C. Surace 1, P. Héraudeau 1, D. Lemke 1, S. Oliver 2, & M. Rowan-Robinson 2
1 Max-Planck Institut für Astronomie, Königstuhl 17, D-69117 Heidelberg, Germany
2 Astrophysics group,Imperial College, Prince Consort Rd, London SW72BZ, England
ELAIS (P.I. M. Rowan-Robinson) is a 15 deg2 survey with ISO at
mainly 7, 15 (with ISOCAM) and 90
(with ISOPHOT) on 4 main
large fields. The observations are grouped in four regions on the sky,
three in the Northen Hemisphere and one in the Southern one. We reduced
the data using Phot Interctive Analysis coupled with detection-dedicated
routines. We detect more than 350 ISOPHOT sources in the four areas with
We conducted
multiwavelength follow-ups (R, NIR, Radio) using ground based telescopes.
This contribution is complementary to the presentation talk of M.
Rowan-Robinson. It deals with the different aspects of the study from the
detection and flux determination of the sources to the first results of the
The spectroscopic follow-up has been undertaken at Calar Alto (Spain) with the
3.5 meter telescope and the MOSCA (Multi-Object Spectroscopy) instrumentation.
As main targets we choose the sources with faint optical counterpart (
We derive specific correlations between the 90
fluxes, colors, and
nature of these objects. We calculate the Star-Formation Rate of these objects
and compare them to some typical nearby normal and starburst galaxies. We
discuss the distribution of the sources. We use the results of this study
to draw some general conclusions and expectations on the ISOPHOT detections
no or faint optical counterpart.