Next: PAHs and the infrared
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Previous: LWS observations of cirrus
Paolo Saraceno 1,
B. Nisini 1,
M. Benedettini 1,
A. Di Giorgio 1,
T. Giannini 1,
D. Lorenzetti 2,
S. Pezzuto 1,
L. Spinoglio 1,
E. Tommasi 2,
E. Caux 3,
C. Ceccarelli 4,
S.J. Leeks 5,
R. Liseau 6,
H. Smith 7,
& G. White 5
1 Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario - CNR - Roma, Italy
2 Osservatorio di Roma, Monteporzio, Italy
3 CESR, BP4346, F-31028 Toulouse Cedex 04, France
4 Observatoire de Grenoble, BP 53 F-38041, Grenoble, France
5 Queen Mary & Westfield College, London, UK
6 Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, MA 02138 Cambridge
7 Stockholm Observatory, S-133 36 - Saltsjobaden, Sweden
We will present the results of a 45-190
m spectroscopic
study, carried out with the Long Wavelength Spectrometer on board of
the ISO satellite, of a sample of Class 0, Class I and Class II
(Herbig Ae/Be and TTau stars) sources. We will discuss the following findings:
- Molecular transitions are the dominant FIR coolants in the observed Class
and Class I sources, as expected in presence of non dissociative C shocks. In
contrast with model predictions we find that most of our sources have
LH2O significantly lower than LCO, and that sources of
similar type and luminosity have a variation of the LH2O/LCO
ratio of more than a factor 10
- In the Ae/Be stars and in the high luminosity
sources, the molecular line luminosity, when observed, is less intense
(in few cases comparable) than the [OI] 63
line. In these
objects the [OI] 63
emission is generally higher than the
one predicted by shocks models and could be explained by the presence
of photodissociation regions
- J shocks excitation seems to account for the [OI] 63
observed in the low luminosity Class 0, Class I sources, in TTau stars
and and HH objects
- In most of the observed sources we find a ratio
R = [OI]63
substantially lower than the one
predicted for a collisionally excited gas. The lowest value (R = 2) is found
in the optically visible ClassII objects MWC 297. We will discuss the
possible implications.
Next: PAHs and the infrared
Up: ORAL TALKS (by order
Previous: LWS observations of cirrus
"The Universe as seen by ISO", 20 - 23 October 1998, Paris: Abstract Book