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5.4 Calibration sources and achieved accuracy


5.4.1 Spectroscopic calibration Grating calibration

For version 6 of the pipeline, a new wavelength calibration was derived consisting of

The size of the grating spectral element was determined and found to be equal to the size that was quoted in the LWS Observers Manual, i.e. 0.29 tex2html_wrap_inline5295m for the SW detectors and 0.60 tex2html_wrap_inline5295m for the LW detectors.

The sources and lines that were used are given in Table 5.2.

Source Type Lines
Grating wavelength calibration
NGC6543 PN 52, 57, 63, 88 tex2html_wrap_inline5295m
NGC6826 PN 52, 57, 63, 88 tex2html_wrap_inline5295m
G298.228 HII region 52, 57, 63, 88, 145, 158 tex2html_wrap_inline5295m
IRAS15408-5356 HII region 52, 57, 63, 88, 145, 158 tex2html_wrap_inline5295m
FP wavelength calibration
NGC7027 PN 63.184 [OI], 157.741 [CII]
NGC3603 P1 HII region 51.814 [OIII], 57.317 [NIII], 157.741 [CII]
NGC6826 PN 51.814 [OIII], 88.356 [OIII], 157.741 [CII]
G0.6-0.6 HII region 51.814 [OIII], 57.317 [NIII], 63.184 [OI], 121.898 [NII]
145.525 [OI], 157.741 [CII]
Table 5.2: The sources and emission lines that are used for the wavelength calibration of the grating and of both FPs. For the FPS calibration all lines were observed in three FP orders. For the FPL the lines were observed in two orders. Type indicates the source type (PPN: Proto Planetary Nebula; PN: Planetary Nebula).


The accuracy for the grating wavelength calibration quoted here is based on several observations of NGC6543, and two targets that were not used for the derivation of the coefficients: NGC7027 and W Hya. The measured lines had intensities ranging between tex2html_wrap_inline5073 and tex2html_wrap_inline5075  W/cm tex2html_wrap_inline4909 . 85% of the measured lines show a deviation from their expected wavelengths of less than 25% of a grating resolution element (0.07 tex2html_wrap_inline5295m for the SW detectors and 0.15 tex2html_wrap_inline5295m for the LW detectors). The maximum deviation that was measured was 0.27 tex2html_wrap_inline5295m on LW4 or 45% of a resolution element. See also section 7.5 for some caveats on the grating wavelength calibration. The accuracy that is achieved for the wavelength with the grating is given in Table 5.3.

mode Accuracy
grating calibration tex2html_wrap_inline5085 25% of a resol. element
0.07 tex2html_wrap_inline5295m for SW detectors
0.15 tex2html_wrap_inline5295m for LW detectors
FPS calibration tex2html_wrap_inline5091  tex2html_wrap_inline5295m RMS
scatter in the fitted calibration
FPL calibration tex2html_wrap_inline5095  tex2html_wrap_inline5295m RMS
scatter in the fitted calibration
FP absolute accuracy tex2html_wrap_inline5085 40 km/s due to errors in FPS
and FPL calibration
Table 5.3: Accuracy of the wavelengths for an LWS spectrum. These accuracies are based on actual measurements. 85% of all measurements were within these limits for the accuracy. Note that the accuracy for the FPs can be improved using the new calibration coefficients given in section 7.7. Fabry-Perot calibration

The RMS scatter in the fitted calibration of the Fabry-Perots gives a measure of the internal accuracy of the calibration. This was determined to be tex2html_wrap_inline5101 m for FPS and tex2html_wrap_inline5103 m for FPL. However, tests using several strong lines on a single source have shown a significant velocity difference between lines observed with FPS and FPL. The differences can be as large as 80 km/sec with FPL giving systematically higher velocities. This difference is due to an error in both the FPS and the FPL calibrations (see section 7.7).

The sources and lines that were used are given in Table 5.2. The accuracy that is achieved for the wavelength with the FPs is given in Table 5.3.

5.4.2 Photometric calibration Grating calibration

The accuracy of the photometric calibration is determined by a number of factors:

All these factors together lead to a photometric accuracy for LWS grating mode spectra of 10% between repeated scans on the same detector (this is mainly due to the effect of responsivity changes), and 30% between adjacent detectors (mainly due to responsivity changes and dark backgroound removal problems). Fabry-Perot calibration

For the Fabry-Perot mode, the photometric accuracy was determined by comparing the integrated line fluxes observed with the FP with the fluxes observed with the grating or line fluxes published in the literature. The sources and lines are given in Table 5.4. It was found that for strong lines accuarcy is typically better than 30%. For faint lines however, the FP fluxes can be off by almost a factor 2. This is mainly due to the removal of the darkcurrent and the responsivity drift correction which are known to be less accurate for low signal levels (see also section 7.13).



Table 5.4: The sources and lines in this table were used for the determination of the photometris accuarcy of the Fabry-Perot data.

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N.Trams, ISO Science Operations Team
Using inputs from:
C.Gry, T. Lim, LWS Instrument Dedicated Team
A.Harwood, P.E.Clegg, B.Swinyard, K.King, LWS Instrument Team
S.Lord, S.Unger, IPAC.