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5.7 Calibration files  

5.7.1 Calibration G files  

The instrument characteristics required for the processing of the raw ISOPHOT data into calibrated products are stored in calibration files which are referred to as ``Calibration G'' or ``Cal G'' files. All Cal G files are in FITS format. The Cal G files are updated depending on the outcome of the dedicated calibration observations.

In the Table 5.1 the types of Cal G information mentioned in this chapter are listed together with references to the full descriptions elsewhere in this manual. A complete description of all Cal G files can be found in chapter 13.

Table 5.1: Cal G files related to the parameters described in this chapter
parameter  Description                 full description 
Pfcsf(h) FCS power calibration tables section 13.10
Rdet Default detector responsivities section 13.11
ffPSF Point Spread Function factors section 13.15
${\alpha}^f(a)$ Inhomogeneous FCS illumination of PHT-P section 13.13
${\Gamma}^{f}(i)$ Array Illumination by FCS section 13.12
${\chi}^f(i)$ Wavelength dependent detector flat fields section 13.14
C1f Conversion from in-band power to flux density section 13.17
Sdetdark Default dark signals section 13.7
${\Omega}_{eff}^f$ Effective solid angles of apertures and pixels section 13.18
Cs,pnt(i), Cs,ext(i), ${\lambda}(i)$ PHT-S wavelength and signal calibration section 13.16
kf Colour corrections section 13.19

5.7.2 Calibration A files  

Cal G files should not be confused with the ISOPHOT dataproducts related to the FCS measurements which are part of all PHT AOTs except P40. These products are called ``Calibration A'' or ``Cal A'' files. Cal A files are generated at the SPD processing level. Among other data items the Cal A products contain the signal per chopper plateau. The FCS heating power as well as the expected in-band power is provided so that the responsivity of the detector close to the time of the target measurement can be obtained. The derived responsivity together with its uncertainty for each detector pixel has been included in the FITS header of the related SPD product.

See also sections 12.3.7 and 12.3.8.

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ISOPHOT Data Users Manual, Version 4.1, SAI/95-220/Dc