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4.6 AOT behaviour

4.6.1 up-down scans

Up-down scans initially scan a wavelength range in one direction, then reverse direction to cover the same wavelength region again. e.g. the scanner may start at 35$\mu m$, scan down to 30$\mu m$ and then go back up to 35$\mu m$. Having two scans, in different directions, enables a discrimination to be made between real spectral structure and detector memory effects, as the latter can mimic the former. They are called up-down scans, rather than down-up scans, as it is the LVDT number that increases then decreases, and wavelength is inversely correlated with LVDT. Table 4.1, ``Various SWS AOT options'', indicates if a particular AOT uses up-down scans.

The SWAASDIR field indicates whether an AAR datapoint is from an up or a down-scan. 1 means the datapoint is part of an up scan, -1 a down scan, and 0 is undefined. Note that `up-down scans' only refer to what the grating is doing. For FP observations the grating always increased.

An example of an up-down scan is shown in figure 4.22, taken from an SWS01 observation. Plotted are the wavelengths seen by the first detectors in bands 1 and 2 and the SW scanner position. The relationship between the scanner position and wavelength can be seen along with cases of up-down scans where the wavelength seen by a detector decreases then increases. The periods when apertures 1, 2 & 3 are used, times of dark current measurements and photometric checks are indicated.

Figure 4.22: Example of up-down scans

Note that for bright sources (> 1000 Jy) the flux seen in the up-scan can differ by 20% compared to the that seen in the down-scan due to memory effects - see sections 5.8, ``Memory Effects'' and 7.4, ``Flux Calibration Accuracy''.

4.6.2 Reference scans

AOT 6 and 7 observations planned before July 10 1997 employed what was known as reference scan calibrations. These were supposed to guard against detector drifts caused by memory effects. The method used was for the grating to occasionally switch back to a set grating position, and hence wavelength. Any changes in the detector response at this wavelength over the timescale of the observation were due to detector memory effects, which could be calibrated out. These reference scans were only present in long AOTs. For example, the interval between reference measurements with detector band 3 was 1000 seconds - band 3 is extremely sensitive to detector drifts because of the strong fringing in the detector spectral response function.

However, because of a problem in the pipeline module handling reference scan data any such data was unused from OLP V6 onwards. Furthermore, it was found that including such reference scans actually harmed observations - this is described in section 5.9 - and the reference scans were therefore deleted from observations planned from July 10 1997.

More information on this can be found in the document ``Possible Detector Memory Effects in SWS Grating range spectra (AOT S06) due to SWS Reference Scans'', by K. Leech & P. Morris.

For users who's observations were planned before this date, scans at the reference wavelengths can be recognized through the ``R'' flag in the SWAASTAT or SWSPSTAT fields in the AAR or SPD. It is also present in TDATA. TDATA, or Transparent Data (so called because its contents are not seen by the uplink/downlink system), not only flags the reference scans, but also indicates to which measurements the reference scans (and the normal scans) belong. TDATA is kept in the EOHIMSG1 field in the EOHI, Executed Observation History Per ICS, file. This file is described in the ISO Satellite & Data Manual.

4.6.3 Recognising the start of an AOT

If you look at ERD data you will want to know when the AOT actually starts. This can be determined by looking at the runflags (byte 13 of frame 8) in the GEHK file, which indicates when ICS's start. The GEHK UTK timekey where changes occur can be correlated with the ERD ITK. Refer to the ISO Satellite & Data Manual for a discussion of the GEHK file.

All ICSs, Instantiated Command Sequences, except the reset ICSs SS0007 and SS0008 start with a pre-amble to set up the instrument, then initiate the real action by setting one or more run flags (bits) described in Table 4.11.

