N. Schneider 1,2, C. Kramer 1, R. Simon 1, J. Stutzki 1, & G. Winnewisser 1
1 I. Physik. Institut, Universität zu Köln, Köln 2 Observatoire de Grenoble, l'Universite Joseph Fourier, Grenoble
The HII region S106 in Cygnus is a prominent bipolar emission nebula,
associated with a molecular cloud.
The optical and radio emission of the nebula is formed in two lobes
with a linear extent of 3', seperated by a dark bar
which is devoid of optical and radio continuum emission.
The nebula is excited by a single O9 star, referred to as S106 IR,
which created a bright Photon Dominated Region (Tielens et al. 1985).
But though S106 has been extensively studied in various optical and radio
lines as well as in continuum emission, there are only few observations of
typical PDR tracers as well as extended molecular line maps at higher angular
Therefore, we started a multiwavelength study of S106 in various fine
structure lines, using the Kuiper Airborne Observatory (KAO) and
the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) for these observations, and molecular
lines, using the IRAM 30m and KOSMA 3m radio telescopes.
We observed S106 in the [CII] 158
and [OI] 63 and 145
fine structure lines with the MPE/UCB Fabry-Perot Interferometer FIFI
(Poglitsch et al. 1991) onboard the KAO.
The [CII] 158
map at an angular resolution of 55'' covers an area
with peak emission at the exciting star S106
IR at
The overall structure is similar to the 25
map obtained by Harris et al. (1987), indicating that the PDR extends deep
into the molecular cloud.
The higher angular resolution [OI] observations at 22 show more structure,
a pronounced peak of [OI] emission is located 20
east of S106 IR.
The [CII] 158
/[OI] 63
line ratio in a
centering S106 IR is 0.1, which accounts for a gas temperature of 500 K
and a density around
(Tielens et al. 1985).
The ISO observations concentrate on two positions within the PDR region.
The observations constitute an LWS01 scan between 45 and 195 ,
the [CII] and [OI] lines obtained with the KAO, and
SWS data on the H2 S(0), S(1) and S(2) lines at 28, 17 and 12
the SiII line at 34.8
the FeII and SI lines between 25 and 26
and OIII between 52 and 88
The extend of the warm, molecular gas component of the PDR was determined by
observations of the 13CO 6-5 line at the KOSMA 3m-telescope
in February 1998. The observatory has recently been equipped with a
new telescope (including pedestal, backstructure, main reflector and wobbling
secondary) with a surface accuracy of about 30 mu to date for the main dish
(Kramer et al. 1998).
A total of 37 positions, centering on S106 IR, was mapped fully sampled. The
HPBW was 48
and the main beam efficiency 0.48 at 660 GHz. A
analysis indicates that the 6-5 emission is extended on a (main
beam brightness) temperature scale of 5 to 15 K.
The cooler gas, constituting the interior of the molecular cloud clumps, was
traced by isotomoperic 12CO, 13CO and C18O J=2-1 and J=1-0
using the IRAM 30m telescope. An area of about
was covered in the new 'on-the-fly'-mapping modus.