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13.4 Selection of read-outs  

Description Parameter:	 section 4.3.1
Processing Level:	 SPD
Usage in processing:	 section 7.2.2
File Type:		 Binary Fits Table
Number of Records:	 8
File Names:		 PSELNDR 
It has been observed that the first few readouts of each integration ramp do not increase in a linear way but can stay flat for a while or can even decrease. The disturbance is due to the preceding reset and is a switch-on effect of the integrator which is independent of the reset voltage level. This effect is not related to the voltage dependent non-linearity for which the corrections are stored in the Cal G linearisation files (section 13.5)). The best correction method so far is to discard these readouts. The number of readouts that should be removed is a function of the number of readouts per ramp. The optimum values have been determined in flight.

In total there are 8 records, each record gives the number of readouts to be discarded for a given NDR value. The record ordering is as follows:

Table 13.3: Relation between record number and NDR in PSELNDR.
Record number of non- Record number of non-
number destructive readouts number destructive readouts
1 0 5 15
2 1 6 31
3 3 7 63
4 7 8 127

13.4.1 Product PSELNDR: PHT non-destructive read-out selection

Binary FITS table with record length 32. The record fields are:

Field		Offset	Number	Type	Description
PP1SNDR		0	1	I*4	NDRs to discard for PHT-P1
PP2SNDR		4	1	I*4	NDRs to discard for PHT-P2
PP3SNDR		8	1	I*4	NDRs to discard for PHT-P3
PFILSNDR	12	1	I*4	Filler
PSSSNDR		16	1	I*4	NDRs to discard for PHT-SS
PSLSNDR		20	1	I*4	NDRs to discard for PHT-SL
PC1SNDR		24	1	I*4	NDRs to discard for PHT-C100
PC2SNDR		28	1	I*4	NDRs to discard for PHT-C200

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ISOPHOT Data Users Manual, Version 4.1, SAI/95-220/Dc