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Far-infared cooling in pre-MS sources

Paolo Saraceno 1, B. Nisini 1, M. Benedettini 1, A. Di Giorgio 1, T. Giannini 1, D. Lorenzetti 2, S. Pezzuto 1, L. Spinoglio 1, E. Tommasi 2, E. Caux 3, C. Ceccarelli 4, S.J. Leeks 5, R. Liseau 6, H. Smith 7, & G. White 5

1 Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario - CNR - Roma, Italy

2 Osservatorio di Roma, Monteporzio, Italy

3 CESR, BP4346, F-31028 Toulouse Cedex 04, France

4 Observatoire de Grenoble, BP 53 F-38041, Grenoble, France

5 Queen Mary & Westfield College, London, UK

6 Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, MA 02138 Cambridge

7 Stockholm Observatory, S-133 36 - Saltsjobaden, Sweden

We will present the results of a 45-190 $\mu$m spectroscopic study, carried out with the Long Wavelength Spectrometer on board of the ISO satellite, of a sample of Class 0,  Class I and Class II (Herbig Ae/Be and TTau stars) sources. We will discuss the following findings:

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"The Universe as seen by ISO", 20 - 23 October 1998, Paris: Abstract Book