Between square brackets are listed the options of which one should be selected. PEAK-UP: - not used - parameter still present in PHT05 but not used due to the current pointing performance which is better than expected. At the moment (Jan '97) the pointing accuracy is 2", but an accuracy of order 1" is expected in the near future. DARK: [Y,N] select (Y) or de-select (N) the dark signal measurement. Filter: [3.29,3.6,4.85,7.3,7.7,10,11.3,11.5,12.8,16.0,20.0,25,60,100] for PHT05 [50.0,60.0,90.0,100.0,105.0,120.0,135.0,160.0,180.0,200.0] for PHT25 filter to be used Aperture: [5,7.6,10,13.8,18,20x32,23,79,99,120,127x127,180] arcsec (for PHT05 only) aperture to be used Source type: [P,E] either point source (P) or extended source (E), this parameter defines whether the "Source flux" must be given in Jy or MJy/sr. Cold FCS: [Y,N] select (Y) or de-select (N) cold FCS measurement for straylight determination. Source flux: best available estimate of source flux in Jy or MJy/sr Uncertainty in flux: uncertainty of source flux estimate in Jy or MJy/sr, parameter is used to adjust the dynamic range. Maximum background: expected background flux (in MJy/sr) at source position. Parameter can be set to zero for absolute sky brightness measurements, if total flux is given in "Source flux". Requested Int. time: integration time requested for the Sky measurement. Note that the "warm" FCS measurement will be set to the same integration time as the sky measurement. Requested S/N: required signal-to-noise ratio. The "Requested Int. time" will be set to 0 if this parameter is different from 0.
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