Table 4.11: Run flags in frame 8
ICS Meaning Bits set
SS0001 (diffuse calibrator) 4
SS0002 (grating calibrator) 4, 5 and 6
SS0004 (SW scan in AOT7) 5
SS0005 (grating scan) 5 and/or 6
SS0009 (FP) 5, 6 and 7

In all these cases the indicated run flags simultaneously change from 0 to 1. In the AOTs, setting run flags 4-7 does not occur anywhere else. From a practical point of view, the execution of an ICS starts when these flags are set. The only detector data of interest with these flags not set are dark-current measurements at the start of ICSs SS0001 or SS0002 (all AOTs) and SS0005 (AOTs 1 and 2).

Setting run flags 4-7 happens always a few seconds after the start of the ICS execution. At that moment the TDATA for the running ICS is valid. After the run flag goes up, the ICS always lasts at least another 8 seconds (the run flag itself remains set at least 4 secs), to which may be added the uplink time for the next ICS, so that the TDATA for the next ICS is not valid yet.

Interpret a change from 0 to 1 of any of the run flags 4, 5, 6, or 7 as the start of an ICS, and expect the latest arrived TDATA to be applicable. Run flags 0 to 3 must be ignored for this purpose.

4.6.4 Cross AOT Flux Comparisons

Several comparisons have been made between the spectra obtained from different AOTs. Information on these comparisons can be found in the documents `CROSS AOT COMPARISON, PART 1', issue 1.1 6 February 1997 by A.M. Heras, and `Cross AOT comparison-part 2', 21 April 1997 by A.M. Heras also published in part in the `First ISO Workshop on Analytical Spectroscopy', Eds A.M. Heras, K. Leech, N.R. Trams & M. Perry, ESA SP-419, p77. In general AOT 1 was compared with AOT 6 and AOT 2 with AOT 7. The cross AOT comparisons reported in these publications have proved to be a good tool to understand how the different factors that are part of data processing (dark currents, photometric checks, memory effects, pipeline software) influence the final AAR product. The results can be summarised as follows:

The discrepancies found in line fluxes between AOT 1 and AOT 6 observations of the same source are below 30%, except for some cases corresponding to band 3E or associated with very low signals.
The most consistent AOT 1 to AOT 6 results are found for detector band 1.
Memory effects in band 2 are relevant to the discrepancies found between AOT 1 different speeds and AOT 6 observations. In particular:
Dark current measurements for band 2B are carried out differently in an AOT 1 compared to an AOT 6. Due to the flux history, the interpolated dark current in the AOT 1 is usually lower than in the AOT 6, leading to a higher flux in the AOT 1.
If the flux is high and the observation is long enough, the photometric check value increases with time. As a consequence, the choice of photometric check in an observation may have an important effect on the fluxes and on the result of the comparison. In the objects studied, this is relevant to bands 2A and 2C, but not to band 2B.
In case of very high fluxes, the impact of memory effects on dark currents prior to the photometric check is important, to the extent that the dark subtracted photometric check fluxes have anomalous levels and profiles. This is particularly relevant to AOT 6 observations of moderate duration, in which the photometric check is done at the end of the observation.
Memory effects cause some points in the AAR obtained when the grating is not scanning (SWRUN flag not set) to introduce non-negligible errors in the final product.
The up- and down-scans in AOT 6 observations of high flux sources are remarkably different, with the downscan profiles in better agreement with the AOT 1 profiles.
Pointing errors have been identified as the cause for the discrepancies in band 3 of Gamma Dra observations. See 5.10 for a discussion of pointing problems.
The only important AOT 1 to AOT 6 discrepancies found for band 4 are due to the low signal to noise ratio for most of the objects in that spectral region.
The only comparison of an AOT 1 versus an AOT 2 observation (Eta-Car) shows a very good agreement.
AOT 2 and AOT 7 line fluxes agree to within 40% in the analyzed observations, except for in cases in which the S/N is low and/or the continuum level is difficult to determine.
Line fluxes of NGC 7027 show a good agreement in an AOT 1 (speed 3), AOT 2 and AOT 6 comparison except for AOT 1 speed 3 in band 2C, where memory effects seem to cause problems, and for AOT 6 in band 3, which was affected by pointing errors.

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SWS Instrument & Data Manual, Issue 1.0, SAI/98-095/Dc