The SWS Fabry-Pérot section may be used at wavelengths between 11.4 and 44.5. Instrument levels tests showed that performance in the extended wavelength range outside the nominal design wavelength range of 15-35 was good enough to make the extended range available. A few remaining peculiarities of the extended range are discussed together with the following performance description. Results throughout this section refer to use of the Fabry-Pérot AOT bands of Table 3.2 that have been selected to give the best tradeoff between the various design goals (high sensitivity, low leakage etc.).
The Fabry-Pérot spectral resolution depends on precise parallelity of the F-P plates. An in-orbit spectral resolution very close to Figure 5.1 was obtained after execution of the in-orbit parallelisation procedure of the SWS F-P.
The F-P sensitivity was characterized in instrument levels tests by doing measurements on a calibrated blackbody source within the test cryostat. Fig. 5.2 shows the SWS Fabry-Pérot spectral response. The conversion between units applicable to astronomical sources (Flux density of a point source in Jy) and the resulting instrumental signal (V/s) is given as a function of wavelength. Diffraction losses caused by the fact that the aperture is comparable in size to the ISO diffraction disk have been taken into account; the flux used to derive Fig. 5.2 is the true point source flux. The effect of these diffraction losses is however not large (Fig. 5.3).
The spectral response curve has structure on various wavelength scales. Large scale trends are determined by the counteracting effects of detector spectral response increasing with wavelength until close to the detector cut-off wavelength, and decreasing transmission of the Fabry-Pérot interferometer. Structures on scales of microns or tenths of microns can be traced to the detector spectral response curves and filter transmission curves. A rapid low-amplitude modulation in the 11.4-16 range (not resolved in Fig. 5.2) is caused by reflections between the surfaces of the transmission filter used behind slit 1 in the long-wavelength section of SWS. This `parasitic Fabry-Pérot' effect is also observed for grating data using the same slit. The stronger modulation detected at in the long-wavelength extended range is again caused by a parasitic Fabry-Pérot effect, this time in a reflecting CaF2 filter. The nearby reststrahlen resonance of CaF2 causes strong variations with wavelength of the indices of refraction and absorption, leading to the observed modulation pattern. The modulations were characterized with sufficient accuracy to allow good flux calibration in the extended wavelength ranges.
For sensitivity calculations, this may be summarized as
Band | 5 | 6 |
detector | FP-Si:Sb | FP-Ge:Be |
range () | 11.4-26 | 26-44.5 |
0.63 | 0.89 | |
1.00 | 3.00 | |
0.18 | 0.13 |
No saturation problems are expected for the SWS Fabry-Pérot detectors. The saturation limit is given by the fact that the integration ramp for 1s detector reset interval does not hit the saturation level of the warm electronics for signals less than about 20,000 V/s. Although not foreseen in the current design of the offline data processing, it is in principle possible to obtain data for signals about seven times stronger by analysis of partial integration ramps. It is assumed here that the expected strong flux has been correctly specified in the AOT input, since only then the gain and reset time are set properly. Taking typical values from Fig. 5.1 and Fig. 5.2, the 20,000 V/s limit corresponds to a saturating flux density of about 2 x 106 Jy, or a saturating flux in an unresolved line of about 10-11 Wm-2.
Leakage has been quantified by analysis of the grating instrumental profile as seen by the F-P detectors in scans of solid state laser lines. Figure 5.5 shows the leakage as a function of wavelength. It must be considered preliminary, since it is based on extrapolating the grating instrumental profile from measurements only at a few wavelengths of laser lines.
The spectral response data in section 5.2.2 have not been corrected for the effects of leakage, i.e. they refer to the total signal.
The amplitude of this `noise' depends on various factors like quality of grating wavelength calibration, ratio between grating stepsize and line profile FWHM, pointing stability. It is hence difficult to predict for an observation at a certain wavelength. Instrument level tests with optimized grating wavelength calibration showed `signal-to-noise' around 200. In the case of an observation of a single line on a smooth continuum, part of the `noise' could be calibrated out by observing a larger region of continuum around the line, provided the non-systematic contribution of pointing jitter is not too large.