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10.1 First look at the products

The ISOPHOT auto-analysis products consist of binary FITS tables in case of single pointing photometry or FITS images in case raster maps or PHT32 observations were requested. All products contain a header in which general information can be found about an observation and the contents of the tables or images. As the headers of all products are in given ascii, the header information of the FITS files can be browsed with a ``type'' (in VMS) or ``more'' (in unix) command. Detailed descriptions of the headers as well as the FITS records of the products are given in chapters 12 and 13.

For a quick look of the binary FITS table data, utilities are required to convert the binary contents of a FITS file into an ascii file. For the single pointing photometry data, the tables are usually not very big, so that the ascii file can immediately be downloaded in a general utility such as e.g. a spreadsheet.

A utility which can be used for such a purpose is the ``ldump'' routine in FTOOLS. For more information on FTOOLS see

Any image processing or displaying system should be able to display the AA FITS image files (PGAI, PGAU, PGAT). A frequently used tool for such purposes is SAOimage, see

The Infrared Processing and Analysis Center has developed ``ISO First Look Tools'' to look and display ISO products. These products are available to the general astronomical community. For detailed information see

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ISOPHOT Data Users Manual, Version 4.1, SAI/95-220/Dc