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9.3 Standard processed (SPD) files

There are two files in this section:

SWSP SWS Standard Processed Data
SWGH SWS Glitch History Data

9.3.1 SWS Standard Processed Data

These files are normally named SWSP*.FITS. Headers

The SPD files contain primary headers described in Table 9.3.1. In this table example information is used to fill the header.

Most keywords are self explanatory, or have been described above.

Table 9.5: SPD primary headers
Header keyword Contents Comment
BITPIX = 8 /
NAXIS = 0 /
ORIGIN = 'ESA ' / European Space Agency
TELESCOP= 'ISO ' / Infrared Space Observatory
INSTRUME= 'SWS ' / Instrument used
COMMENT   SWS Standard Processed Data
FILENAME= 'SWSP26400248' / File name in ISO archive
DATE = '17/10/95' / Creation date 95/290
FILEVERS= '0399 ' / Version ID in ISO archive
OLPVERS = 'LATEST ' / SOC OLP system version
CALGVERS= 'CALG_40 ' / SOC OLP CAL-G files version
USERNAME= 'JSTERNBE' / Unofficial data product
INSTRA = 102.66474 /Reference instrument J2000 right ascension (deg
INSTDEC = +21.81240 /Reference instrument J2000 declination (deg)
INSTROLL= 318.89 /Reference instrument J2000 roll angle (deg)
CINSTRA = 188.96338 /Corrected reference instrument J2000 right ascension (deg)
CINSTDEC= -40.78920 /Corrected reference instrument J2000 declination (deg)
CINSTROL= 319.71 /Corrected reference instrument J2000 roll angle (deg)
OBJECT = 'TEST_OBJ' / Target ID as given by proposer
OBSERVER= 'KLEECH' / Proposer ID in ISO Mission DB
EQUINOX = 2000.0 / Equinox
TMRATE = 32 / Telemetry rate in Kbps (Kbits/sec)
EOHAUTCS= '96166223020' / Approx. UTC of start of observation
EOHAUTCE= '96166223818' / Approx. UTC of end of observation

EOHAAOTN= 'S07 ' / AOT name
EOHAOSN = '48 ' / Observation sequence number
EOHAPSN = '0 ' / Pointing sequence number
EOHAPCAT= '1 ' / Proposal category
EOHACIND= ' ' / Calibration indicator
EOHATTYP= '2 ' / Target type
ATTUTCSL= '96166222532' / UTC of start time of slew to intended target
ATTUTCS = '96166222627' / UTC of time of first arrival at intended target
ATTOTFTH= 10.0 / On-target flag threshold (arc secs)
ATTRA = 102.66 / Intended Right Ascension of instrument viewing
ATTDEC = 21.8 / Intended DEClination (with ATTRA)
ATTTYPE = 'P ' / Type of attitude operation (P/R/T)
ATTGUIDE= 150002 / Guide star reference number
ATTSAANG= 115.9 / Solar aspect angle (degrees)
ATTERROR= 2 / CONTINGEncy flag(0=success; 1=target not acq'd)
TREFUTC1= 235175420 / UTC (whole seconds since 01-01-1989)
TREFUTC2= 8505250 / UTC (remaining fraction of second)
TREFUTK = 1857816480 / ISO Uniform Time Key (UTK)
TREFITK = 1857816480 / ISO INSTRUMENT Time Key (ITK)
TREFITKU= 0.04166666666667 / ITK unit length in seconds
TREFCOR1= 235175420 / UTC of 1st reference time
TREFPHA1= 282.09099 /Orbital phase at TREFCOR1
TREFHEL1= -253.41 / Heliocentric correction +(s) at TREFCOR1
TREFDOP1= -13.92 / ISO velocity towards target (km/s) at TREFCOR1
TREFCOR2 = 235175659 / UTC of 2nd reference time
TREFPHA2 = 282.09430 /Orbital phase at TREFCOR2
TREFHEL2 = -253.40 / Heliocentric correction +(s) at TREFCOR2
TREFDOP2 = -13.93 / ISO velocity towards target (km/s) at TREFCOR2
TREFCOR3 = 235175898 / UTC of 3rd reference time
TREFCOR3 = 241280569 /Orbital phase at TREFCOR3
TREFHEL3 = -253.39 / Heliocentric correction +(s) at TREFCOR3
TREFDOP3 = -13.94 / ISO velocity towards target (km/s) at TREFCOR3
ISRRSEV = 0 / RTA maximum severity level = OK
ISRQSEV = 1 / QLA maximum severity level = WA
ISRRWARN= ' ' / RA-warning flag from IS user
ISRNOOSL= 0 / No. of out-of-soft-limit errors
ISRNOOHL= 0 / No. of out-of-hard-limit errors
ISRNMW = 0 / No. of monitor warnings
ISRNCVW = 0 / No. of command verification errors
ISRNBTW = 0 / No. of bad telemetry errors
ISRNMVW = 0 / No. of memory verification errors
ISRNSQLA= 9 / No. of severe QLA errors

