M. Kraus 1, C. Thum 2, & E. Krügel 1
1 Max-Planck-Instiut für Radioastronomie, Auf dem Hügel 69, 53121 Bonn, Germany
2 IRAM, 300 rue de la Piscine, Domaine Universitaire de Grenoble, 38406 Saint-Martin-d'Hères, France
The existence of a bulge if circumstellar dust around the peculiar
B[e]-star MWC 349 has been known fro a long time. The proposition that MWC 349
also has a disk is suppoted by observations of double-peaked emission
lines, and by infrared speckle interferometry which reveals a
disk-like structure of the dust emission. The clearest indicator
for the circumstellar disk, however, is the detection of strong
hydrogen maser line emission, whihc is associated with a keplerian rotating
disk. Moreover, the emission of the first-overtone CO-bandheads
at wavelengths about
seems to come from the inner edge of the disk.
Now, with the ISO short wavelength spectrometer, we have detected the
fundamental bands of CO (
The bands appear in meission with a low contrast, about 5%, above the
continum. As far as we know, it is the first detection of these fundamental
bands in emission from a young stellar object. Compared to the first-overtone
spectrum we found that the fundamental bands arise in a completely
different part of the circumstellar disk. The temperature of the CO
is here about 1000 K and therefore 25000 K lower than in the first-overtone
bands so that this cooler CO component must be located farther out in the
In addition, we found that for the firts-overtone emission the CO is in LTE whereas the fundamental bands seem to deviate from LTE. Non-LTE effects such as excitation and de-excitation by strong IR radiation field might play a much more importnat role and have to be taken into account.
So we end up with a picture of the Keplerian disk around MWC 349 consisting
of four parts: a) The ionized disk atmosphere with the hydrogen maser
emission, b) the inner edge of the disk with a very hot (
component emitting the first overtone bands, c) the cooler CO
fundamental bands combined with a hot dust region (
and d) a cool (
region where the CO rotation lines should
come from. The latter, however, could not be detected because the dust
might still be optically thick at 1 mm.