ISO beyond the Peaks

The 2nd ISO workshop on analytical spectroscopy

2-4 February 2000
Villafranca del Castillo
Madrid, Spain

Final Programme

The organizers wish to thank the Ayuntamiento de Villanueva de la Cañada for providing the workhop venue.
Con la colaboración del Excelentísimo Ayuntamiento de Villanueva de la Cañada.


8:30 Bus departure from Hotel Florida Norte to the Workshop Venue
9:30 9:55 Registration  
9:55 10:00 Welcome from ISO Project Scientist
   Session 1: SOLAR SYSTEM
10:00 10:30 B. Bézard Spectroscopy of Solar System objects
10:30 10:50 M. Burgdorf The emissivity of Mars and Callisto in the Far Infrared
10:50 11:10 A. Coustenis Titan observations with ISO
11:10 11:40 POSTER SESSION
11:40 12:00 Th. Encrenaz The ISO spectrum of Uranus and Neptune between 2.5 and 5 µm
12:00 12:30 J. Crovisier Circumstellar, cometary and interplanetary dust
   Session 2: ISM & STAR FORMATION
12:30 13:00 R. Waters Commonalities and parallels between circumstellar and ISM dust
13:00 13:20 J.E. Chiar The composition and distribution of dust along the line of sight towards the Galactic Center
13:20 14:50 +++ LUNCH +++
14:50 15:20 C. Joblin Spectroscopic diversity of the UIR bands as revealed by ISO. Towards a molecular carrier identification
15:20 15:40 T. Onaka Unidentified Infrared Emission Bands and far-infrared emission in various Interstellar Media
15:40 16:00 K.-W. Chan Characterization of the Unidentified Infrared Emission Bands in the Diffuse Interstellar Medium
16:00 16:30 POSTER SESSION
16:30 16:50 S. Hony The C-H out-of-plane bending modes of PAH molecules in astrophysical environments
16:50 17:20 J. Cernicharo Water Vapour: Observations and Models
17:20 17:40 A. Boonman H2O and CO2 spectra toward massive protostars
17:40 17:50 J. Cernicharo New Molecular Species Discovered by ISO in the Interstellar and Circumstellar Media

17:50 Bus departure from Workshop Venue to VILSPA
18:00 Welcome Cocktail and visit of the VILSPA Station
19:30 Bus departure from VILSPA to Hotel Florida Norte


8:30 Bus departure from Hotel Florida Norte to the Workshop Venue
  Session 2: ISM & STAR FORMATION (cont.)
9:30 10:00 E. Dartois Ices around the protostellar object RAFGL7009S
10:00 10:20 A. Cotera The Interaction of the Galactic Center Arches Cluster and the Thermal Filaments
   Session 3: STARS
10:20 10:50 P. Cox ISO Spectroscopy of Galactic HII Regions
10:50 11:20 C. Ceccarelli The far infrared spectra of young stellar objects
11:20 11:50 POSTER SESSION
11:50 12:10 B. Vandenbussche The ISO atlas of near-infrared stellar spectra and the IR spectral classification of late-type stars
12:10 12:30 F. Molster Crystalline silicates, new probes for circumstellar dust conditions?
12:30 13:00 I. Yamamura Warm gas around AGB stars
13:00 14:30 +++ LUNCH +++
14:30 14:50 N. Trams ISO spectrophotometry of AGB stars in the LMC
14:50 15:20 P. Morris Wolf-Rayet and Luminous Blue Variable stars: the ISO impact on wind structure and evolution
   Session 4: GALAXIES
15:20 15:50 D. Lutz Galaxies: The short wavelength view
15:50 16:20 J. Fischer Galaxies: The long wavelength view
16:20 16:50 POSTER SESSION
16:50 17:10 B. Schulz PHT-S Spectroscopy of Seyfert Galaxies
17:10 17:30 O. Laurent Searching for AGN signatures in Mid-IR Spectra
17:30 17:50 J. Houck The Mid-IR spectra of interacting galaxies: from ISO to SIRTF

18:00 Bus departure from Workshop Venue to Hotel Florida Norte
19:45 Bus departure from Hotel Florida Norte to Palacio Gaviria
20:15 Workshop Buffet/Cocktail followed by a Flamenco show (Grupo "Magerit")
22:15 Bus departure from Palacio Gaviria to Hotel Florida Norte


8:30 Bus departure from Hotel Florida Norte to the Workshop Venue
   Session 5: CALIBRATION
9:30 10:00 P. García-Lario Update on ISO instruments calibration and data analysis techniques
   Session 6: MODELS
10:00 10:30 L. Decin ISO impact on stellar models and viceversa
10:30 10:50 B. Aringer A new generation of dynamical models for Long-Period Variables: new era for the interpretation of ISO-SWS data of cool giants
10:50 11:10 S. Höfner A new generation of model atmospheres for AGB stars inspired by ISO
11:10 11:40 POSTER SESSION
11:40 12:10 V. Ossenkopf Radiative transfer
12:10 12:40 J. Le Bourlot Modelling line emission in PDRs
   Session 7: LABORATORY
12:40 13:10 Th. Henning Infrared spectroscopy of cosmic grains -- Contributions from Laboratory Astrophysics
13:10 13:30 J.R. Brucato High-temperature crystallization of silicate dust
13:30 15:00 +++ LUNCH +++
15:00 15:20 J. Bowey 16 - 100 µm spectra of crystalline silicates at 2 K and 295 K
15:20 15:40 A. Hofmeister A near- to far-IR data base of thin film absorption spectra of minerals
15:40 16:10 POSTER SESSION
16:10 16:40 Th. de Graauw Future IR/Submm Space Missions and Instruments
16:40 17:30   Conference summary and round the table discussion

17:30 Bus departure from Workshop Venue to the airport and / or Hotel Florida Norte