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1.5 Relevant documents
The following documents were used in the writing of this manual and may be
- $$
- 1 ISO Data Products Document (IDPD), ISO-SSD-9111A
- 2
- FITS, NASA Science Data Systems Standards Office (NSDSSO), see URL
- 3
- SWS Observers Manual. Version 2.0 was the pre-launch version, 3.0
was the post-launch version issued with the supplemental call.
- 4
- SWS Instrument Data Users Manual (IDUM), SAI/95-221/Dc
- 5
- ISO Satellite & Data Manual (ISDM), SAI/98-094/Dc
- 6
- Possible Detector Memory Effects in SWS Grating range spectra
(AOT S06) due to SWS Reference Scans, by K. Leech & P. Morris issued 27 May
1997 and accessible at URL xyz.
- 7
- Effects seen in data induced by incorrect target coordinates or
crowded fields, by K. Leech & A. Heras issued 12 June 1997 and accessible at
URL xyz.
- 8
- Grating instrumental profile and resolution, by M.E. van den
Ancker, R. Voors & K. Leech issued 1 July 1997 and accessible at URL xyz
- 9
- Single Detector Signal Jumps, by A. Heras issued 9 June 1997 and
accessible at URL xyz
- 10
- Wavelength Calibration, by Do Kester, Douwe Beintema & Edwin
Valentijn issued 2 July 1998 and available at URL xyz.
- 11
- Status of SWS Fabry-Pérot wavelength calibration and instrumental
profile, by H. Feuchtgruber issued 5 May 1998, and available at URL xyz.
- 12
- CROSS AOT COMPARISON, PART 1, issue 1.1 by A.M. Heras issued on 6
February 1997, and available at URL xyz
- 13
- Cross AOT comparison-part 2, by A.M. Heras issued 21 April 1997 and
available at URL xyz and also published in part in the `First ISO Workshop on
Analytical Spectroscopy', Eds A.M. Heras, K. Leech, N.R. Trams & M. Perry,
ESA SP-419, p77.
- 14
- Status of study on Gam-Dra fluxes and related pointing errors, by H.
Feuchtgruber issued 10 June 1998 and available on the web at URL xyz.
- 15
- Status of study of AOT02 line profiles and fluxes on NGC6543, by H.
Feuchtgruber issued 2 June 1998 and available on the web at URL xyz.
- 16
- The effects of the pointing jitter on SWS observations, by A. Heras,
issued 6 August 1998 and available on the web at URL xyz.
- 17
- SWS Beam Profiles and ISO Pointing, by A. Salama, issued 9 September
1998 and available at URL XYZ.
- 18
- The Photometric Calibration of the ISO Short Wavelength Spectrometer,
by S.G. Schaeidt et al, published in the A&A special issue (November 1996 Vol
315) devoted to ISO and available at URL xyz.
- 19
- The Wavelength Calibration and Resolution of the Short Wavelength
Spectrometer, by E. Valentijn et al, published in the A&A special issue
(November 1996 Vol 315) devoted to ISO and available at URL xyz.
- 20
- Observing with the ISO Short Wavelength Spectrometer, by de Graauw
et al, published in the A&A special issue (November 1996 Vol 315) devoted to
ISO and available at URL xyz.
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SWS Instrument & Data Manual, Issue 1.0, SAI/98-095/Dc