW-Fabry-Pérot will increase the overheads  and because merging is not possible through aperture 3. During the whole period in which the LW section is being used through aperture 1 or 2 to make Fabry-Pérot scans, the SW section is available to make grating scans through the same aperture. The practice of one to one pairing of LW and SW observations, as explained above for AOTs SWS02 and SWS06, does not apply to AOT SWS07. Instead, AOT SWS07 permits filling in of a Fabry-Pérot scan with several grating scans up to a maximum equal to the time needed to complete the Fabry-Pérot scan. Use of the grating during a Fabry-Pérot scan involves a loss in efficiency for the Fabry-Pérot scan. This loss amounts to an extra overhead of approximately 30 percent of the time needed to complete all SW observations.

To illustrate both merging procedures, two examples   of full range SWS observations are considered below. In both cases a constant flux density of 20 Jy and a requested SNR =  20 has been assumed. The results for AOT SWS06 are tabulated in Table 6.1, those for AOT SWS07 in Table 6.2.


Total integration time in AOT SWS06.
Aperture SW grating LW grating
band time (s) band time (s) charged times (s)
1 1A 378 -- -- 378
1B 522 3A 1024 1024
2 1E 434 -- -- 434
1D 642 -- -- 642
2B 688 3C 940 940
2A 1058 3D 1262 1262
3 2C 2138 4 1484 2138
Table 6.1: Merging of observations in AOT SWS06. The integration time in the last column shows which observation (SW or LW) determines the charged integration time




Total integration time in AOT SWS07.
Aperture SW grating LW F-P
band time (s) band time (s) charged times (s)
1 1A 378 -- --
1B 522 5B 2496 2496


-- -- 5D 34216 34216
1E 434 -- --
1D 642 -- --
2B 688 -- --
2A 1058 5C 26520 26520
3 2C 2138 6 27800 28938
Table 6.2: Merging of observations in AOT SWS07. The integration time in the last column shows which observation determines the charged integration time




AOT Band notes
SWS01 all tex2html_wrap_inline2408 1 2 2 2
tex2html_wrap_inline2410 32 3216 8 a
tex2html_wrap_inline2412 2 2 2 2 1 up, 1 down
tex2html_wrap_inline2930 24 2424 24 b
resolution R/8R/8R/4R/2 c
duration 1172 1944 3846 6570 seconds
SWS02 1 tex2html_wrap_inline2408 1 2 4 ..
tex2html_wrap_inline2410 1 1 1 ..
tex2html_wrap_inline2412 2 2 2 .. up, down, etc.
tex2html_wrap_inline2930 110110110 .. b
duration .. minutes
SWS02 2 tex2html_wrap_inline2408 1 2 ..
3 tex2html_wrap_inline2410 1 1 ..
tex2html_wrap_inline2412 2 2 .. up, down, etc.
tex2html_wrap_inline2930 110110 .. b
duration 1.32.7 .. minutes
SWS02 4 tex2html_wrap_inline2408 1 2 ..
tex2html_wrap_inline2410 2 2 ..
tex2html_wrap_inline2412 2 2 .. up, down, etc.
tex2html_wrap_inline2930 90 90 ..
duration 1.32.7 .. minutes
SWS07 F-P 5-6 tex2html_wrap_inline2408 1 2 ..
tex2html_wrap_inline2410 1/4 tex2html_wrap_inline3008
tex2html_wrap_inline2412 2 2 .. unidirectional
3 times or more
Table 6.3: Possible combinations of reset time tex2html_wrap_inline2408 , step size tex2html_wrap_inline2410 in scanner steps, and number of scans tex2html_wrap_inline2412 for each of the SWS AOT's


AOT Band notes
SWS06 1 tex2html_wrap_inline2408 1 2 2 4 4 4 ..
+ tex2html_wrap_inline2410 4 4 2 2 1 1 ..
SWS07 tex2html_wrap_inline2412 2 2 2 2 2 4 .. up, down, etc
SW section tex2html_wrap_inline2930 27 27 55 55 110 220 ..
SWS06 2-3 tex2html_wrap_inline2408 1 2 2 2 2 ..
+ tex2html_wrap_inline2410 4 4 2 1 1 ..
SWS07 tex2html_wrap_inline2412 2 2 2 2 4 .. up, down, etc
SW section tex2html_wrap_inline2930 27 27 55 110 220 ..
SWS06 4 tex2html_wrap_inline2408 1 2 2 2 2 2 ..
tex2html_wrap_inline2410 6 6 3 2 1 1 ..
tex2html_wrap_inline2412 2 2 2 2 2 4 .. up, down, etc
tex2html_wrap_inline2930 30 30 60 90 180 360 ..
Table 6.4: Continuation of possible combinations of reset time tex2html_wrap_inline2408 , step size tex2html_wrap_inline2410 in scanner steps, and number of scans tex2html_wrap_inline2412 for each of the SWS AOT's


Notes to Tab. 6.3 and  6.4:
a) Effectively. Actually 8 steps per sec
b) tex2html_wrap_inline2930 , the number of integrations per resolution element. This is the product of tex2html_wrap_inline2412 , the number of detectors in an array (12), and the ratio between resolution and stepsize.
c) effective spectral resolution

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SWS Consortium
Wed Aug 7 17:20:29 MET DST 1996