Please Post/Circulate: Second announcement of Workshop

     ISO beyond point sources: studies of extended infrared emission

                        |Call for abstracts|

                        14-17 September 1999
                          ISO Data Centre
                      Villafranca del Castillo
		           Madrid, Spain

Abstracts are solicited for the workshop which will be held at the Data
Centre of the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) in Villafranca del Castillo
near Madrid (Spain) from September 14 to 17, 1999. The deadline for the
registration and abstract submission is August 1, 1999.

ISO observations spatially resolved a variety of objects ranging from planets,
circumstellar envelopes, and galaxies, to structures with larger angular sizes
like comet trails, interstellar clouds, and star forming regions. It is also
possible to investigate the properties of the zodiacal, galactic, and extra-
galactic backgrounds since ISO measured the absolute brightness level of the
infrared sky.

The analysis of extended sources presents new challenges compared to the 
analysis of point sources. In most cases, expertise is required in surface
brightness calibration, map construction, and source flux extraction to
arrive at reliable results and interpretation. Comparison of results with
data from other experiments is often highly desirable. General knowledge of
the infrared backgrounds can be used to separate more accurately the extended
emission of a spatially resolved source from its background.

This workshop aims at bringing together scientists, who are working on
programmes in which extended emission is important, to exchange results
and experiences. Instrumental issues such as imaging, beam profile
characterisation, defringing, etc. will be discussed so that expertise
can be shared. Spectroscopy on extended sources is included.

The workshop agenda will be arranged mainly according to scientific topics
because it is generally not easy to understand the observations without a
clear knowledge of the underlying scientific problem. We invite participants
to give presentations concentrating on the scientific case of their project.
A number of presentations will be given by the instrument experts. Some time
will be dedicated to review methods and techniques from (far-)infrared expe-
riments other than ISO.

If you are interested in participating in the workshop please fill in the
form attached to this email and return it to

Scientific Organising Comittee

F. Boulanger (IAS), E. Caux (CES), J. Cernicharo (CSIC), C. Gry (IDC)
M.F. Kessler (IDC), R.J. Laureijs (IDC), G. Pilbrat (ESTEC),
J.-L Puget (IAS), J. Tauber (ESTEC)

Local Organising Comittee

M.G. Breitfellner, M. Burgdorf, C. Gry, A. Heske, M.F. Kessler (Co-Chair)
R.J. Laureijs (Chair), K. Leech, J. Matagne, A. Salama

ISO Data Centre,
Villafranca del Castillo Satellite Tracking Station
Apartado 50727, 28080 Madrid (Spain)



Workshop Agenda includes the following sessions

- Analysis and processing of extended infrared emission
- Extended objects in the Solar system
- Resolved structures in the Galaxy: diffuse ISM
- HII and Star forming regions
- Circumstellar environment
- Resolved Galaxies
- Cosmology, extragalactic background
- Future directions

Contributed papers and posters are solicited. Authors will be
notified whether their contribution is scheduled.


It is the aim of the workshop organisers to give every participant the
opportunity to present a contributed paper in the form of an oral
presentation. However, space for poster presentations has been allocated
in case of oversubscription. 

The proceedings will be published in a conference book. Details on the
format and submission date of the contributions will be given later.


The first announcement included a question concerning possible interest
for a separate data reduction workshop where observers can reduce their
data guided by instrument experts. We received several responses expressing
the strong desire for a hands-on workshop concentrating on a few specific
observing modes. Before the end of June, we will directly contact those who
would like to participate such a data reduction workshop.


No registration fee is asked, please submit the registration form
and/or abstract in order to register for the workshop.

Rooms have been reserved in a number of hotels of different category in
El Escorial which is a historical town some 70 km distance from Madrid.
VILSPA is situated halfway between El Escorial and Madrid. Details about
the hotels and hotel booking instructions are provided in

Private transportation between El Escorial and VILSPA during the workshop
is NOT necessary. We will provide a free bus service between one of the
hotels and the Satellite Tracking Station (VILSPA). In our webpage you will
find a description where and when the bus will be waiting for you.


- End of June: Those who have expressed their interest in participating in
  a dedicated data reduction workshop will be contacted directly via email
  by the end of June.

- July 1999: A preliminary agenda of the workshop will be sent to all
  prospective participants. This includes the confirmation of the
  scheduling of a presentation.

- August 6: Final agenda will be sent.


Participants who have already replied to the first announcement only need
to send an abstract to BEFORE AUGUST 1, 1999.
The abstract template is provided at:

Those who have not contacted us so far should fill out the following form
and send it to

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Please register me and keep me on the mailing list for the workshop
"ISO beyond point sources: studies of extended infrared emission"
to be held in Villafranca del Castillo near Madrid (Spain)
on 13-17 September 1999.
1)  Name:                          
    Mailing address:
2)  Are you willing to give a presentation of your work during the 
    workshop? If yes, please submit your abstract BEFORE AUGUST 1, 1999.
    The LATEX abstract template can be downloaded from:

3)  It has been suggested that it would be desirable to have a separate
    data reduction workshop on extended sources for at most 15 people.
    During this Hands-On Workshop people can reduce ISO data guided by
    instrument specialists.

Would you be interested in such a dedicated Hands-On Workshop
a few days prior to the science workshop?

If yes, please give brief description of your programme and requested
instrument expertise.

4)  Additional remarks/wishes: