AA Auto AnalysisAOT Astronomical Observation Template
APH Aperture Pointing History
CA Calibration Analysis
CAM ISO Camera
d Fabry-Pérot gap width
ERD Edited Raw Data
FITS Flexible Image Transport System
FM Flight Model (of SWS)
FS Flight Spare model (of SWS)
FWHM Full Width at Half Maximum
F-P Fabry-Pérot Spectrometer
IA Interactive Analysis
ILT Instrument Level Test (SWS laboratory test)
JFET Junction Field Effect Transistor
LW Long Wavelength section of SWS
LWS ISO Long Wavelength Spectrometer
Number of scan steps per AOT band
Number of scan steps per FWHM of spectral resolution
Step size in scanner steps
n Fabry-Pérot order
Number of integrations
Number of samples taken from a single spectral resolution element
Number of scans
Number of steps
Dark current noise
Read noise
Shot noise
ODS Observatory Data Server
OLP Off-Line Processing
PHT ISO Photopolarimeter
QLA Quick Look Analysis
RTA Real Time Assessment
R Spectral Resolution
SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio
SOC Science Operations Center (Villafranca)
SPD Standard Processed Data
SW Short Wavelength section of SWS
SWS ISO Short Wavelength Spectrometer
S Signal Strength (
Flux density (Jy)
TDATA Transparent Data
TDF Telemetry Distribution Format
TDT Target Dedicated Time
Detector reset time (sec)
UTK Uniform Time Key