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ISOCAM-CVF spectral images of the planetary nebule NGC 6302 and NGC 6720

P. Persi 1, D. Cesarsky 2, D. Rouan 3, & R. Siebenmorgen 4

1 Istituto Astrofisica Spaziale CNR,Area di ricerca di TorVergata,Roma,Italy

2 Institute d'Astrophisique Spatial, Orsay,France

3 Observatoire de Paris,Meudon, France

4 ISO Science Operation Center,ESOC,Villafranca,Spain

We present the results of spectral images taken with ISOCAM in CVF mode from 5 to 16.5 $\rm\mu m$ of the planetary nebule NGC 6302 and the ``ring nebulae'' NGC 6720. The different morphologies observed in the atomic fine-structure lines are discussed for the two nebule.

"The Universe as seen by ISO", 20 - 23 October 1998, Paris: Abstract Book