René Liseau 1, Glenn White 2, & Bengt Larsson 1
1 Stockholm Observatory, SE-133 36, Saltsjöbaden, Sweden
2 Queen Mary & Westfield College, Dept. of Physics, University of London, Mile End Road, GB-London E1-4NS, UK
Spatial maps and strip scans of low-mass star forming clouds in the solar
neighbourhood have been obtained. These observations have been performed
with the ISO- LWS (beam size 80
and cover the
spectral range of
45 to 200
m at the resolution of a few
hundred. The data are absolutely calibrated to an accuracy of 30% and
thus reasonably well suited for comparison with predictions from theoretical
model calculations.
In this paper, we address primarily the spatial distribution of the emission
in [C II] 158 m
([C II]158
m), O0
([O I]63
m) and O0
([O I]145
m). The [C II] 158
m line emission
originates in the outer, externally illuminated layers of the cloud ( PDR)
and its spatial
distribution holds information about the cloud surface geometry and about the
efficiency at which the cloud material converts far UV radiation into [C II]158
m line photons. This model provides also estimates of the strength of the
incident UV field, commonly expressed in units of G0 (the Habing Field).
Combining this informtion with the observed distribution of the [O I]63m emission leads to estimates of the PDR density distribution from detailed
model calculations. These standard PDR models fit the LWS observations of
the [C II]158
m and [O I]63
m very well and predict, e.g., [C I]609
m line intensities
which are in good agreement with independent observations, but leave the
observed excess flux in the [O I]145
m line unexplained. These PDR models
include recent updates of physical processes and their rates
(low temperature collisions; self-shielding of C0, H2 and CO;
chemistry; grain and PAH populations). The theory of line
excitation and transfer is examined and possible reasons for the mismatch
between observed and calculated [O I]145
m strengths are discussed.