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1.5 Relevant documents

The following documents were used in the writing of this manual and may be consulted.

1 ISO Data Products Document (IDPD), ISO-SSD-9111A
FITS, NASA Science Data Systems Standards Office (NSDSSO), see URL
SWS Observers Manual. Version 2.0 was the pre-launch version, 3.0 was the post-launch version issued with the supplemental call.
SWS Instrument Data Users Manual (IDUM), SAI/95-221/Dc
ISO Satellite & Data Manual (ISDM), SAI/98-094/Dc
Possible Detector Memory Effects in SWS Grating range spectra (AOT S06) due to SWS Reference Scans, by K. Leech & P. Morris issued 27 May 1997 and accessible at URL xyz.
Effects seen in data induced by incorrect target coordinates or crowded fields, by K. Leech & A. Heras issued 12 June 1997 and accessible at URL xyz.
Grating instrumental profile and resolution, by M.E. van den Ancker, R. Voors & K. Leech issued 1 July 1997 and accessible at URL xyz
Single Detector Signal Jumps, by A. Heras issued 9 June 1997 and accessible at URL xyz
Wavelength Calibration, by Do Kester, Douwe Beintema & Edwin Valentijn issued 2 July 1998 and available at URL xyz.
Status of SWS Fabry-Pérot wavelength calibration and instrumental profile, by H. Feuchtgruber issued 5 May 1998, and available at URL xyz.
CROSS AOT COMPARISON, PART 1, issue 1.1 by A.M. Heras issued on 6 February 1997, and available at URL xyz
Cross AOT comparison-part 2, by A.M. Heras issued 21 April 1997 and available at URL xyz and also published in part in the `First ISO Workshop on Analytical Spectroscopy', Eds A.M. Heras, K. Leech, N.R. Trams & M. Perry, ESA SP-419, p77.
Status of study on Gam-Dra fluxes and related pointing errors, by H. Feuchtgruber issued 10 June 1998 and available on the web at URL xyz.
Status of study of AOT02 line profiles and fluxes on NGC6543, by H. Feuchtgruber issued 2 June 1998 and available on the web at URL xyz.
The effects of the pointing jitter on SWS observations, by A. Heras, issued 6 August 1998 and available on the web at URL xyz.
SWS Beam Profiles and ISO Pointing, by A. Salama, issued 9 September 1998 and available at URL XYZ.
The Photometric Calibration of the ISO Short Wavelength Spectrometer, by S.G. Schaeidt et al, published in the A&A special issue (November 1996 Vol 315) devoted to ISO and available at URL xyz.
The Wavelength Calibration and Resolution of the Short Wavelength Spectrometer, by E. Valentijn et al, published in the A&A special issue (November 1996 Vol 315) devoted to ISO and available at URL xyz.
Observing with the ISO Short Wavelength Spectrometer, by de Graauw et al, published in the A&A special issue (November 1996 Vol 315) devoted to ISO and available at URL xyz.

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SWS Instrument & Data Manual, Issue 1.0, SAI/98-095/Dc