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4.1 Overview  

The ISOPHOT data processing contains several corrections due to the proporties of the detector, due to instrumental effects by the electronics and optics, and due to external effects such as cosmics. In this chapter are described the effects that could lead to a better understanding of the data and of the photometric calibration. Most of the effects have been studied by the instrument dedicated team. Since the investigations are ongoing updates on several issues are expected. The descriptions start with the detector and its properties in section 4.2, the features generated by the instrument electronics in section 4.3, and ionizing radiation effects in section 4.4 which have a dramatic impact on the detectors. Subsequently the optical (section 4.5), spectral (section 4.6), and straylight performance (section 4.7) are discussed. Finally, we mention the instrumental polarisation (4.8) and the influence of the background on the photometric data (section 4.9).

ISOPHOT Data Users Manual, Version 4.1, SAI/95-220/Dc