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A. List of Acronyms and Symbols

This appendix lists acronyms and symbols specific to SWS. For a more general list refer to the ISO Satellite & Data Manual.

AA Auto Analysis - software used to process data, see section 8.3
AAR Auto Analysis Result file - output of AA, defined in section 9.4.1
AOT Astronomical Observation Template - see chapter 4
CAM ISO Camera - one of the four instruments onboard the satellite
d Fabry-Pérot gap width
Derive-AAR/DAAR The OLP stage that processes SPD data to the AAR level. See section 8.3
Derive-SPD/DSPD The OLP stage that processes ERD data to the SPD level. See section 8.2
ERD Edited Raw Data - raw data from the satellite, defined in section 9.2.1
FITS Flexible Image Transport System
FM Flight Model (of SWS)
FS Flight Spare model (of SWS)
FWHM Full Width at Half Maximum
F-P Fabry-Pérot Spectrometer
IA Interactive Analysis
ILT Instrument Level Test (SWS laboratory test)
ISDM Acronym for the ISO Satellite & Data Manual
ITK Instrument Time Key - see the ISO Satellite & Data Manual for a description
  of this key
JFET Junction Field Effect Transistor
LW Long Wavelength section of SWS
LWS ISO Long Wavelength Spectrometer - one of the four instruments onboard
  the satellite
LAOT Number of scan steps per AOT band
LF Number of scan steps per FWHM of spectral resolution
Ls Step size in scanner steps
$\lambda$ Wavelength

n Fabry-Pérot order
ni Number of integrations
nint Number of samples taken from a single spectral resolution element
nscan Number of scans
nstep Number of steps
ND Dark current noise
NR Read noise
NS Shot noise
OLP Off-Line Processing - the pipeline, also known as SPG
PHT ISO Photopolarimeter - one of the four instruments onboard the satellite
QLA Quick Look Analysis - a quick assessment carried out on the data
RTA Real Time Assessment - a quick assessment carried out on the data
R Spectral Resolution
SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio
SOC Science Operations Center (Villafranca)
SPD Standard Processed Data - output of DSPD, defined in section 9.3.1
SPG Standard Product Generation - the pipeline, also known as OLP
SW Short Wavelength section of SWS
SWS ISO Short Wavelength Spectrometer - one of the four instruments onboard the satellite
S Signal Strength ($\mu$V/s)
$S_\nu$ Flux density (Jy)
TDATA Transparent Data
TDF Telemetry Distribution Format
TDT Target Dedicated Time
tr Detector reset time (sec)
UTK Uniform Time Key - see the ISO Satellite & Data Manual for a description of this key

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SWS Instrument & Data Manual, Issue 1.0, SAI/98-095/Dc