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12.2 ERD product types  

12.2.1 Rationale behind product design  

As the ERD is reformatted telemetry data, the different ERD products reflect the data structures related to the different PHT sub-systems: single pixel data (P1, P2, and P3), 9 pixel data (PHT-C100), 4 pixel data (PHT-C200) and 128 pixel data (PHT-S). Each ERD product is accompanied by one compact status product with product name prefix ``PSTA''. A compact status record defines the instrument configuration for one measurement. The structure of the compact status product is the same for all PHT subinstruments.

12.2.2 Product PPER  

PHT-P Edited Raw Data
Record length: 28 bytes

FIELD		Off	N	T	Description				Comment
GPSCTKEY	0	1	I*4	Instrument time key		 	see IDPD, unit= 2-14 s
GPSCRPID	4	2	I*1	Raster point ID		 		points and lines
GPSCFILL	6	1	I*2	Filler		 			empty 
PPERPIXF	8	1	I*2	Bit flags accompanying pixels		appendix B.4
PPERPCS1	10	1	I*2	Power of calibration source1		appendix B.2
PPERPCS2	12	1	I*2	Power of calibration source2		appendix B.2
PPERFIL1	14	1	I*2	Spare		 
PPERTEMP	16	1	I*2	Measured temperature P1, P2, or P3	appendix B.1
PPERFIL2	18	2	I*2	Spare		  
PPERCPOS	22	1	I*2	Measured chopper position		appendix B.3
PPERMBV		24	1	I*2	Measured bias voltage P1, P2, or P3		 
PPERPIX		26	1	I*2	IR data (1 pixel)			12 bits used
										see appendix B.2

12.2.3 Product P1ER  

PHT C100 Edited Raw Data
Record length: 48 bytes

FIELD		Off	N	T	Description			Comment
GPSCTKEY	0	1	I*4	Instrument time key		see IDPD, unit= 2-14 s
GPSCRPID	4	2	I*1	Raster point ID		 	points and lines 
GPSCFILL	6	1	I*2	Filler		  
P1ERPIXF	8	1	I*2	Bit flags accompanying pixels	appendix B.4
P1ERPCS1	10	1	I*2	Power of calibration source1	appendix B.2
P1ERPCS2	12	1	I*2	Power of calibration source2	appendix B.2
P1ERCREV	14	1	I*2	Measured CRE checkout voltage	see note below
P1ERTEMP	16	1	I*2	Measured temperature C100	appendix B.1
P1ERFILL	18	2	I*2	Spare		  
P1ERCPOS	22	1	I*2	Measured chopper position	appendix B.3
P1ERMBV 	24	1	I*2	Measured bias voltage C100	 
P1ERPIXR	26	1	I*2	IR data (resistor)		see note below
P1ERPIXO	28	1	I*2	IR data (open)		 
P1ERPIX 	30	9	I*2	IR data: 9 pixels	 	for ordering see 3.4.2
									12 bits used
									see appendix B.2

Note :  The CRE checkout voltage is of no importance for the analysis of the IR data. It was a diagnosis DC voltage which was applied to the CRE resistor pixel for PHT-C and PHT-S and produced a kind of load curve at the output of the resistor pixel. This worked like a connection to a normal CRE channel of a detector pixel, however the resistance of this special channel was much smaller than the one of a high-ohmic detector pixel.

