European Southern Observatory, Karl-Schwarzschild-Str 2, D-85748 Garching, Germany
ISO observed a wide range of active galaxy types from distant quasars to LINERS, providing more extensive and detailed photometry than IRAS plus images and the first high quality spectra over the complete 2.5 - 200m range. In this brief review I will focus on a few selected scientific topics where early results indicate that ISO is likely to make a significant impact. These include the nature of the far infrared emission of quasars and radio galaxies with implications for unification models; origin of the hot dust continuum and PAH feature emission in Seyfert galaxies; shape of the UV ionizing spectrum, limits on shock excitation and origin of line asymmetries in Seyferts inferred from high excitation infrared fine structure lines; IR pumping of OH megamasers and the detection of highly obscured AGNs using infrared spectroscopic diagnostics.