Each of the chapters in this manual addresses a different aspect of the LWS instrument and data. Chapter 3 addresses the Instrument and its operations, Chapter 4 gives information on some of the instrument peculiarities, Chapter 5 describes the calibration and the expected accuracy, Chapter 6 gives an overview of the data processing that was used to derive the products, Chapter 7 describes what the observer should be aware of when using the LWS Auto Analysis results, Chapter 8 is a detailed guide to all the data product file, Chapter 9 can be used as a starting point for LWS products, and Chapter 10 describes possible algorithms for extra processing the observer may want to perform.
Although all information is relevant for the LWS data, it is not strictly necessary in order to publish an LWS spectrum to go in detail through all chapters. Some observers may just want to get information on the end products (the Auto Analysis results), and therefore do not care about the raw data, others may want to go into the raw data and start their analysis from that. In this chapter we give some indications where to start in this manual for different interests.