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Example of an AOT SWS07 observation


An observer want to observe a line of strength 250 Jy at 40 tex2html_wrap_inline2404 m, reaching a S/N of 30 and covering 200 km/s. From figure 6.5 we see that we reach a S/N of 10 on a 700 Jy source in 1200 seconds while scanning 50 km/s. Therefore to reach 250 Jy with 150 km/s will take tex2html_wrap_inline3271 seconds. This is over 10 hours so the observation cannot be planned. However, to scan 80 km/s to a S/N of 15 will take 34000 seconds. PGA reports this observation is feasible and will require 29000 seconds OTT.

SWS Consortium
Wed Aug 7 17:20:29 MET DST 1996