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Sensitivity and Calculation of Observing Times


For photometry of point-sources the power on the detector is described by:


is the flux of the point source in at the selected wavelength; is the fraction of the point spread function which passes through the aperture and can be found in Tab. 2 and 4. C1 is a wavelength dependent parameter and is tabulated in Tab. 10. The following parameters are represented by the factor C1:

For extended sources the total power depends on the surface brightness of the source and the solid angle of the aperture, thus:


where is the flux density of the extended source in , e is an obscuration factor of the secondary mirror of the ISO telescope, where , and is the solid angle of the aperture or array projected on the sky. The values for can be found in Tab. 9.

The total noise is described by the following equation:


This includes an additional measurement for background subtraction so that the background and read-out terms are counted twice.

is the photon noise for a point source:



For extended sources the photon noise is:


The noise induced by the background is described by the same formula, except that becomes the flux density of the background:


is the detector noise and can be represented by a constant for each detector:



Now the integration time can be calculated from Eq. 5. The constants C1, C2, and C3 are tabulated in Tab. 10.

PHT03 and PHT22

For chopping observations the observing time on the reference positions has to be added. For rectangular and triangular mode the exposure time is twice the on-source integration time. In saw-tooth mode, where an equal amount of time is spent on the source position and each of the two reference positions, the total exposure time becomes 3 times the on-source integration time.

PHT05 and PHT25

Similar to the AOTs PHT03 and PHT22 in rectangular and triangular chopping mode, the total exposure time is twice the on-source integration time, since the same amount of time is spent on the source and on the FCS.

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Tue Dec 6 17:24:45 MET 1994