VERS1 = '0298/SSTA26400248' / Version ID of each input file
VERS2 = '0298/GEHK26400248' / Version ID of each input file
VERS3 = '0298/EOHI264' / Version ID of each input file
VERS4 = '0298/SWER26400248' / Version ID of each input file
VERS5 = '0976/SC03_010' / Version ID of each input file
VERS6 = '0976/SC04_010' / Version ID of each input file
VERS7 = '0976/SC02A_010' / Version ID of each input file
VERS8 = '0976/SC02B_010' / Version ID of each input file
VERS9 = '0976/SC05_010' / Version ID of each input file
VERS10 = '0976/SC02_010' / Version ID of each input file
VERS11 = '0976/SC01_010' / Version ID of each input file
VERS12 = '0976/SC06_010' / Version ID of each input file
VERS13 = '0976/SC16E_013' / Version ID of each input file
VERS14 = '0976/SC12_010' / Version ID of each input file
VERS15 = '0976/SC23_010' / Version ID of each input file
VERS16 = '0976/SC24_010' / Version ID of each input file
VERS17 = '0976/SC18_010' / Version ID of each input file
VERS18 = '1490/IRPH28299000' / Version ID of each input file
VERS19 = '1350/ORBIT' / Version ID of each input file
VERS20 = '0718/SISR28299000' / Version ID of each input file Records

The SPD file contains records with the fields described in Table 9.6. In the FITS file they are defined in the binary header.

Table 9.6: Records in SPD file
Field name Number Format Unit Comment
GPSCTKEY 1 I*4   Instrument time key
GPSCRPID 2 I*1   Raster point ID
GPSCFILL 1 I*2   Filler
SWSPSTAT 1 I*4   Status of this record
SWSPGPOS 2 R*4   Average positions for gratings 1/2
SWSPGANG 2 R*4 degrees Angles for SW & LW gratings
SWSPFPOS 1 I*4   Position of FP
SWSPFCUR 3 R*4   Average main current for FP coils
SWSPFGAP 2 R*4 $\mu m$ Gaps for FP
SWSPWAVE 52 R*4 $\mu m$ Detector wavelength
SWSPFLUX 52 R*4 $\mu V/sec$ Detector slopes
SWSPOFFS 52 R*4   Number of 24 Hz samples used to
        calculate the slope
SWSPSTDV 52 R*4 $\mu V/sec$ Standard deviation of the detector slope
SWSPFLAG 52 I*4   Flags per detector
One record is generated every reset interval (1, 2 or 4 seconds).
Because SWS has no raster AOTs, the raster point IDs will always be set to 1 EXCEPT when tracking a Solar System Object.
The I*4 status number SWSPSTAT, one per measurement, can be decoded by referring to Table 9.7.
The I*4 status number SWSPFLAG, one per detector, can be decoded by referring to Table 9.8.

Table 9.7: Decoding of Status word SWSPSTAT
Meaning Bits set  
dark 00000000000000000000000000000000 0
aperture 1 00000000000000000000000000000001 1
aperture 2 00000000000000000000000000000010 2
aperture 3 00000000000000000000000000000011 3
reset band 1 & 2 00000000000000000000000000000100 4
reset other bands 00000000000000000000000000001000 8
reset all bands 00000000000000000000000000001100 12
diffuse cal normal 00000000000000000000000000010000 16
diffuse cal high 00000000000000000000000000110000 48
fp check normal 00000000000000000000000001000000 64
fp check high 00000000000000000000000011000000 192
flusher normal 00000000000000000000000100000000 256
flusher high 00000000000000000000001100000000 768
grating check normal 00000000000000000000010000000000 1024
grating check high 00000000000000000000110000000000 3072
fp nr 2 active 00000000000000000001000000000000 4096
BAND1 requested 00000000000000000010000000000000 8192
BAND2 requested 00000000000000000100000000000000 16384
BAND3 requested 00000000000000001000000000000000 32768
BAND4 requested 00000000000000010000000000000000 65536
BAND5 requested 00000000000000100000000000000000 131072
BAND6 requested 00000000000001000000000000000000 262144
fp execute flag 00000000000010000000000000000000 524288
FP run flag 00000000000100000000000000000000 1048576
low resolution scan 00000000001000000000000000000000 2097152
reference scan 00000000010000000000000000000000 4194304
photometric check 00000000100000000000000000000000 8388608
defined dark measurement 00000001000000000000000000000000 16777216
SW grating run flag 00000010000000000000000000000000 33554432
LW grating run flag 00000100000000000000000000000000 67108864
SW scan direction 00001000000000000000000000000000 134217728
LW scan direction 00010000000000000000000000000000 268435456

Note that the value of SWSPSTAT may represent the sum of two or more bits.

