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High angular resolution far-infrared imaging of young stellar objects with ISOPHOT

P. M. Harvey 1 & B. J. Smith 2

1 University of Texas, Austin

2 University of Colorado

We report on preliminary analysis of PHT 32 scanning of 10 pre-main-sequence stars at 50 and 100 microns. These observations were undertaken to investigate the spatial distribution of dust around the stars and, in particular, to determine how much dust is present in extended envelopes versus material in a compact, possibly disk distribution. Although the maps were made in two dimensions, the detector characteristics of the ISOPHOT detectors in this mode have led to many artifacts in the in-scan data; the cross-scan data, however, appear to be relatively reliable and we find that some sources are easily resolved at the ISOPHOT spatial resolution. We also compare the ISO data on one object with similar data from the KAO taken with about twice the spatial resolution and fine reasonable agreement. Models of circumstellar dust distributions are being compared with the data to place limits on the size and density structure of the circumstellar dust clouds producing the far-infrared emission.

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"The Universe as seen by ISO", 20 - 23 October 1998, Paris: Abstract Book