Up: ISOPHOT Data Users Manual
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- 1
- Acosta-Pulido, J., Cabriel C., Catañeda, H:
Transient effects in ISOPHOT data: status of modelling and correction
procedures, in Proceedings of the ISO detector
workshop, to be published in Experimental Astronomy (1999)
- 2
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- 3
- Cohen M., Witteborn F.C., Walker R.G., Bregman J.D., Wooden
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- 4
- Gabriel C., Acosta-Pulido J.:
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workshop, to be published in Experimental Astronomy (1999)
- 5
- Guest S.:
Deglitching of ISOPHOT Data, 13 July 1993, ISOPHOT internal report
- 6
- Guest S., Richards P.J., Williams S.R.:
Architectural Design Document for PHT Auto Analysis,
Version 1.1, 20 July 1994 (DRAL)
- 7
- Hammersley P.L., Jourdain de Muizon M., Kessler M.F.,
Bouchet P., Joseph R.D., Habing H.J., Salama A., Metcalfe L. 1998,
A&AS 128, 207.
- 8
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Kunkel M. 1998, A&A 332, 793
- 9
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- 10
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- 11
- Klaas U., Laureijs R.J., Radovich M., Schulz B.:
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- 12
- Klaas U., M. Radovich M.:
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- 13
- Klaas U., Lemke D., Krantz T. et al. 1998,
Infrared straylight measurements of the ISO telescope,
in ``Infrared astronomical instrumentation conference'',
Proc. SPIE 3354-111.
- 14
- Laureijs R.J., Levine D. (Eds):
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- 15
- Laureijs R.J., Klaas U.:
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Version 1.0, October 1998
- 16
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- 17
Leech K., A.M.T. Pollock, J.M. Sternberg,
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- 18
- Lemke D., Klaas U., Abolins J. et al.:
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- 19
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- 20
- Moneti A., Metcalfe L., Schulz B.
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- 21
- Müller, T.:
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Heidelberg), 1996
- 22
- Müller T., Lagerros J. 1998, A&A in preparation.
- 23
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Infrared Astronomy with ISO, Eds Th. Encrenaz & M.F. Kessler, p129
- 24
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- 25
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- 26
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- 27
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- 28
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Heidelberg), 16 June 1993
- 29
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- 31
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- 32
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- 33
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- 34
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- 35
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- 36
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- 37
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- 38
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ISOPHOT Data Users Manual, Version 4.1, SAI/95-220/Dc