Table 9.8: Decoding of Flag word SWSPFLAG
Meaning Bits set  
No order 00000000000 0
1 glitch 00000000001 1
2 glitches 00000000010 2
3 glitches 00000000011 3
Partly Out of limit 00000000100 4
Totally Out of limit 00000001000 8
No data 00000010000 16
Order 1 00000100000 32
Order 2 00001000000 64
Order 3 00001100000 96
Order 4 00010000000 128
Multiple orders (confused) 00011100000 224
Gain bit 1 = gain 1 01000000000 512
Gain bit 2 = gain 4 10000000000 1024
Gain bit 3 = gain 16 11000000000 1536
1. Bits 11 to 22 of SWSPFLAG are used internally by Derive-SPD and therefore contain no information useful to the observer.
2. The value of SWSPFLAG may represent the sum of two or more bits.

9.3.2 SWS Glitch History Data

This file has only been produced from OLP version 5 onwards. The files are normally named SWGH*.FITS. Headers

The SWGH files contain primary headers described in Table 9.3.2, filled with example information.

Most keywords are self explanatory, or have been described before.

Table 9.9: SWGH primary headers
Header keyword Contents Comment
BITPIX = 8 /
NAXIS = 0 /
ORIGIN = 'ESA ' / European Space Agency
TELESCOP= 'ISO ' / Infrared Space Observatory
INSTRUME= 'SWS ' / Instrument used
COMMENT   SWS Glitch History Data
FILENAME= 'SWGH28600101' / File name
DATE = '17/10/95' / Creation date 95/290
FILEVERS= '0399 ' / Version ID in ISO archive
OLPVERS = 'LATEST ' / SOC OLP system version
CALGVERS= 'CALG_40 ' / SOC OLP CAL-G files version
USERNAME= 'JSTERNBE' / Unofficial data product
VERS1 = '0298/SSTA26400248' / Version ID of each input file
VERS2 = '0298/GEHK26400248' / Version ID of each input file
VERS3 = '0298/EOHI264' / Version ID of each input file
VERS4 = '0298/SWER26400248' / Version ID of each input file
VERS5 = '0976/SC03_010' / Version ID of each input file
VERS6 = '0976/SC04_010' / Version ID of each input file
VERS7 = '0976/SC02A_010' / Version ID of each input file
VERS8 = '0976/SC02B_010' / Version ID of each input file
VERS9 = '0976/SC05_010' / Version ID of each input file

VERS10 = '0976/SC02_010' / Version ID of each input file
VERS11 = '0976/SC01_010' / Version ID of each input file
VERS12 = '0976/SC06_010' / Version ID of each input file
VERS13 = '0976/SC16E_013' / Version ID of each input file
VERS14 = '0976/SC12_010' / Version ID of each input file
VERS15 = '0976/SC23_010' / Version ID of each input file
VERS16 = '0976/SC24_010' / Version ID of each input file
VERS17 = '0976/SC18_010' / Version ID of each input file
VERS18 = '1261/SC16A_011' / Version ID of each input file
VERS19 = '0976/SC16B_010' / Version ID of each input file
VERS20 = '0976/SC16C_010' / Version ID of each input file
VERS21 = '1490/IRPH28200427' / Version ID of each input file
VERS22 = '1350/ORBIT' / Version ID of each input file
VERS23 = '0718/SISR28200427' / Version ID of each input file Records

The SWGH file contains records with the fields described in Table 9.10.

Table 9.10: Records in the SWGH file
Field name Number Format Unit Comment
GPSCTKEY 1 I*4   Instrument time key
SWGHS_S1 52 I*2   Start sample of first glitch
SWGHS_E1 52 I*2   End sample of first glitch
SWGHHGT1 52 R*4 $\mu V$ Glitch height of first glitch
SWGHS_S2 52 I*2   Start sample of second glitch
SWGHS_E2 52 I*2   End sample of second glitch
SWGHHGT2 52 R*4 $\mu V$ Glitch height of second glitch
SWGHN_GL 52 I*2   Number of glitches

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SWS Instrument & Data Manual, Issue 1.0, SAI/98-095/Dc