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7.4 Non-linear detector behaviour.


For very strong sources the integration ramps will become very non-linear. The current method of extracting the photocurrent does not process these ramps correctly. This limits the scientific value of the LWS data products for very bright sources that are close to the saturation limit of the LWS detectors (e.g. grating observations of the Galactic center and Saturn). The implementation of a new photo current derivation algorithm in version 7 of the OLP pipeline should solve this problem.

N.Trams, ISO Science Operations Team
Using inputs from:
C.Gry, T. Lim, LWS Instrument Dedicated Team
A.Harwood, P.E.Clegg, B.Swinyard, K.King, LWS Instrument Team
S.Lord, S.Unger, IPAC.