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List of Acronyms and Symbols

AA		    Auto Analysis

AOT Astronomical Observation Template

APH Aperture Pointing History

CA Calibration Analysis

CAM ISO Camera

d Fabry-Pérot gap width

ERD Edited Raw Data

FITS Flexible Image Transport System

FM Flight Model (of SWS)

FS Flight Spare model (of SWS)

FWHM Full Width at Half Maximum

F-P Fabry-Pérot Spectrometer

IA Interactive Analysis

ILT Instrument Level Test (SWS laboratory test)

JFET Junction Field Effect Transistor

LW Long Wavelength section of SWS

LWS ISO Long Wavelength Spectrometer

tex2html_wrap_inline2495 Number of scan steps per AOT band

tex2html_wrap_inline3307 Number of scan steps per FWHM of spectral resolution

tex2html_wrap_inline2410 Step size in scanner steps

tex2html_wrap_inline3311 Wavelength

n Fabry-Pérot order

tex2html_wrap_inline3315 Number of integrations

tex2html_wrap_inline2930 Number of samples taken from a single spectral resolution element

tex2html_wrap_inline2412 Number of scans

tex2html_wrap_inline2934 Number of steps

tex2html_wrap_inline2714 Dark current noise

tex2html_wrap_inline2710 Read noise

tex2html_wrap_inline2718 Shot noise

ODS Observatory Data Server

OLP Off-Line Processing

PHT ISO Photopolarimeter

QLA Quick Look Analysis

RTA Real Time Assessment

R Spectral Resolution

SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio

SOC Science Operations Center (Villafranca)

SPD Standard Processed Data

SW Short Wavelength section of SWS

SWS ISO Short Wavelength Spectrometer

S Signal Strength ( tex2html_wrap_inline2404 V/s)

tex2html_wrap_inline2948 Flux density (Jy)

TDATA Transparent Data

TDF Telemetry Distribution Format

TDT Target Dedicated Time

tex2html_wrap_inline2408 Detector reset time (sec)

UTK Uniform Time Key

SWS Consortium
Wed Aug 7 17:20:29 MET DST 1996