12.2.4 Product P2ER  

PHT C200 Edited Raw Data
Record length: 44 bytes

FIELD		Off	N	T	Description			Comment
GPSCTKEY	0	1	I*4	Instrument time key 		see IDPD, unit= 2-14 s
GPSCRPID	4	2	I*1	Raster point ID 		points and lines
GPSCFILL	6	1	I*2	Filler 		 
P2ERPIXF	8	1	I*2	Bit flags accompanying pixels 	appendix B.4
P2ERPCS1	10	1	I*2	Power of FCS 1 			appendix B.2
P2ERPCS2	12	1	I*2	Power of FCS2			appendix B.2
P2ERCREV	14	1	I*2	Measured CRE checkout voltage	cf. note 12.2.3
P2ERTEMP	16	1	I*2	Measured temperature C200	appendix B.1
P2ERFILL	18	2	I*2	Spare		  
P2ERCPOS	22	1	I*2	Measured chopper position	appendix B.3
P2ERMBV1	24	1	I*2	Measured bias voltage pixel1	see section 3.4.2-
P2ERMBV2	26	1	I*2	Measured bias voltage pixel2	-for pixel position on-
P2ERMBV3	28	1	I*2	Measured bias voltage pixel3	-sky 
P2ERMBV4	30	1	I*2	Measured bias voltage pixel4		  
P2ERPIX1	32	1	I*2	IR data (pixel 1)		see section 3.4.2 -
P2ERPIX2	34	1	I*2	IR data (pixel 2)		-for pixel position on-
P2ERPIX3	36	1	I*2	IR data (not used)		-sky 
P2ERPIX4	38	1	I*2	IR data (pixel 3)		- see - 
P2ERPIX5	40	1	I*2	IR data (pixel 4)		- appendix B.2- 
P2ERPIX6	42	1	I*2	IR data (resistor)		- for bit usage -

12.2.5 Product P2ES  

PHT C200 Edited Raw Data for PHT serendipity mode
Record length: 44 bytes
Identical record structure as for product P2ER (section 12.2.4), the prefix P2ER should be replaced by P2ES.

12.2.6 Product PSER  

PHT-S Edited Raw Data
Record length: 292 bytes

FIELD		Off	N	T	Description			Comment
GPSCTKEY	0	1	I*4	Instrument time key 		see IDPD, unit= 2-14 s
GPSCRPID	4	2	I*1	Raster point ID 		points and lines
GPSCFILL	6	1	I*2	Filler 		 
PSERPIXF	8	1	I*2	Bit flags accompanying pixels 	appendix B.4
PSERPCS1	10	1	I*2	Power of calibration source 1 	no meaning, FCS -
					-always off in AOT
PSERPCS2	12	1	I*2	Power of calibration source 2 	no meaning, FCS -
					-always off in AOT
PSERCREV	14	1	I*2	Measured CRE checkout voltage 	cf. note 12.2.3
PSERTEM1	16	1	I*2	Measured temperature S1(SL) 	appendix B.1
PSERTEM2	18	1	I*2	Measured temperature S2(SS) 	appendix B.1
PSERFILL	20	1	I*2	Spare 		 
PSERCPOS	22	1	I*2	Measured chopper position 	appendix B.3
PSERMBV1	24	1	I*2	Measured bias voltage S1(=SL) 		 
PSERMBV2	26	1	I*2	Measured bias voltage S2(=SS) 		 
PSERPIX1	28	66	I*2	IR data for SL branch 		includes 2 resistor pixels
	 	 	 	 					values 65 and 66
									12 bits used -
									- appendix B.2
PSERPIX2	160	66	I*2	IR data for SS branch 		includes 2 resistor pixels
	 	 	 	 					values 65 and 66
						 			12 bits used -
											- appendix B.2

