Next: 10.2 Further processing
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For a quick look of the binary FITS table data, utilities are required to convert the binary contents of a FITS file into an ascii file. For the single pointing photometry data, the tables are usually not very big, so that the ascii file can immediately be downloaded in a general utility such as e.g. a spreadsheet.
A utility which can be used for such a purpose is the ``ldump'' routine in FTOOLS. For more information on FTOOLS see
Any image processing or displaying system should be able to display the AA FITS image files (PGAI, PGAU, PGAT). A frequently used tool for such purposes is SAOimage, see
The Infrared Processing and Analysis Center has developed ``ISO First Look Tools'' to look and display ISO products. These products are available to the general astronomical community. For detailed information see
ISOPHOT Data Users Manual, Version 4.1, SAI/95-220/Dc