2nd Announcement:
Workshop on ISOPHOT P22 and P40 raster observations

Dear ISO Observer,

	the ISO Data Center (IDC), located at ESA's Villafranca del Castillo 
Satellite Tracking Station near Madrid (Spain), is organizing a hands-on
workshop dedicated to the processing and analysis of ISOPHOT raster mapping 
observations performed in the AOT modes P22 (C100 and C200 cameras) or P40 
(PHT-S spectrometer).

	The intention of the workshop is to provide direct expert support to ISO
observers who have used these modes. Most recent calibration knowledge and
data reduction techniques will be addressed during the workshop.

	Facilities and support from the resident staff will be offered at the 
IDC during the workshop. Dedicated software packages for processing of raster 
observations will be available through the ISOPHOT Interactive Analysis for 
assessment of specific imaging and photometry issues.

	This workshop is held the week immediately before the workshop "ISO
beyond point sources: studies of extended infrared emission" (September 14-17)
also to be held at the IDC. This arrangement offers the possibility
to attend both workshops without extra travel overhead.

	Please find below more information on the scope and timeline of the
workshop. With this letter we solicit feedback from you. 

Please send your reply to:  

helpdesk@iso.vilspa.esa.es by August 15 1999.
==========================    ===============

Looking forward to your reply,

with kind regards,

Carlos Gabriel and Bernhard Schulz
ISO Data Centre, VILSPA


Details about the ISOPHOT P22/P40 Mapping Workshop

Time and Location

The workshop will be held in the ISO Data Centre in Villafranca del Castillo,
Spain, in the period September 6-10, 1999.

Since we plan to include also data reduction sessions using our computer
facilities the number of participants would have to be limited to a maximum
of 10 people.


During the 5 days workshop we will offer general overviews of the ISO P22/P40
raster observations, presentations on the instrument calibration of ISOPHOT and
on the data reduction software PIA, putting special accent on different mapping
techniques, as well as on a package for simulating all kind of mapping 
observations, as performed by ISOPHOT. Voluntary presentations of the
participants programmes, including difficulties encountered so far by the data
reduction and calibration will be possible. Dedicated "hands-on" sessions
supported by data reduction experts and calibration scientists will constitute
the central part of the program and ample time to discuss the outcome of these
sessions will be available. 
Proceedings will be published on the ISO WWW and in paper form via
the IDC preprint series.
We plan to customize the sessions as far as possible to the needs of the
participants, thus the detailed agenda will depend on your feedback.

Please contact helpdesk for arrangements concerning lodging and transportation.

    09 Aug 99    Second Announcement (with agenda and date of workshop)
    15 Aug 99    Deadline for registration / for answers to questions below
    20 Aug 99	 Confirmation of acceptance + detailed final agenda  
     6 Sep 99    Workshop begin
Please respond to the following questions:

1)  Name:                          
    Mailing address:
2)  Are you interested in participating in the Workshop?

3)  If you are not participating would you like to remain on the mailing list?

4)  Name of your Observing Programme(s) (if any)
    to be worked on (observerID, proposalID):
5)  Topics which should be addressed according to you during the workshop:

6)  Are you willing to give a presentation of your P22/P40 mapping work
    and/or related topics during the workshop? Title?