12.2.7 Product PSTA  

PHT-ERD Compact Status
Record length 128 bytes

FIELD		Off	 N	T	Description			Comment
CSGPUKST	0	 1 	I*4 	 UTK start time 		Universal Time Keys-
CSGPUKEN	4	 1 	I*4 	 UTK end time 		 	- see ISDM [17]
CSGPIKST	8	 1 	I*4 	 ITK start time 		 
CSGPIKEN	12	 1 	I*4 	 ITK end time 		 
CSGPUTST	16	 2 	I*4 	 UTC start time 		Universal Time-
CSGPUTEN	24	 2 	I*4 	 UTC end time 		 	- Coordinated
CSGPOSN 	32	 1 	I*1 	 Observation Sequence Number    also ION, as in PGA
CSGPFILL	33	15 	I*1 	 Spare 		 
PSTASPAR	48	 1 	I*4 	 Spare 		 
PSTASUBS	52	 1 	I*2 	 Subsystem 		 
PSTAOPFO	54	 1 	I*2 	 Chopper OPF Override 		 
PSTAF1TS	56	 1 	I*2 	 TRS(FCS1) 		 	value: 1 or 2 see 3.5
PSTAF2TS	58	 1 	I*2 	 TRS(FCS2) 		 	value: 1 or 2
PSTAF1PS	60	 1 	I*2 	 FCS1 power sel. 		in mW
PSTAF2PS	62	 1 	I*2 	 FCS2 power sel. 		in mW
PSTAC1PS	64	 1 	I*2 	 CHW1 position (selected) 	value: 1 - 14, see A.1
PSTAC2PS	66	 1 	I*2 	 CHW2 position (selected) 	idem 
PSTAC3PS	68	 1 	I*2 	 CHW3 position (selected) 	idem 
PSTACMOD	70	 1 	I*2 	 Chopper mode 		 	see Table 12.2
PSTACAMP	72	 1 	I*2 	 Chopper amplitude 		as commanded in arcsec
PSTACSTE	74	 1 	I*2 	 Chopper step 		 	as commanded in arcsec
PSTACINC	76	 1 	I*2 	 Chopper increment 	 	as commanded in arcsec
PSTACRES	78	 1 	I*2 	 CRE switch 		 
PSTADETA	80	 1 	I*2 	 Detector assy 		 	detector assembly
PSTADRS 	82	 1 	I*2 	 Data reduction size 		integer, see 3.2.4
PSTAMUX1	84	 1 	I*2 	 MUX1 line 		 	multiplexer line
PSTAMUX2	86	 1 	I*2 	 MUX2 line 		 	multiplexer line
PSTAXSTA	88	 1 	I*2 	 Cross status 		 	of multiplexer line
PSTAD1OF	90	 1 	I*2 	 DIE1 offset 		 	see 7.2.5
PSTAD1GA	92	 1 	I*2 	 DIE1 gain 		 	idem
PSTAD2OF	94	 1 	I*2 	 DIE2 offset 		 	idem
PSTAD2GA	96	 1 	I*2 	 DIE2 gain 		 	idem
PSTAFREQ	98	 1 	I*2 	 clock speed of CRE 		value 1, 4, or 8 (kHz)
PSTANNDR	100	 1 	I*2 	 No. NDRs per ramp		2n-1    $ \dagger$ 
PSTANDR 	102	 1 	I*2 	 No. DRs per chopper plateau	2n    $ \dagger$ 
PSTAINTT	104	 1 	I*2 	 Integration time 		27-n sec   $ \dagger$ 
PSTAMEAT	106	 1 	I*2 	 Measurement time 		2n sec   $ \dagger$ 
PSTAMPC1	108	 1 	I*2 	 Measurement position CHW1 	value: 1 - 14, see A.1
PSTAMPC2	110	 1 	I*2 	 Measurement position CHW2 	idem
PSTAMPC3	112	 1 	I*2 	 Measurement position CHW3 	idem
PSTAMET 	114	 1 	I*2 	 Measured EEU temperature 	see appendix B.1
PSTASER 	116	 1 	I*2 	 PHT serendipity mode flag 	1= serendipity
						 			0= normal prime instrument
PSTAFILL	118	10	I*1 	 Filler 		 

Table 12.2: Coding of chopper mode
 Mode  Description                        
0,1 sawtooth chopping
2, 3 triangular chopping
4, 5, 6, 7 rectangular chop
8 chop between FCS1 and FCS2
13 staring CFOV
14 staring FCS1
9, 10, 11, 12, 15 not used in AOTs

$ \dagger$ The value given in the product is n. The formula in the last column above gives the actual value.

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ISOPHOT Data Users Manual, Version 4.1, SAI/95-220/Dc