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2.2. Wavelength Calibration

The goal was to achieve an accuracy of between 10 and 20% of a resolution element for the two gratings, with 10% for the LW grating as this is used in the Fabry-Pérot (FP) wavelength calibration.

These goals have been achieved, with the current wavelength accuracy being 1 LVDT (1/8 of a resolution element) in the SW grating section and between 0.5 and 1 LVDT in the LW section. Both FPs are accurate to about tex2html_wrap_inline490 .

The wavelength calibration stabilisation is very good. A slight shift has been seen in the wavelength calibration between PV and rev 450 of about 3 LVDT (about half a resolution element at full grating resolution). This is corrected by updates of the relevant calibration files.

A. Salama et al.