Bus shuttle service & Hotel Map
We have arranged a bus shuttle service between San Lorenzo de El Escorial
and VILSPA. In S.L. de El Escorial, the bus will be waiting in the street
dedicated for the tourist's bus parking and situated near the Monasterio
(see the map below). It is situated at 3 min walking from the hotels
Victoria Palace and Parrilla.
Tue 14/09/99 13:00 S.L. de El Escorial - VILSPA
Tue 14/09/99 19:30 VILSPA - S.L. de El Escorial
Wed 15/09/99 09:00 S.L. de El Escorial - VILSPA
Wed 15/09/99 18:30 VILSPA - S.L. de El Escorial
Thu 16/09/99 09:00 S.L. de El Escorial - VILSPA
Thu 16/09/99 18:00 VILSPA - Robledo de Chavela (NASA - DSN)
Thu 16/09/99 20:00 Robledo de Chavela (NASA -DSN) - S.L. de El Escorial
Fri 17/09/99 09:00 S.L. de El Escorial - VILSPA
Fri 17/09/99 14:30 VILSPA - ?????