Next: 3.5 Fine Calibration Sources
Up: 3 Instrument and AOT
Previous: 3.3 ISOPHOT measurement concept
Subsystem PHT-P is a multi-filter, multi-aperture photopolarimeter with
3 single element detectors with wide beam (up to 3 arcmin) capability for
faint extended sources. The wavelength coverage is in the range
m. The PHT-P detectors are each integrated in an integrating cavity
and have a dimension of
mm3. Detector P1 is of
Si:Ga, P2 of Si:B and P3 of Ge:Ga.
PHT C100 is a array of Ge:Ga with
elements. Increased photon absorption is achieved by total reflection of
a 30
wedged pixel surface and an integrating cavity. The telescope
beam is fed into these cavities by
mm2 anti reflection
coated germanium fabry lenses mounted with spacing 100
m which results
in an optical fill factor of 93%. The effective size of the pixels on the
sky is
arcsec2, the distance between the pixel
centers (`pitch') is 46.0 arcsec.
Throughout this manual the individual C100 pixels/detectors are labeled as in Table 3.1 where the +Z direction is upwards, and +Y is to the left. This corresponds to the projection of the array on the sky. The numbers (1...9) in Table 3.1 refer to the labeling and array counting in ERD, SPD and AAR products.
PHT C200 consists of 4 pixels arranged in a matrix. The telescope
beam is concentrated on the four detector pixels by anti-reflection coated
germanium Fabry lenses of
mm2. The detector crystals
are mounted in an integrating cavity and have prismatic shape to increase
photon absorption. The sizes of the detector pixels themselves are approximately
1 mm3. The effective size of the pixels on the sky is
arcsec2, the distance between the pixel centers
is 92.0 arcsec.
The pixels are stressed by individual screws; the stress is maximized to
give a cut-off wavelength of 240 m. The labeling of the individual
C200 pixels is given in Tables 3.2 and 3.3 for the
ERD and SPD/AAR convention. The numbers (1...4) in the tables
refer to the labeling and array counting in ERD, SPD and AAR products.
PHT-S consists of a dual grating spectrometer with resolving power of
order 90 in two wavelength bands. Band SS covers the wavelength range
2.5-4.8 m and band SL covers the range 5.8-11.8
Each spectrometer uses a linear array of 64 element Si:Ga detectors
with dimensions of
mm3 per element.
PHT-S has one entrance aperture which is square with dimensions
, this aperture is imaged onto each detector pixel.
Two sides are parallel to the spacecraft Y axis, and the dispersion
direction is in Z.
ISOPHOT Data Users Manual, Version 4.1, SAI/95-220/Dc