Ewine F. van Dishoeck Leiden Observatory, The Netherlands
The bulk of the line and continuum emission of young stellar objects emanates at mid- and far-infrared wavelengths, and ISO provides the first opportunity to study the complete spectrum from 2.4 - 197 m unhindered by the Earth's atmosphere. The ISO-SWS and LWS spectra of massive young stellar objects such as Orion BN/IRc2 are reviewed. They contain a wealth of features, resulting from the disruption of their environment by powerful outflows and from intense ultraviolet radiation dissociating and ionizing the surrounding gas. The diagnostic power of the observed lines of H2, CO, OH, O and H2O will be discussed. At an earlier stage, infrared absorption spectroscopy toward deeply embedded young stars allows the composition of the gas and ices in the cold part of the collapse envelope to be probed. Recent ISO spectroscopic results on circumstellar disks surrounding low- and intermediate mass stars will be presented. The observations will be discussed in the context of the physical and chemical evolution of low- and high-mass young stellar objects.